province : northwest : China > Shaanxi
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shǎn xī
  Province, northwest China, Shaanxi short or Qin. An area of 200,000 square km, population 2,890 million, the provincial capital Xi'an. North of the Loess Plateau, central part of the Guanzhong Plain, southern Qinling Mountains, Daba Mountain. Forests, coal, molybdenum, mercury, asbestos-rich, industry to light industry, textiles mainly in the northwest province of industrial development
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陕西 旅游
  Shaanxi Tourism complaints Tel: Shaanxi Provincial Tourism Complaint Phone :029 -85,261,437
  State Tourism Tel :010-65275315 Complaint best travel time in Shaanxi: Shaanxi is located in humid areas of the southeast to the northwest arid region of the transition zone, a continental climate. Due to complex terrain, large north-south differences in climate.
  Is a temperate semi-arid Loess Plateau region, the annual average temperature is lower. Guanzhong area belongs to warm temperate semi-humid areas, four seasons, autumn, rainy, hot and rainy in summer, between the "late summer", will appear every summer ultra-high temperature weather. The annual mean temperature is higher in southern Shaanxi, is a subtropical climate, warmer in winter, summer and fall with rain or even heavy rain more than the annual precipitation rate cut later in October, the weather eye is good, rain and snow is rare.
  Climatic characteristics of the above, visitors can choose their own travel time, but the best time to choose not to hot summer or cold winter.
  Shaanxi Folk Festivals: Shaanxi, many local festivals, especially in Xi'an for the most.
  Tourists in any season of the year will be a worthwhile trip to Shaanxi Province, have the opportunity to participate in a festival is rich in activities with local characteristics. City Map of Shaanxi: Shaanxi reminded: First, Shaanxi, hot summer and cold winter climate, summer from June to early September. This season is the rainy season, rainy days per month of about ten days. The more heat the ancient capital of rain, the temperature was up to forty Celsius. About a thousand meters above sea level in Northern Plateau, so the climate is much cooler. Plateau worth a visit, preferably in the spring to go. Spring hours, vibrant civil society. Residents to visit cellar hole, look back inspired, community theater, are on a good show.
  Second, the Xi'an run length at least three days, sooner or later, may wish to hang around the city. East, south, west, north four ancient buildings, close to shopping around you can choose. Antique street and objects, both quaint. Optional nearly Qinchuan can swim. Pay attention to folk performing arts venue; Tang music, social play, shadow play, folk get married and so unite the ancient capital's culture.
  Third, the local flavor of the foods are pasta, a large platter, steamed foam, also taste chicken gourd Xi'an.
  Fourth, to tour the Loess Plateau, should be prepared sand mask, glasses, sleeping bags. Tour schedule arrangements: Xi'an Days Tour Glimpse of process can only be counted; Northern Plateau drive back and forth has to be two days of travel should be three days; Mountain tour process also need three days; Qinchuan run-length two-day mini coach hire appropriate .
  Shaanxi cuisine: Shaanxi cuisine Although there is no one among the country's eight major cuisines, but as the ancient capital, the historic city, restaurant style, self-contained, with strong local characteristics. Many local snacks, more famous, such as steamed mutton, Melaleuca oil cracker, Huanggui persimmon cake, Hulu Tou and so on.
  Mainly concentrated in the business district of Xi'an Jiefang Road, East Street, South Street. There's largest shopping mall in Xi'an, a variety of brand stores everything.
  Department stores, shopping malls, supermarkets, prices are not counter-offer, but different purchasing channels and other reasons, the same commodity, the price of each is different, wants to buy high-priced goods, it is necessary to shop around The.
  In addition, individual small shops, street stalls shopping, you try to bargain. After some tongue in, buy a lot cheaper than the price of goods, shopping in one of the.
  Shaanxi Transportation: Aviation: Shaanxi, Xi'an, Yan'an, Yulin, Ankang Hanzhong all airports, including Xi'an Xianyang International Airport is the largest airport in Northwest China, is China's fourth largest airport.
  Railway: the territory of Shaanxi Province Qinchuan Longhai line running, the Mountain, Lintong, Xi'an, Xianyang and Baoji in a line; Xi'an to Yan'an province, Tongchuan, well-being has a direct train.
  Highway: Highway Shaanxi Xian as its center, to the surrounding State Road 9 radial. Xi'an is China's second largest road transport hub, second only to Beijing, from Xi'an to Tongchuan, Xi'an to Huashan and Tongguan, Xi'an, Xianyang, Baoji all highway.
  Accommodation in Shaanxi: Shaanxi Province is one of China's major tourist provinces, related travel services are developed. In the main tourist cities Xi'an, Yan'an, the high, middle and low hotels, guest houses numerous accommodation facilities are complete, and the price compared to other tourist cities is relatively low. Hotel facilities and services according to levels can be divided into: foreign tourist designated hotels, two types of domestic tourism designated hotels, most hotels for guests booking air tickets, train tickets. Common standard room price usually ranging from 100-200 yuan, seasonal prices fluctuate, accommodation for domestic tourists.
  Shaanxi Entertainment: Several major tourist cities in Shaanxi Province's many cultural and recreational facilities, visitors can do more than come to visit these places of rest. Compared the characteristics of places such as Xi'an, Xian Tang Music Palace, the ancient capital of the Grand Theatre, Grand Theatre, Song Shan, Baimiao swimming pool, north of paradise, and so, some of the tourist city with the South compared to the price of these places are very cheap, be described as "affordable."
  Abbreviations: Shaanxi
  Area: 200,000 square kilometers
  Population: 36 million, Han, Hui, Manchu, Mongolian, Tibetan and other ethnic groups.
  Location: Located in the hinterland of the Yellow River in China regions, and Shanxi, Henan, Hubei, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Chongqing City, adjacent.
  Capital: Xian
  Districts: 8 under the jurisdiction of prefecture-level cities and 2 districts and 5 county-level cities, 19 municipal districts, 83 counties.
  Shaanxi Province is one of the birthplaces of the Chinese nation, as a result of the ancient Qin and therefore referred to as "Qin"; Dynasty perished after the third Qin Xiang Yu, the so called "Shaanxi." "Qin emperor in the ancient state", the ancient Yellow Emperor, Red Emperor had been in Shaanxi activities. Since the week there, Qin, Western Han Dynasty, the Western Jin, Former Zhao, Former Qin, Later Qin, Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang Dynasty in Shaanxi Province capital of 13, for up to 1180. In addition, Liu Xuan, Red Eyebrows, Huang Chao, Li Zicheng four peasant uprising in the power meter to _set_ up 11 years, scheduled for the summer Helian side, Chang capital for 24 years. Is the longest history of the province capital.
  There are many museums: the Shaanxi History Museum, Terracotta Warriors Museum, Xian Tang Dynasty Art Museum, Xianyang Museum, Hanzhong City Museum, Stele Forest Museum, Banpo Museum, ten left, Qianling Museum, the Lintong Hua Qing, leaving ten museums Yaozhou , Sima Qian and the Yan'an Revolutionary Memorial Hall Museum, the Xi'an Incident Memorial Hall.
  The natural landscape is also very rich, from the north and south of the geographical boundaries of the Qinling Mountains to the north of the Qinling Mountains have and the Weihe River valley the Loess Plateau; are dangerous Huashan; beautiful quiet Zhongnanshan; romantic Lishan. Shaanxi All this casts a beautiful and mysterious veil.
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Shaanxi, China
  English: Shaanxi, Shanxi English with Chinese phonetic principles and Shanxi same name, one more in accordance with the principles of the Roman alphabet a.
  Abbreviations: Qin, Shan
  Capital: Xian
  Current leader:
  Secretary of the CPC Shaanxi Provincial Committee Zhao Leji
  Governor of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government Yuan Chunqing
  City: Xi'an, Baoji, Yulin, Xianyang, Weinan, Tongchuan, Hanzhong, Ankang and Shangluo, Yan'an, Yangling Demonstration Zone
  Language: Zhongyuan Mandarin (Shaanxi words), Southwestern Mandarin, Jin, Hubei dialect.
