idiom > Thunder Earthenware
Thunder earthenware pots
  Explanation: Kettle: Pot. The sound of thunder the general pot. Parable non-German who only occupy high momentum somebody in.
  Source: "Songs of the South Buju" The brass bells destroyed, earthenware pots. Hypertonic slander people, Magi unknown. "
No. 2
  雷鸣瓦釜 ( léi míng wǎ fǔ )
  解 释 釜:锅。锅发出雷一般的响声。比喻无德无才的人占据高位,声势烜赫。
  出 处 《楚辞·卜居》:“黄钟毁弃,瓦釜雷鸣。谗人高张,贤士无名。”
  事 例 倩何人与问,~,甚黄钟哑? ★宋·辛弃疾《水龙吟·用瓢泉韵》