idiom > adopt a piecemeal approach
  Explanation: Described the piecemeal approach to doing things off.
  Usage: Joint type; as the predicate attribute, object; that work intermittently
  Examples: ~ This is not the answer.
líng dǎ suì qiāo
  Piecemeal, and off to work
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No. 3
  Special sneaky to do this piecemeal dealings
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No. 4
  词目 零打碎敲
  注音 líng dǎ suì qiāo
  释义 指以零零碎碎、断断续续的方式进行或处理。
  出处 明·贾凫西《木皮词·引子》:“这些话都不过是零敲碎打,信口诌成,也有书本上来的,也有庄家老说古的。”
  事例 我反正招也是死,不招也是死,不如痛痛快快地招了,倒死得干脆些,省得~白叫皮肉受苦! ★吴越《括苍山记恩仇》第五十回
English Expression
  1. n.:  adopt a piecemeal approach,  do sth.bit by bit,off and on,  act by piecemeal
do sth. bit by bit