  Phone Area Code: 029 Xi'an metropolitan area, Yan'an City, 0911, 0912 Yulin City, Weinan City, 0913, Shangluo 0914, Ankang City, 0915, 0916 Hanzhong, Baoji City, 0917, Tongchuan 0919
  Vehicle license: Shaan (A Xi'an; B Tongchuan; C Baoji; D Xianyang City; E Weinan; F Hanzhong; G Ankang; H Shangluo; J Yan'an City; K Yulin; V Yangling National Agricultural High-tech Industries Demonstration Zone)
  Location: Guanzhong Plain in the Loess Plateau and other mountainous
  Famous attractions: the Terracotta Warriors Wild Goose Pagoda Huaqing Hot Springs Mountain cave Taibaishan Zhashui ancient Chinese Taiwan, praised oblique path along the cliff, the tomb of Marquis Wu Yanan Danjiang sacred place of revolution, and so drift
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General Overview
  Qinling cast here from Huangdi Ding, divided China Kyushu, to the Chinese agricultural civilization started here Jiaojia Zuhou Ji ancestors engaged in agricultural production; from the ancestor of the Chinese civilization, CJ text here invented writing, to the emperor to develop ceremony Music System, King Wu of Zhou packet world; from the Qin Shi Huang unified China, the Han to the Tang dynasty brilliant; here has been the ancient Chinese political, economic and cultural center.
  The main rivers are the Yellow River in Shaanxi Province, the Weihe River and Hanjiang River, Jialing and so on. Beishan Mountain, Nanshan Mountain (the Qinling) transection of Shaanxi, the province is divided into three parts. Highest peak within the Qinling Taibai Mountain, Qinling Mountain, Zhongnanshan, Li Shan, Wutai Mountain (South five), Cuihuashan are renowned. For the largest freshwater lake within the Hongjiannao Yulin.
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Third Daqin
  Shaanxi long and narrow from north to south can be divided into geography, history, culture, climate, language, race three distinct regions: Northern, off the southern Shaanxi. Shaanxi Province, as more than 1 / 3 of the area and population are located in the south of the Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi Province, therefore, is the only real sense across the North and South provinces. The territory of Shaanxi Qinling Mountains is affectionately title father, the mother river of Weihe River and Hanjiang total. The crested ibis is called because of its distribution in birds in Shaanxi province. From north to south Shaanxi Yan'an, Xi'an, well-being is known as Saman, meaning earth Futai Shaanxi Ankang.
  Beyond the Great Wall Culture - Northern
  Holy Land in the Northern Red Kitayama mountains beyond the Great Wall north of Pearl.
  South of the Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi, the northern part of Mu Us Desert. Located in the "Kitayama" north, the terrain of the northwest, southeast. The total area of 92,521.4 square kilometers. Shaanxi is China's revolutionary sites. Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries fought to live here for 13 years, leaving a large number of precious cultural relics of revolution, to commemorate the revolution and the wealth of spiritual wealth - Northern revolutionary spirit. Revolutionary relics within the city of 140 multiple, the most important area of Yan'an City, Phoenix Mountain site, Yangjialing site, Zaoyuan site, wangjiaping site, sub-county Wayaobao long (the original site of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau meeting) and other national heritage. Provincial revolutionary relics are: Yan'an area Ningxia Border Region Government site, Nanniwan site, Qi County, Zhidan county, sub-long county, Ansai County revolutionary site, the old home, Liu Zhidan cemetery, Xie Zichang cemetery, Luochuan County Fung Ka village "Luochuan Politburo meeting site," and so on. Northern national integration has always been a "knot area." From the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the ghost side, Xian yun, white Di, Huns, Lin Hu, JI Wu, Lu, Hu, Xianbei, Di, Turks, party items, Qiang, Jurchen, Mongolian, Manchu and other ethnic minorities who have to fight majestic, took this stage of history, which shows the scenes drama of history. Northern as ethnic Chinese (Han dynasty Han) and other minority integration and exchange, formed the main body of Chinese culture, the integration of the northern grasslands and cultural minority culture's unique cultural identity. Han ago, has been the pastoral areas in northern Shaanxi. After the Western Han Dynasty, agriculture industry that is a lot of development, a farming and pastoral areas. Until the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Northern Shan Huanglong south is still farming areas and farming and pastoral areas of the natural dividing line in this situation gradually changed after the Song Dynasty. Names from the Northern, you can see the ancient people of the geographical distribution and integration of all ethnic and cultural exchanges. Mr. Luo Changpei famous linguist once said: "culture of the conquered peoples by the words left in the conqueror's language, most of names." Because the names are the origin of the national culture, administration, the real record.
  History and Culture: Warring States Period, Qin Qi generals, the eldest son of Emperor Qin era Fusu were once stationed here, and built the Great Wall, leaving a border of rich ancient history and cultural heritage; and as a sacred place of revolution, is the new Northern the birthplace of China and the Chinese symbol of the spirit.
  Economy: the original barren land in northern Shaanxi, because the implementation of returning farmland to forest and pasture are the strategic environment after being completely changed, and because of that a lot of coal, oil, natural gas and other fossil fuels, and salt, rare earth and other important resources and rapidly rise.
  Language: Chinese family, Jin and Jin language.
  Climate: temperate semi-arid climate.
  On behalf of the city: in the northern city group is off the north extension and radiation area, the southern central city of Yan'an for the revolution; the north central city of Yulin city in recent years, the star;
  Central Plains culture - Guanzhong
  Jincheng miles off the land of abundance in the mountains in the south of North Mountain, Nanshan (Qinling) north of the mountains.
  The impact of the relevant central and southern Taiwan is the Weihe Plain, the North is the mesa Weibei; land is fertile, easily defensible. "Qinchuan" off in the called "Golden City a thousand miles, the Land of Abundance" is important in northern China's wheat and corn producing areas. South Hill Qinling Guanzhong Basin, the northern boundary of "North Mountain." Northern Plateau and the Qinling Mountain range between. West of Baoji Gorge, the East until Tongguan port, 360 kilometers long from east to west width of the narrow east. The total area of 39,064.5 square kilometers. Off the river basin is formed by alluvial and loess accumulation, flat, fertile soil, abundant water resources, organic farming, irrigation conditions are good, the best natural conditions in Shaanxi area, known as "Qinchuan." Basic landform types are river terraces and loess tableland. Weihe River running through the basin into the Yellow River, the channel low and flat, 326 ~ 600 meters above sea level. Weihe River channel from the south, north south, the terrain was increased asymmetry ladder, from twelve transition to the fluvial terraces of Weihe River 200 ~ 500 meters higher than the first or second Loess Plateau. Terrace-like on the North Shore was a continuous distribution, the south bank of the incomplete. Major tributary of the Weihe River, but also a corresponding multi-level terraces. Plain is a broad terrace off the most fertile areas. Wei north bank of the second terrace and between the northern plateau, the distribution of things extended in the Loess Plateau, Plateau broad, generally 460 to 800 meters above sea level, is off the main grain-producing areas. Loess Plateau south of the Weihe River discontinuous distribution, higher than the Weihe River about 250 to 400 meters, stepped or sloping shield-like, from the Qinling Mountains to the Weihe Plain dipping, such as the Wu Zhang Qishan, the former, the God of the south of Xian Wo original, Shaoling original, White Deer, Weinan Yang Guo Yuan, Hua county high plateau of the original, original, etc. Huayin the glenoid, has developed into forest, park-based integrated agricultural zone.
  History and Culture: Qin culture, is an important center of civilization, the birthplace of dynasties of the capital choice. Lantian ape-man from ancient times to the origin of Chinese civilization ancient Xu Hua, to Fu Xi, Nu Wa's, Rustic, "Three Kings" from the Western Zhou Dynasty capital in Banpo Fenggao Yangshao, to the modern Xi'an Incident , has announced the implementation of the state in developing the western region of Xi'an, where the center of Chinese civilization has always been.
  Bell Tower economy: is China's major cities off base, heavy industry, textile industry, high-tech industry, electronic industry, aerospace industry, tourism is the backbone of the Guanzhong area.
  Language: Chinese family, Mandarin, Mandarin Guanzhong.
  Climate: South temperate monsoon climate, humid and rainy summer, dry and less snow in winter.
  On behalf of City: Off the development of urban agglomeration is the first group of one of the top ten cities, is building intercity rail transportation network. On behalf of the city east, "East House" Weinan; west "West House" Baoji; north "with the official" Tongchuan; in the West Ham Circle - including the ancient capital of thirteen provincial capital Xi'an, Xianyang and China Millennium Royal Park only agricultural City Yangling national agricultural high-tech industry demonstration zone (prefecture-level city level, the governor appointed director of the CMC pro-and China Yangling itself is the only true sense of the University City - Northwest A & F University.
  Qin Shu Chu Culture - Southern
  Bashan breadbasket of Southern Water in the Chu Shan (Qinling) south of the mountains.
  Southern landscape feature of "Two Mountains and a River folder": the northern part of the Qinling Mountains, Daba Mountain area in southern and central parts of the Han River valley, Dan river plain. Mainly by Paleozoic metamorphic rocks, specialty and non-ferrous metals in Shaanxi forestry resources-rich region; climate is humid and rainy, warm year round, is an important rice producing areas in southern China. Southern in the "Hills" south of the Qinling Mountains, with a total area of 74,017 square kilometers. Qinling Mountains Qin environment is the backbone of the Qinling Mountains, north slopes of steep south slowly, towering mountains and magnificent. 1500 ~ 3500 meters above sea level generally higher than the Guanzhong Basin and the Hanzhong Basin from 1000 to 3000 meters. Distributed in the mountainous north of the main vein, there are many peaks over 3,000 meters above sea level, the mountains constitute the Qinling Mountains, Zhongshan terrain. The main peak of Qinling Mt.Taibai, from the West is divided into three, from north to Nanshan gradually lower the potential to become a hilly Hanzhong basin margin. Taibaishan east of the mountains gradually decline in Shangluo region east of the mountain structures such as the palmate separate red rift between the basin and valley plains. Basin and valley plains preservation of two to three terraces. Quaternary Taibaishan still left, and the role of ancient glaciers glacial moraine topography left intact. North led to steep south slope of the mountain relief are short and fast river valley, the southern slope of the waters has a long history, cutting off east-west mountains, the formation of many valleys, abundant water resources for the construction of small water power engineering provided the conditions. Daba Mountains between Sichuan and Shaanxi to the Northwest - Southeast, 1500 ~ 2000 meters above sea level generally higher than the Han River valley from 1000 to 1500 meters east to west about 300 km west of said river usually either Micang, said the big east Pre-Hill. Daba Mountains into the waters north of the Han River, upstream Department of Canyon Shen Jian, middle and lower winding open, the formation of many mountain "Bazi." Bazi has two river terraces, fields, towns and villages are more concentrated. Rather strong, Nanzheng, Xixiang, Zhenba and Zhenping counties formed by the limestone mountain, rock shoots, dissolved ditch, sinkholes, caves, underground river and other karst topography and development, lack of surface water, groundwater rich. Upper reaches of Hanjiang River valley west of the Jialing River are low mountains, hilly terrain is more gentle ups and downs, more open valley, is the Shaanxi, Sichuan major land and water channels. Famous Hanzhong, Ankang basin, is the main agricultural areas in Shaanxi and sub-tropical treasure trove of resources, but also in Shaanxi's main production area of rice and rape!
  History and Culture: Shu culture in central and west, the east of Qin, Chu culture; is an important birthplace of the Han. Liu was labeled Hanzhong Wang, Han hence the name, Han also hence the name. Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor in Hanzhong, so Liu Bei regime was known as "Shu."
  Economy: Southern economy of ecological agriculture, fisheries, forestry-based economy, aviation industry, medicine, tourism as a pillar. With key support to the national strategy in southern Shaanxi, southern Shaanxi has become a connecting central and south-west transportation hub.
  Language: Chinese family in the Guanzhong Mandarin, Southwestern Mandarin.
  Representative City: Southern is off the southern extension of urban agglomeration and the radiation area, western central cities as the "birthplace of the Han family, the Chinese treasure bowl" Hanzhong; central cities as the "city on the barricade," well-being; the east central city transport hub for the Huazhong Nan Shangluo.
  About three cities in southern Shaanxi:
  Shangluo City, Shaanxi Province is located in the southeast is located in the Qinling Mountains, and Hubei and Henan Provinces junction. Jurisdiction of a district, 6 counties. The total area of 19,586 square kilometers, the resident population of 238 million people.
  Danjiang Shangluo complex topography, known as "Eight mountains of water a sub-field," said. The territory of the Qinling Mountains, python Ridge, flow Ling, falcon ridge, the new open Yun Ling Ling and six mountain ranges, rolling. Ridge Valley and white arrangement, lying northwest to southeast, extending from northwest to southeast, showing palmate distribution. The main rivers are the main Danjiang Shangluo, Luo, money Creek, dry Yu River, mid-river five rivers, criss-cross, a tributary of clouds. Transverse collapse of the Yangtze, the Yellow River basin two. Northern climate is warm temperate, subtropical south. Their customs, both the wilderness and the North, but also financial Tropical scenery. Beautiful and picturesque. Part of the Hanjiang River and Dan, Luo is one of the major flow of the Yellow River, flows eastward into the Yellow River in Henan Luoyang. Transition with a north and south of the region and cultural characteristics of climatic conditions, the area south of the existing characteristics of people eating, there are features of the north, side, rice, maize are the daily staple food, the main specialty is the walnut, chestnut, persimmon, more specialty output ranked the first cities in Shaanxi Province, walnut exports over the years has accounted for about one-sixth of the country. Climate all year round in the area is clear, cold winter, hot in summer, both the north planted wheat, corn grown in southern regions of rice there. Shangluo cultural relics, natural scenery and rich cultural landscape, with the potential advantages of developing tourism industry. Shangluo Road (also known as Business in the Road) is one of the Qin Chi Road, the main road for the "Qinchu throat" is a gateway to South East Changan various places and roads on the Central Plains. Laojunshan tourist attractions, Tianzhu Mountain, the tower Yunshan, Niubeiliang, gold Gorge, Lake and Dan river rafting Xiane. One day cave hole, Buddha Cave, Moon Cave, Yu Xu-dong, which Zhashui cave group known as the "North wonders." Shangluo northern counties area (for example: Luonan, water oak, Shangzhou, Danfeng) is almost close to the Shaanxi dialect of Mandarin, the southern counties (eg: Business South, the town security, Sanyo) dialects are more similar in some areas southern Henan, northwestern Hubei.
  Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province is located southwest of the north Qinling Mountains, south of Bashan, the Han River running through them. Area: total area of 2.7 million square kilometers. Population: 360 million. Administrative Division: 1 district has jurisdiction over 10 counties. Known as "the birthplace of the Han family, the Chinese treasure bowl" of the reputation of historical and cultural city - Hanzhong.
  Hanzhong is located in the northern warm temperate and subtropical climate transition zone, North Qinling, Bashan Nanping, the Han River running through the whole territory, the formation of Hanzhong basin. A good ecological environment, biological resources is extremely rich source of Hanzhong night, and the total of South and North China; food production two crops a year, the main producing rice, wheat, corn, rape, including rice, rapeseed yield is the highest producing areas. There are 3,000 kinds of wild plants, which use a wide range of more than 600 kinds. Rich variety of rare medicinal herbs, which Tianma, Eucommia, Zaopi (dogwood), American ginseng production in the forefront of the country. Has an area of 1,312,000 hectares of forest, vegetation cover 56%, 48% forest cover, forest stock volume of 67.813 million cubic meters; available 330,000 ha grassland, wild animals, 500 kinds of rare animals including giant panda, crested ibis, golden monkey , takin of 42 species. Rich in mineral resources, mineral deposits have been proven 60 species, including Mian, Lueyang, Ningqiang three counties of the "Golden Triangle" area, is one of the five major gold production base; iron, manganese, nickel, phosphate, gypsum, quartz , limestone reserves in the province first, economic development potential. River, Jialing River and its tributaries, abundant water resources, reached a total of 14.625 billion cubic meters, the theoretical reserves of hydropower resources, 2.6 million kilowatts, development and utilization of 870,000 kilowatts.
