China > Taiwan > Taibei City > Eatage Lake
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  Lake name. One of the five ancient lakes. Also Ming Baqiu Lake, Yueyang City, Hunan Province in the southwest today, and the Dongting Lake connected. So named because of the grass hill. That the lake more than a grass, water, dry winter and spring, grass Mi Wang, hence the name. Tang and Song Dynasties Week 260 Wuli Lake, north of Dongting Lake sandbar separated when the water rose and the Dongting Lake is connected, the Dongting and said more with poetry. "Wang Yu Chuan Dong Liang Shu": "soon after, Hou Jing Kou Jingyi, Yu led his army into the aid to the Bamboo, Taiwan City did not, You Zhao triumphant return, Xiang Yu was also the town." Tang Han Wo "of scholars gifts Hunan Li Siqi "Poetry:" Huang Meiyu three spring days, Guke annual Chingtsaohu. "Yuan Ma Zhiyuan" Yueyang Tower "First off:" Do not say that the Han River, with Dongting Lake, Poyang Lake, Chingtsaohu have seen. "Qing Wu Albert," Tan View Interview with Literary Bo Yang Kai-shek and part-time teacher Cang Snow felt the old track, "Poetry:" Alas! Drum-ming, Chuang ridings, the Chingtsaohu side building camps. "province also known as" grass. " Jin Guopu "Jiang Fu": "The side have Yunmeng, perimeter, Peng Li, grass." Tandoori Fu "Send Xuesan Lang in Qu" Poetry: "Grass Lake, East floating sea shore." Auspicious Song " Stories of over Dongting "word:" Dongting grass, near the Mid-Autumn, the wind a little better without color. "
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No. 2
  青草湖位于新竹东边,开发极早,为聚雅客溪而成之水库,湖面不大,但四周寺庙林立,草木苍翠,是新竹最古老的风景区。 附近有日本神社改建的灵隐寺,供奉诸葛孔明,庙内楹联题字多为盛赞其神机妙算,颇染道术色彩。 寺庙前油加利树下则有营地供露营、烤肉之用。至青草湖可沿湖公路顺游古奇峰及十八尖山。 开车: 自新竹交流道下→122号县道(光复路)→新竹市→左转南大路→李锡金孝子坊→左行0.7公里即达。 搭车: 新竹市搭14路公车直达。
Qingcaohu Village
Containing Phrases
ferry Eatage LakeQingcaohu Villagelodge for the night Eatage Lake
to cross Eatage lake poemEatage Lake bartonEatage lake Jiuye
Eatage lake Yunkuounexpectedly Eatage LakeShilin Eatage Lake
Guo Dongting Eatage LakeGengshen across Eatage Lakeinscribe Eatage lake shrine
Province Eatage Lake bartonlodge for the night Eatage Lake Again LakeEatage lake Biancaose
Xuanzhou District Eatage LakeZhongyang County Long title Eatage LakeBright moon bagpipe Eatage Lake
Eatage lake border Sunlight lowEatage lake Presentability WulaoEatage lake Zhongyue Shoen
Fankai Eatage lake ZhongquEatage lake Zhongwan mileageEatage lake south Be gratified none
Announce city Northern suburbs Eatage Lakeannounce City Eatage Lake bartonstate-run Eatage Lake barton
Anhui Province Eatage lake jiuye Corporation Ltd.Xuanzhou district wuxing Township Eatage Lake bartonlodge for the night Eatage lake again Hunan Eatage North Dongting
Xuanzhou District Eatage Lake Anhui province eatage lake jiuye corporation ltd. insideAnnounce city king pavilion mountain tea plantation Eatage lake Fenchang'erduineiShenzhen (city in china) municipal Longgang district Pingde town Pingxi Eatage lake Craft factory
lodge for the night Eatage lake again Hunan Eatage North Dongting