idiom > Korea Life Stealing Beauty
Korea Life 偷香
  Explanation: Jin Hanshou U.S. appearance, Jiachong turned into Sagong auxiliary. Yuet girls filling the afternoon see that maids Qianxiu tone asked, and on to the places, the home Mozhi, and Pirates of the Western fragrant gift life. Filling the bureaucracy was a strange smell fragrant life, told in charge. The charge is a test question about women, with the shape right. Peru filling the event, then submitted the woman his wife lived. See "Book of Jin Jia Mi Biography", Southern Song Liu Yiqing "Shi confused female." Later, because of "Han Ting Touxiang" for men and women
  Source: "Mi Jia Jin Shu Chuan", Southern Song Liu Yiqing "Shi confusion weak" U.S. looks _set_ Jinhan Shou, Jiachong turned into Sagong auxiliary. Yuet girls filling the afternoon see that maids Qianxiu tone asked, and on to the places, the home Mozhi, and Pirates of the Western fragrant gift life. Filling the bureaucracy was a strange smell fragrant life, told in charge. The charge is a test question about women, with the shape right. Peru filling the event, then submitted the woman his wife lived.
  Examples: Not only steal the bell, ~, the method is what I teach him. ★ Ming Shen whale "lacoste recorded case of prostitution who was"
No. 2
  Jin Hanshou U.S. appearance, Jia Chong opened up Sagong auxiliary. See full afternoon while Wyatt of girls to maids Qianxiu voice asked, and on to residential, home, Mozhi, and Pirates of the Western fragrant gift life. Life has full Liao Shu Wen Qi Hong, told in full. The charge is to question the woman about to form a pair. Full secret project, the then submitted female wife life. See "Book of Jin. Jia Mi Biography "﹑ Southern Song Liu Yiqing" Shi. Confusion Drowning "◇, due to the" Korea Life Stealing Beauty "is the story of men and women in secret, and communication.
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No. 3
  Analogy between men and women in secret, communications.
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No. 4
  Jin Hanshou U.S. appearance, Jia Chong opened up Sagong auxiliary. See full afternoon while Wyatt of girls to maids Qianxiu voice asked, and on to residential, home, Mozhi, and Pirates of the Western fragrant gift life. Life has full Liao Shu Wen Qi Hong, told in full. The charge is to question the woman about to form a pair. Full secret project, the then submitted female wife life. See "Book of Jin Jia Mi Biography", Southern Song Liu Yiqing "Shi Puzzle Drowning." Later, because of the "Korea Life Stealing Beauty" is the story of men and women in secret, and communication. Ming Shen whale "lacoste recorded case of prostitution who is": "not only steal ring, Korea Life Stealing Beauty, methods which I taught him." Also as "Han Ting incense." Shu Ouyang Jiong "Spring Good" word: "Suisi Ani throwing fruit, incense unheard Korean life."
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No. 5
  hán shòu tōu xiāng
  【示例】:不但偷铃,~,方法也是我教他的。 ◎明·沈鲸《双珠记·遇淫持正》
  晋韩寿美姿容,贾充辟为司空掾。充少女午见而悦之,使侍婢 潜修音问,及期往宿,家中莫知,并盗西域异香赠寿。充僚属闻寿有奇香,告于充。充乃考问女之左右,具以状对。充秘其事,遂以女妻寿。见《晋书·贾谧传》、南朝宋刘义庆《世说新语·惑溺》。后因以“韩寿偷香”为男女暗中通情的典故。
  成语名称 韩寿偷香 汉语拼音 hán shòu tōu xiāng 成语释义 比喻男女暗中通情。 成语出处 《晋书·贾谧传》、南朝宋刘义庆《世说新语·惑弱》载:晋韩寿美姿容,贾充辟为司空掾。充少女午见而悦之,使侍婢潜修音问,及期往宿,家中莫知,并盗西域异香赠寿。充僚属闻寿有奇香,告于充。充乃考问女之左右,具以状对。充秘其事,遂以女妻寿。 使用例句 不但偷铃,韩寿偷香,方法也是我教他的。