  Ankang City, Shaanxi Province and is located in the Northwest region (administrative planning purposes) the southernmost tip of continental subtropical monsoon climate, with the typical characteristics of southern climate, distinct seasons, abundant rainfall, long frost-free period, beautiful mountains, abundant resources, long history.
  Well-being is located in the Han River, "Chu Mei Qin head", to the unique geographical and regional advantages, in Sichuan, Shaanxi, Hubei and Chongqing conjunction of four provinces, namely East and Hubei (Chushan, Zhuxi, Yun County and Yun West) connection , South and Sichuan and Chongqing provinces (million sources, the city population, Wuxi) border, is located in Xi'an, Wuhan, Chongqing, the geometric center of the three major economic zones, so it is well-known Chronicles "Mian Xiang east, west beam Yang, Nantong, Sichuan, North Guo control business, "the land. In Shaanxi province, the provincial capital Xi'an and Ankang North (weeks, Hu County, Chang'an) adjacent to the west and the Hanzhong City (Foping, Yang County, Xixiang) is adjacent to the northeast and Shangluo City (town security, water oak) border.
  Well-being is part of the north subtropical monsoon region, is whole in Shaanxi Province in Northwest China (in terms of administrative planning) water and heat resources in the most abundant areas.
  Close-up of Southern Shangluo articles:
  North and south of the gas accumulation Shangluo ---------- hermit
  Shangluo in Shaanxi provinces many people know that this title will certainly be surprised to say: how to say the north of the gas business Luo Junan? Should be the northwest part of Shaanxi Shangluo ah! Shangluo people should live in caves, the head wrapped in white towels, singing Xin Tian, tossed a large whip, stepping on the Loess Plateau dusty place goat fishes ah.
  Shangluo people living in the hinterland of Qinling Mountains, the Qinling Mountains are the children of the eight children, Shangluo 1 District 6 County Luonan the northernmost counties, there is a Luo from the Qinling mountain range north of the Yellow River into the "Book of Changes", said : "River out of maps, Luo book, the sage is the" this "Los" is referring to Luo.
  In addition to outside Shangluo 1 Luonan County area (ie Shangzhou area) and 5 counties ate Danjiang, the Han River water, and Dan from the Qinling mountain range into the Ministry of the largest tributary of the Yangtze River, Han River and from import the Yangtze River.
  Known to the Chinese Han dynasty, Han Chinese, the Chinese character of "Chinese" in the final analysis is taken from the Han River, the Hanjiang River is the source of Hanzhong City in Shaanxi Han emperor Liu Bang quo, and he created the land of Han Xing regime, he Hanzhong Hanwang done, so he built a dynasty to take the country for the "Han", from the Han River, Hanzhong of the "Han" will affect the number of years in China and the Chinese.
  Shangluo and carrying infinite glory of the ancient Chinese nation, known as China's ancient imperial capital of Chang'an City only separated by a Mountain, but is not a simple Qinling mountains, he is rumored to territory in the Warring States period, the highest mountain in the state of Qin Suiming called Qinling.
  China is now the territory of the Qinling Although not the highest peak, but the Qinling Mountains has been a geographer, the most important eyes of the Chinese territory, the most exotic and most complex mountain range, north and south of China because he is a natural geographical boundaries, he is Yangtze River and Yellow River watershed, he is the Dragon of the Chinese nation.
  Because the body is too large Qinling Qinling forest is too mysterious, too rich flora and fauna Qinling Qinling the content is too deep, so is the ancient Qinling gathering place for ancient Chinese hermit.
  Shangluo business in the name of the pre-Qin era, namely, the history of the famous Qin Chinese politician and reformer Shang Yang's manor, Shang Yang called Gongsun martingale, because of sealing in the business, and therefore known as Shang Yang. Perhaps as Qin Xiao of Qin taking into account the rise of Shang Yang spared no efforts, too painstaking toil, and in his old age should be in a beautiful, inoffensive local pension, so only operators in the letters to him.
  One soil, the raising of one person, because the barrier Qinling Mountains, south to north, gathering warm air south of the Qinling Mountains, south of the north are blocked air flow in the Qinling Mountains, the hinterland of Qinling Mountains has become a summer heat and winter No cold, fresh air, picturesque place.
  Most live in the hinterland of Qinling Mountains Shangluo Department's physical appearance and the North people, a huge difference in the Northeast.
  Shangluo northern zone 1 (Shangzhou District) and Luonan, water oak, Danfeng most of these counties in Shaanxi dialect close to the Mandarin (also called off in it), in the southern counties in the town of An, Sanyo, Business southern words are more similar in some areas of Hubei Shiyan YUNXI, Yun County, Nanyang, Henan Shangnan local dialect close to close to Nanyang.
  Shangluo people who like Xinjiang, the northwest side of rice that have contempt for that rice, not nutrition, eating rice, not grow stronger; also like the Yangtze River to the south of Hunan, as biased on the noodles that have enough to eat noodles easily hungry;
  Surface, rice, maize is the staple food of Shangluo people in Shangluo have people eat more noodles, someone in the family to eat more rice, with more people eating corn, Shangluo both planted wheat, corn, water and more place was also planted rice, people who live in Shangluo Mountain slope cattle raising, Dan River was also raised buffalo.
  Living in the Qinling Mountains, north-south transition zone Shangluo people with both northerners and kind, generous, southerners delicate, serious and Montagnards of simple, practical.
  As Shangluo introverted character who makes a lot of Shaanxi people do not even know Shangluo Shangluo themselves living in the mountains around the Qinling Mountains of Shangluo bad people, usually only out of the province, will be more motivated to understanding of home. Shangluo too much like an unknown and mysterious hermit.
  Living in the District 6 County Shangluo 1 ------------- Shangluo people who have a hermit temperament, kind, delicate and traditional Chinese hermit.
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Climate Resources
  Shaanxi has a continental monsoon climate, the north-south extension of 800 kilometers or more, the more cross-latitude, which led to the territory of the obvious differences in climate between north and south. Along the Great Wall north of the arid and semi-arid climate is temperate, northern Shaanxi Guanzhong Plain and the rest of the warm temperate semi-arid or semi-humid climate, Southern Basin of northern subtropical humid climate, most of the warm humid mountain climate.
  Temperature distribution in Shaanxi, basically decreased from south to north, around the average temperature in 7 ~ 16 ℃. One Northern 7 ~ 11 ℃; off in the 11 ~ 13 ℃; southern Shaanxi province in shallow mountain valley is the warmest, mostly in 14 ~ 15 ℃. Due to the impact of the monsoon, hot summer and cold in winter, four distinct seasons. January average temperature of the coldest month, Northern -10 ~ -4 ℃, Guanzhong -3 ~ 1 ℃, Southern 0 ~ 3 ℃. The average temperature in the hottest month in July, Northern 21 ~ 25 ℃, off the 23 ~ 27 ℃, Southern 24 ~ 27.5 ℃. Spring and autumn temperature down fast, small temperature difference between north and south in summer and winter temperature difference between north and south.
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Administrative Division
陕西 行政区划
陕西 行政区划
  Figure III Administrative Region of Shaanxi administrative management system: the first as vice provincial level (vice minister) level, to (division) level; the second level for the county (department) level; the third level of township (Division) level.
  First level: a sub-provincial city, a sub-provincial level demonstration zones, nine prefecture-level cities;
  Level: 24 municipal districts, three county-level cities, 80 counties;
  III: Data N
  Administrative divisions above the county level:
  New City Beilin Lianhu Weiyang Baqiao District Yanta District Chang'an Lintong Yanliang Huxian Gaoling Zhouzhi County Lantian
  Baoji City
  Weibin District, Taiwan, Qishan County District Chencang District Fengxiang Meixian Fufeng County Fengxian Taibai Linyou County Qianyang County Long County
  Xianyang City
  Qindu District Weicheng Qu Xingping City Sanyuan County Dry County Liquan Yongshou Jingyang Binxian County, the County Heritage Site Chunhua martial arts
  Linwei Korean city of Huayin City Huaxian Tongguan County Chengcheng County in Dali County Pucheng Heyang County Baishui Fu
  Yao Wang Yi District State District Yintai District Yijun County
  Yan'an City
  Baota extended Zichang County County County Yanchuan Zhidan Ansai County County County Fuxian Luochuan Oasis Wuqi Yichuan County Huanglong Huangling County
  Yulin City
  Fugu County, Hengshan County Yuyang Shenmu Suide Jingbian County Dingbian Jiaxian wubu Mizhi County County County County Zizhou Qingjian
  Nanzheng County Solid Hantai District Xixiang County Mian Ning Yang County County County County Liuba County Foping County Zhenba Lueyang
  Ankang City
  Xunyang Hanbin District Hanyin county Langao Shiquan County Ningshan Ziyang County Lee County Zhenping County Baihe Xian Ping
  Shangzhou District Luonan County towns Danfeng County Zhashui Shangnan Sanyo
  Yangling Agricultural High-tech Industries Demonstration Zone countries
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Economic Statistics
  Preliminary calculation, in 2008 GDP of 685.132 billion yuan in Shaanxi, an increase of 15.6%. Among them, the primary industry 75.372 billion yuan, an increase of 7.6%, the proportion of GDP is 11%; the secondary industry was 384.208 billion yuan, an increase of 18.8%, 56.1%; of the tertiary industry 225.552 billion yuan , an increase of 13%, accounting for 32.9%. Per capita GDP 18,246 yuan, an increase of 15.2%.
  Industrial enterprises above the scale of 298.807 billion yuan of industrial added value, an increase of 21%.
  In 2008, the province's total fixed as_set_ investment was 483.515 billion yuan, an increase of 32.8%.
  In 2008, the province's total retail sales of 225.609 billion yuan of social consumer goods, an increase of 25.3%, the highest growth rate since 1998 year.
  Annual reception of domestic tourists 90,560,000 passengers, an increase of 13%; domestic tourism revenue 56.1 billion, an increase of 22.5%. Receiving overseas tourists throughout the year reached 1,257,000 passengers, up 2.1%; tourism foreign exchange income of $ 660,000,000, an increase of 8.2%.
  In 2008, the province's import and export value of $ 8,368,000,000, an increase of 21.5%. Among them, the import of $ 2,961,000,000, an increase of 33.6%; exports of $ 5,407,000,000, an increase of 15.7%.
  In 2008, the province's newly approved 156 foreign investment projects, the actual utilization of foreign capital 1.37 billion (including foreign-funded enterprises to invest part), an increase of 14.6%.
  The end of 2008, the province's resident population of 3762 million, an increase of population of 14 million, of which 1,933.9 million men, accounting for 51.41%; female population 1828.1 million, accounting for 牞 sex ratio was 105.79 48.59% (100 female , male to female ratio).牞 38.64 million annual births birth rate 10.29 ‰; death 牞 population mortality rate of 23.32 million 6.21 ‰; natural growth rate was 4.08 ‰. Urban population of 1583.8 million, accounting for 42.1% of rural population 2178.2 million 牞 牞 57.9%. Population age structure of population aged 0-14 accounted for 17.75% ,15-64 years of age accounted for 73.28% of population aged 65 and above accounted for 8.97%.
  The province's per capita disposable income of urban residents 12,858 yuan, 2,095 yuan more than last year, an increase of 19.5%, after deducting price factors, the actual growth of 12.5%; rural residents per capita net income 3136 yuan, an increase of 491 yuan, an increase of 18.6%, net price factors, the actual increase of 10.6%.
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Physical Geography
  Within the climate very different from north to south gradually over the temperate, warm temperate and northern subtropical. Average annual rainfall 576.9 mm, annual average temperature 13.0 ℃, frost-free period is about 218 days. Complex and varied climate and topography, gave birth to thousands of rare species and the world, called the Museum of Natural History, the "little known in China."
  Shaanxi, north and south the terrain is characterized by high total, central low. At the same time, the terrain characteristics of slope from west to east is also very obvious. North Mountain and the Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi is divided into three natural regions: the north is the Northern Plateau, the middle part of Guanzhong Plain, south Qinling.
  800 Loess Plateau 1,300 meters above sea level, about 45% of the total area of the province. The northern sand area, southern hilly area. After 50 years of construction, Northern shelterbelts, ecological agriculture, desert oasis and so has achieved remarkable results. The more developed animal husbandry, coal, oil, natural gas is plentiful.
  Baoji Guanzhong Plain in the west, east Tongguan, the average elevation of 520 meters. 360 kilometers from east to west, covering an area about the province's total land area of 19%. This flat, convenient transportation and mild climate, rich, developed economy, grain yield and the province's GDP accounted for about 2 / 3, is the essence of the province's land, known as "Qinchuan."
  Including the Qinling Mountains in southern Shaanxi Qinling, Bashan and the Han River valley, the province's total land area of about 36%. Qinling province from east to west in the 400 to 500 kilometers, 300 kilometers wide north-south, 1500 ~ 2000 meters above sea level. Qinling Mountain is a treasure trove of Sprint products, the Han River valley fertile soil and rich products.
  Terrain area
  Shaanxi, 7.41 million hectares the total area of mountains, the province accounted for 36% of the total land area, total area of 9,260,000 ha plateau, 45% of the total area, plains 3.91 million hectares, 19% of the total area. The total land area of 480 million hectares, 23.3% of the total area, an area of 204,000 hectares of paddy field, 1% of the total area, dry land area of 3,692,000 hectares, 17.9% of the total area, irrigated 887,000 hectares of the total area 4.3%, forest land 9,626,000 hectares, 46.8% of the total area, grassland 3,179,000 hectares, 15.4% of the total area, water area of 403,000 ha of the total area of 2%.
  Main Range
  Altitude of 3767 meters Taibaishan, Hualong 2917 m, 2719 m Shouyangshan, Zhongnanshan 2604 meters, 2160 meters Mountain, albino mountain 1823 meters, Bashan 1500 ~ 2000 meters, 1600 meters Ziwuling 1400.
  Major rivers
  Wuding River drainage area 30,261 square km, 491.2 km long river, Yan 7687 square km, 284.3 km long, Jing River 45,421 square kilometers, 455.1 km long, Weihe 62,440 square kilometers, 818 kilometers long, Beiluo 26,905 square kilometers, length of 680.3 km, Jialing 9930 square kilometers, 244 kilometers long, the Han River 61,959 square km, 652 km long, and Dan 7551 square kilometers, 244 kilometers long.
  Natural Resources
  Shaanxi favorable geological conditions, rich mineral resources, mineral species more complete, is the province of one of the resources of many minerals play an important role in the country.
  Shaanxi Province has identified 92 kinds of mineral reserves, of which 5 kinds of energy minerals, metallic minerals 27 species, 57 kinds of non-metallic minerals, water and gas mineral 3. The main features of the province's mineral resources are: resources are widely distributed, but the relative concentration of mineral species more complete, but the structure is not ideal; rich in resources, but the overall low level of exploration, reserves may be less economic exploitation, development and utilization of resources is difficult more; energy resources with outstanding advantages, but some pillar of mineral shortages; addition to energy and minerals, the metals, non-metallic mineral giant, mining small, small and medium mine more rich ore less, the low-grade ores, a single ore less were associated with more than mine.
  Distribution of Mineral Resources of Shaanxi Province obvious regional characteristics. Northern and Weibei high quality coal, oil, natural gas, cement, limestone, clay and mineral-based salts; off in gold, molybdenum, building materials, mineral and underground water, mineral water; southern Shaanxi Qinling Mountains area to ferrous metals, nonferrous metals, precious metals and various non-metallic mineral based. Reserves of mineral resources in the province has identified the potential value of 42 trillion yuan total, accounting for about one-third of the country, ranking first in the country.
  Resources, the reserves in Shaanxi Province in the nation in the forefront of important minerals are: salt, coal, oil, natural gas, molybdenum, mercury, gold, limestone, glass, quartz, kaolin, asbestos, not only substantial reserves, and the grade, good quality , in the country, the province has a significant market advantage. However, some related to the national economy and the important minerals, such as iron, copper, manganese, aluminum, tin, tungsten, platinum group metals, fluorite, potash, phosphate, diamond, etc., or lean ore more, less or no available proven reserves planning area, or poor development and utilization of a small number of minerals has not yet been proven reserves.
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Higher Education
  Early admission to undergraduate colleges and universities:
  People's Liberation Army Air Force Engineering University (Xi'an)
  Fourth Military Medical University (Xi'an)
  Chinese People's Liberation Army Academy (Xi'an)
  People's Liberation Army Air Force Engineering Academy (Xi'an)
  People's Liberation Army Air Force Pilot Academy (Xi'an)
  People's Liberation Army Xi'an Branch of the Air Force Institute of the second flight (Xi'an)
  People's Liberation Army Xi'an Political Academy (Xi'an)
  Chinese PLA Second Artillery Engineering Institute (Xi'an)
  Communication Institute, People's Liberation Army (Xi'an)
  Chinese People's Armed Police Force Engineering Academy (Xi'an)
  Chinese People's Armed Police Command College (Xi'an)
  Xi'an Conservatory of Music (Xi'an)
  Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts (Xi'an)
  Xi'an Institute of Physical Education (Xi'an)
  The first undergraduate college admission:
  Xi'an Jiaotong University (Xi'an)
  Northwestern Polytechnical University (Xi'an)
  Northwest A & F University (Yangling Agricultural High-tech Industries Demonstration Zone countries)
  Xidian University (Xi'an)
  Chang'an University (Xi'an)
  Shaanxi Normal University (Xi'an)
  Northwest University (Xi'an)
  Shaanxi University of Technology (Xi'an)
  Xi'an University of Architecture University of Technology (Xi'an)
  Xi'an Polytechnic University (Xi'an)
  The second batch of undergraduate college admission:
  Yan'an University (Yan'an City)
  Xi'an University of Technology (Xi'an)
  Xi'an International Studies University (Xi'an)
  Xi'an Engineering University (Xi'an)
  Northwest University of Politics (Xi'an)
  Xi'an Institute of Posts and Telecommunications (Xi'an)
  Xi'an Shiyou University (Xi'an)
  Xi'an University of Technology (Xi'an)
  Xi'an Institute of Finance (Xi'an)
  Xi'an University of Arts (Xi'an)
  Medical College of Xi'an (Xi'an)
  Baoji University of Arts (Baoji City)
  CHINESE MEDICINE (Xianyang City)
  Tibet Nationalities Institute (Xianyang City)
  Xianyang Normal College (Xianyang City)
  Weinan Teachers College (Weinan City)
  Yulin College (Yulin City)
  Shaanxi Institute of Technology (Hanzhong City)
  Ankang College (Ankang City)
  Shangluo (Shangluo City)
  Xi'an Translation College (Xi'an)
  Third admitted to undergraduate colleges and universities:
  Xi'an Foreign Affairs Institute (Xi'an)
  Xi'an Peihua University (Xi'an)
  Xi'an Siyuan University (Xi'an)
  Xi'an Eurasia University (Xi'an)
  Xijing University (Xi'an)
  City College of Xi'an Jiaotong University (Xi'an)
  Middlebury College, Northwestern Polytechnical University (Xi'an)
  Chang'an University, Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology (Xi'an)
  Schmidt Institute of Chang'an University (location: Xi'an)
  Modern Institute of Northwestern University (location: Xi'an)
  Gao Jing, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology Institute (Address: Xi'an)
  Yan'an University, Xi'an Innovation Institute (location: Xi'an)
  Hua Qing Xian University of Architecture & Technology (Xi'an)
  Xi'an University of Technology High Academy (Xi'an)
  High-tech Institute, Xi'an University of Technology (Xi'an)
  Information Engineering, Xi'an University of North Academy (Xi'an)
  Xing Zhi Xian Institute of Finance and Economics (Xi'an)
  Vocational Specialist College:
  Shaanxi Vocational and Technical Institute (Xi'an)
  National Defence Industry Technology, Shaanxi (Xi'an)
  Vocational and Technical College of Economics and Management in Shaanxi (Xi'an)
  Institute of Electronics and Information Technology, Shaanxi (Xi'an)
  Shaanxi Vocational and Technical Institute (Xi'an)
  Shaanxi Vocational College Youth (Xi'an)
  Police Vocational College, Shaanxi (Xi'an)
  Shaanxi Vocational College of Culinary Tourism (Xi'an)
  Shaanxi Vocational College of Electronic Science and Technology (Xi'an)
  Xi'an Institute of Technology (Xi'an)
  Xi'an Institute of Railway Technology (Xi'an)
  Xi'an Electric Power College (Xi'an)
  Xi'an College of Aviation Technology (Xi'an)
  Medical College of Xi'an (Xi'an)
  Xi'an Institute of Aviation Technology (Xi'an)
  East Asia and the Pacific Vocational Institute in Xi'an (Xi'an)
  Xi'an High Technology College (Xi'an)
  Xian-funded Vocational Institute (Xi'an)
  Xi'an Vocational College of Commerce Science and Technology (Xi'an)
  Automotive Technology College of Xi'an (Xi'an)
  Begonia Vocational Institute in Xi'an (Xi'an)
  Baoji Vocational and Technical College (Baoji City)
  Shaanxi Vocational College of Finance (Xianyang City)
  Shanxi Industry Technology (Xianyang City)
  Shaanxi Vocational College of Textile and Apparel (Xianyang City)
  Shaanxi Vocational College of Clothing Art (Xianyang City)
  Shaanxi Vocational College of Posts and Telecommunications (Xianyang City)
  Shaanxi Institute of Energy Technology (Xianyang City)
  Xianyang Vocational and Technical College (Xianyang City)
  Vocational and Technical Education (Yangling Agricultural High-tech Industries Demonstration Zone countries)
  Shaanxi Institute of Railway Technology (Weinan City)
  Weinan Vocational and Technical College (Weinan City)
  Tongchuan Vocational Technical College (Tongchuan City)
  Vocational and Technical College in Yan'an (Yan'an City)
  Shaanxi Vocational Technical Institute (Hanzhong City)
  Vocational and Technical College Hanzhong (Hanzhong City)
  Well-being of Vocational and Technical College (Ankang City)
  Shangluo Vocational and Technical College (Shangluo City)
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History and Culture
  Shaanxi is China in ancient times "Nine" in the "Yongzhou" and "okrug" has a long history, as early as 110 million years ago, "Lantian Ape Man" lives and breeds in the cross-strait Bahe; east of Xi'an Banpo site six or seven thousand years ago show the progress of matriarchal society and civilization; about five thousand years ago, China began Zuyan Di, the Yellow Emperor to lead their own tribes, north of the Loess Plateau in Shaanxi Chinese civilization along the created; Houji open agricultural civilization, creating characters Kurayoshi Zhang Qian Beginning of the Silk Road, leading biography of Sima Qian's historical independence of Shaanxi, flair ... ... all marked the splendid ancient civilization and glory.
  Xi'an as the center of Shaanxi and Shaanxi was the political center of Chinese history. There have been Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang dynasties in this capital of 13, which lasted up to 1180. There are also Liu Xuan, Red Eyebrows, Huang Chao, Li Zicheng 4 peasant uprising in the establishment of the regime. Revolution in modern China has an important place in the history of Shaanxi. In 1935, the Red Army arrived in Yan'an, where the CPC Central Committee and Chairman Mao Zedong led the Chinese revolution in the Spring and Autumn 13, made the great War of Liberation War and victory.
  Shaanxi has a long history, national culture known. Here is the ancient Chinese culture, important people and one of the birthplaces of multiple dynasties in Chinese history of political, economic and cultural center, is the earliest Chinese history and civilization to the world, and is the modern Chinese revolution in the Holy Land, for the Yan Huang offspring survival, reproduction and human history to make a unique contribution to civilization.
  Fat civilization
  Shaanxi is the birthplace of Chinese nation, one of the brilliant ancient civilization. About 80 million years ago, Lam Tin ape to live here to begin manufacturing and using some primitive tools, collecting fruits and hunting animals and birds. Discovered in 1963, "Lantian Ape Man", is the discovery of the earliest and most complete fossil ape skull. About thirty or forty thousand years ago, the original human relations in the region and gradually into the clan commune period. Discovered in 1953 in Xi'an Banpo Village Ruins, is six or seven years ago to _set_tle a matriarchal commune of the village.
  Agriculture Fat
  Shaanxi is China's agricultural production and development of one of the earliest. About 6,000 years ago, Banpo people here engaged in agricultural production, raising livestock, hunting, fishing, gathering fruits. At that time the main cereals grown are millet. Legends of the earliest in the cultivation of millet and wheat, who are the ancestors of the Zhou Dynasty in Shaanxi Province. To the Western Zhou Dynasty, in the areas of agricultural production related new development, spread to other areas.
  Opening Fat
  Shaanxi is one of China's opening up the earliest. About 3,000 years ago, Shaanxi Chang'an to many countries with political and economic such exchange activities. The famous "Silk Road" is the starting point of the ancient Chang'an. From the Han Dynasty, it Chang'an as the center, with South Asia, West Asia, European countries for political, economic, and cultural exchanges.
  Culture Fat
  Since ancient times, emperors
  Sacred place of revolution
  Evolution of the administrative divisions before Tang
  Local administrative divisions of Shaanxi, began in the Spring and Autumn period. Warring States period, Wei Luo River located in the Shang Jun, Chu Hanzhong county located in the Hanjiang River, also located in northern Shaanxi Qin Kamigori. Qin Shi Huang Tongyiliuguo, have generally adopted the system of prefectures and counties, divided the world for 36 counties. Shaanxi Province Hanzhong retaining Kamigori and outside the county, in the Weihe River in a separate history, and the county at the same level.
  Western Han Dynasty followed the Qin system, retention Kamigori and County of Hanzhong, and the other in the history of the Qin, the county is divided into three fairly Administrative Region: King join (east of Xi'an in charge of this, the area south of the Weihe River), Zuo Fengyi (in charge of the Weihe River to North, Luo River region), The Eastern (Xianyang in charge of the west region), known as the "Secondary", capitals are in the Chang'an City. Han, in order to strengthen the centralization of power, the Ministry established 13 provincial governor to monitor the county. Later changed to the Department of the provincial governor for the state, Reign or provincial governor as the Chief Executive, the formation of state, county, and county levels system. Today's Shaanxi Province in the mid-Western Han involving three states.
  Three Kingdoms period, most of today by the Yongzhou in Shaanxi Province, Jingzhou, Yizhou jurisdiction. Or less similar to the Western Jin Dynasty and Three Kingdoms. Jin Sui unified two hundred years, the North-South divide, frequent wars, administrative division is very confusing.
  After the evolution of administrative divisions Tang
  Since the province established the Yuan Dynasty, the Shaanxi Sheng Zhi has been located in present-day Xi'an.
  State-level historical and cultural city
  Xi'an, Yan'an, Seoul, Yulin, Hanzhong, Xianyang.
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Population distribution
  725.01 million in 2004, Xi'an, Baoji City, 369.20 million, 489.75 million people in Xianyang City, 84.33 million Tongchuan City, Weinan City, 536.75 million, 208.80 million people in Yan'an, Yulin City, 336.79 million, 373.99 million in Hanzhong City, 294.97 million people in Ankang City, Shangluo 240.62 million, 14.23 million people in the Yangling Demonstration Zone.
  Age composition
  2005 Total Population age structure of population aged 0-14 accounted for 19.76% ,15-64 years of age accounted for 71.66% of population aged 65 and above accounted for 8.58%.
  Gender composition
  2005 total population of the province, of which 1,913.6 million men, accounting for 51.44%; female population 1806.4 million, accounting for 48.56%, sex ratio was 105.93 (100 female, male to female ratio).
  Urban and rural populations
  In 2005 the province's total population, urban population 1385 million, accounting for 37.23%, rural population 23.35 million, accounting for 62.77%.
  Population Change
  The total population of 3644 million in 2000; the total population of 3659 million in 2001; the total population of 3674 million in 2002; the total population of 3689.5 million in 2003; the total population of 3705.2 million in 2004; the total population of 3720 million in 2005; 2007 37480000; 2008 the resident population of 3762 people.
  Xian Hui
  Off in the region since ancient times is the gateway to China from northeast to southwest and northwest transport routes leading to the southeast; Xi'an - the ancient Chang'an, both located in the hub of this important channel, but also what the traffic communications "Silk Road" starting point . Tang, Song, Arab history books, Persia, Central Asia and other places of businessmen, diplomats, religious leader constantly traveling on this road, and a considerable number of people, for many reasons, has _set_tled down. This region during the formation of the Hui, one of the areas to be important.
  Chang passed the time of Islam in the 7th century about three to four decades. Arab envoys, merchants, religious leader, through the "Silk Road" came to Chang'an, especially in the business majority. Chang was the eastern and western cities, gathered in their land, Tang notes, "Taiping" are repeatedly mentioned in the "Hu Shop" and "Persian market", which is one of the sources Muslims Changan .
  During the Tang Dynasty in the Rebellion, he borrowed to help the army Arab insurgency Empire. This has been recorded in Chinese history books, history books have recorded the Arab: Arab Empire should be invited to the Tang Dynasty, sent troops to the rebellion, "tang has promised Arab aid Tangguan Bing Empire, you can keep Chang'an, the Chinese women allow them to marry, and In the 762 years (Tang Suzong Baoying first year) Uighurian a mosque, "This is the source of the two Muslim Chang.
  Ethnic population
  The above situation shows that the Tang Dynasty around the foreign Muslims, many of the neighborhood, in Chang and, after the Tang, Five Dynasties, long lives and breeds, so that the growing number of Muslims here. This is where the foundation for the formation of the Hui.
  Established by the Northern Song Dynasty 960 to 1279 4 Song demise more than a century, the Liao, Jin, Xia, Mongolia, and Northern and Southern Sung has confrontation. Central Plains frequent wars, to bring people of all long-term and untold suffering. The other hand, the peoples of the Central Plains increased mixed housing, economic and cultural exchanges as well as joint struggle against the rulers of all the opportunities. So this period in history once again to become the great national integration period. The formation of the Hui also in this period.
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Key cultural relics
  Shaanxi Province The first list of national cultural heritage
  Yan'an Revolutionary Site in Yan'an City in 1937-1947
  Praise ramps and Cliff Han to Song Dynasty Shihmen Hanzhong
  Xi'an Dayan Tatang
  Small Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi'an Tang
  Xi'an Chang'an Temple Tatang Xingjiao
  Ming Xian city wall in Xi'an
  Xi'an Forest of Stone Tablets in Xi'an Han to modern times
  Chakpori stone Sui Zhiming Tongchuan
  Xi'an Banpo Neolithic Site
  Zhou Xi'an Chang'an Fenggao site
  Xi'an Qin Fanggong site
  Han Xian Han Chang'an city site
  Xi'an Tang Daming Palace Site
  Tomb Huangling County
  Lintong Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum
  Mao Ling (tomb of Emperor Liu Che) Han Xingping
  Tomb of the Western Han Dynasty Huo Xingping City
  Zhao Ling (tomb of Emperor Li Shimin) Tang Liquan
  Qianling (Tang Emperor Li Zhi and Wu joint burial) Tang Dry County
  Shun Ling (tomb of Empress Wu Young Mother) Tang, Xianyang City
  Shaanxi Province second batch of national key cultural relics protection units list
  Xi'an in 1936 the former site of the Xi'an Incident
  Paleolithic Site of Lantian Lantian Ape Man
  Fufeng County, the original site of Western Zhou Zhou, Qishan County
  Western Han Tomb and Temple Sima Qian Han Song Dynasty City
  Shaanxi Province third national cultural heritage list
  Wayaobao revolutionary site Zichang County in 1935
  Office of the Eighth Route Army of Xi'an, Xi'an, Shaanxi province, site of 1937-1946
  Tang Bin County Grand Buddha Temple Caves
  Song Zichang County Zhongshan Grottoes
  Zhao Ren Tang Changwu County temple hall
  Yin Ming and Tsinghua Xiyue Temple City
  Ming and Qing dynasties, Xi'an, Xi'an Mosque
  Qin Yong Zhou Fengxiang Castle Ruins
  Qin Xianyang City, Xianyang City, site of the Warring States to Qin
  Tang Yuan Huang Town of Tongchuan Yaozhou site
  Chang Ling Han Xianyang City
  Duling Western Han Chang'an in Xi'an
  Ling Tang Pucheng County Bridge
  Fu Shang and Zhou Village, Xi'an Huxian care
  Shaanxi Province fourth national cultural heritage list
  Neolithic sites Jiangzhai Lintong
  Site of the Warring States Jingyang Zheng headworks
  Wei Hua Hin City Wall Ruins Warring States period, Dali County, South Korea City
  Sixteen States Tongwancheng site Jingbian County of Shaanxi Province
  Daxing Chang'an city site (including Seiryuji site) Sui and Tang Xian
  Sui Renshou Palace Site Palace Tangjiu Cheng Sui and Tang Linyou County
  Baqiao site Sui - Yuan Xi'an
  Tang Hua Qing site Lintong
  Tomb of the Three Kingdoms Mian Wuhou
  Tailing Sui Xianyang City
  West Wei Fuping County Yongling
  His Holiness Temple Tower Sui weeks Xianyou County
  House chow Five - Qing Fugu County
  Bell Tower, Drum Tower in Xi'an Ming
  Ming Temple in Lantian County land and water
  Extension of a well site clean extension of the county
  Shaanxi Province fifth national cultural heritage list
  Paleolithic site of Dali County Sweet ditch
  Paleolithic stone flower wave Luonan County Site
  Goddess Temple - site of the Neolithic village of Hua county retaining spring
  Neolithic sites in Xi'an health home
  LAONIUPO Neolithic to Shang Xi Site
  Site of the Warring States to Han oak Xi'an Yangcheng
  Site of the Western Han capital positions Huayin City
  Liang Zhou sites Qin, Han Chengcheng County
  Wei Tang Gaoling County East Bridge Site
  Tang Yuhua Palace ruins Tongchuan
  Western Han Dynasty Mausoleum of Western Han Xianyang, Xi'an
  Mausoleum of the Tang Dynasty Tang Fuping County, Pucheng County, Sanyuan County, Jingyang, Liquan, dry county
  Sanyuan County, Sanyuan Temple Ming
  Tang Huxian Kumarajiva relic tower
  Tong Ming Hu County Public transport
  CJ Tomb and Temple, Ming and Qing Baishui
  Teta Northern Heritage Site
  Hong Sin Temple in Chang'an District, Xi'an Tatang
  Temple Xian Ming and Qing Xian
  Baiyun Mountain Temple, the Ming and Qing JIAXIAN
  Yakumo Tatang Zhouzhi County
  Chongwen Tamin Jingyang Jingyang
  Kaiyuan Temple Pagoda Song Binxian Binxian
  City Hancheng Puzhao Si Yuan Han
  Han Ming Temple City Hancheng
  Han Ming Temple City Hancheng
  Dang ancient buildings of Ming and Qing Han city
  Yiu Ming Temple Yaoxian state area Tongchuan
  Chengcheng Chengcheng County Ming Temple House of God
  Town _set_s out in Yulin City
  Zhongyang Gong Zu Yuan to Qing Hu County Um Beilin
  Charity Temple Caves Sui and Tang Linyou County
  Luochuan Luochuan County, 1937 meeting site
  Yangjiagou revolutionary site Mizhi County from 1947 to 1948
  Shaanxi Province sixth national cultural heritage list
  Temple, the Old Stone Age to the Han of Longgang Nanzheng County
  Neolithic stone mound site Shenmu
  Neolithic stone pile pile JIAXIAN Ruins
  Li Jiacun Neolithic site of Xixiang County
  Neolithic site of the first ridge north of Baoji City
  East Longshan site of the Neolithic Age to the Han Shangluo
  Neolithic site of cross-array Huayin City
  Li Zhizhou Qingjian County Business Yacheng Address
  Han Liang Zhou city with the village site
  Zhou Yang village site Meixian
  Southern and Northern Dynasties to the Qing Famen Fufeng County Site
  Lin Tang Zhiming Shenmu Old City State
  Qindong Ling Xian Qin
  Zhang Qian Tomb of the county solid Seoul
  Tomb of Ming Ming Xian Qin
  Cai Lun Qing Yang County Tomb and Temple
  Temple of Ta Tang to Song Dynasty sophisticated Chengcheng County
  Xian Long An Shengshou Temple Tatang
  Xi'an Chang'an Huayansi Tatang
  Liang Shou Temple Tatang hundred Heyang
  Chao Hui Tatang Gaoling
  Temple Tatang open Yangxian
  Temple Song Daqing Zhouzhi County
  Qishan County Peace Pagoda Song
  Temple Song Yongshou County Wuling
  Song Tongchuan De Temple of God
  Law of Temple City Song to Qing Han
  Han Yuan Temple City North Camp
  Five weirs per Chenggu County
  Ming to Qing wubu Wubao Shicheng County
  Qishan County in Ming and Qing Zhougongmiao
  Acropolis Yulin Yulin City in Ming and Qing
  Temple of the Ming and Qing Zhang Liuba County
  Temple of the Ming and Qing dynasties Fufeng Fufeng County
  Temple of the Jade Emperor Ming to Qing Han Houtu City
  Qing Shi Dianming Heyang basaltic Temple
  Cing Temple Tamin Weinan City
  Xianyang City, Xianyang Ming Temple
  Minmi disk fat Longshan County of ancient buildings
  Chiang Zhuang Yuanqing Mizhi County
  Feng Qing Dali County map granary
  Cliff Han to the Republic of Lueyang Lingyansi
  Stone Temple Grottoes Sui Zhiming Wang Fuxian
  Yang Xun Tang Fufeng County monument
  Wan-an Monastery Cave Song Huangling County
  Popular Republic of China Xian Yi Theater Club
  Wei Hua 1927 Love County, site of the uprising
  Wu Qi Qi County in 1935, the revolutionary site
  Security revolutionary site 1936 to 1937 Zhidan County
Translated by Google
No. 14
  Xi'an, the ancient capital of Xi'an, the historic figures, human and cultural, Talents men, only listed in the "Twenty-five Histories" and other histories of the characters, there are a thousand people. Them or was born here, or long-term living and working here, have created a glorious history, the development of the Chinese nation to make great contributions. Such as:
  Politicians: King Wen of Zhou, King Wu of Zhou, Qin, Han Dynasty, Emperor, Empress Wu, Emperor ...
  Strategist: WANG Jian, Wei Qing, Huo, Li, Li Jing ..
  Thinkers: Dong, Wang Zheng ...
  Diplomat: Zhang Qian, Wu Su ...
  Writer: Li Bai, Du Mu, Wang Changling, Liu ...
  Historian: Sima Qian and Ban Gu ...
  Painter, calligrapher: Wu Daozi, Yen Chen-ching, Liu public rights ...
  Buddhist scholar, translator of Jurists: Xuan Zang ...
  Modern and Modern
  Strategist: Yang and WU Dehou, Zhang Lingfu
  Social activist: Yu Yu-jen, high and clear, Bai Huimin, Song Xiangchen
  Modern writers: Liu Qing, Yao and Chen, Jia, Han Xuehong, Xiaoyun Ru, Zhou Ming, Ye Guang, Gao Jian group, Jing Fu, Li Ruobing, Zhao Xi, MO stretch, commercial sub-Yong, Tang Hai, Hong Ke, Lei Shu Yan, Wu Mi, Qu Tao, