idiom > Rain and wind
Rain and wind
  Explanation: Originally referred to the flowers being wind and rain destroyed. Analogy forces against the persecution of the underdog. Also be used to a severe test.
  Source: Tandoori just "three quatrains" do as Zuili wind, rain can be tolerated when the thin wake. "
  Examples: Dancing pavilion song _set_s, the total air flow was ~ go. ★ Song ji "Yong Yule solid Jingkou North Pavilion nostalgia" word
That's against wind and rain
  Means against the wind and rain. Song Fancheng big "Spring Festival Evening dual title" Poem: "something cold in the autumn and spring loneliness, the wind and rain ruined the rest." Qing Zheng Xie "affections" Six: "passed out in the corridors the temple, one with his wind and rain . "Xu Shan" write net Spiders nest for a happy couple ":" people in the world will change if the wind and rain, and sure enough you came to put a beautiful garden decoration. "see" wind and rain. "
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No. 3
  成 语 雨打风吹
  拼 音 yǔ dǎ fēng chuī
  解 释 原指花木遭受风雨摧残。比喻恶势力对弱小者的迫害。也比喻严峻的考验。
  出 处 唐·杜甫《三绝句》:“不如醉里风吹尽,可忍醒时雨打稀。”
  示 例 舞榭歌台,风流总被~去。(宋·辛弃疾《永遇乐·京口北固亭怀古》词)
  成语名称 雨打风吹 汉语拼音 yǔ dǎ fēng chuī 成语释义 原指花木遭受风雨摧残。比喻恶势力对弱小者的迫害。也比喻严峻的考验。 成语出处 唐·杜甫《三绝句》:“不如醉里风吹尽,可忍醒时雨打稀。” 使用例句 舞榭歌台,风流总被雨打风吹去。
Containing Phrases
Rain and wind goRain and wind Wheresoever be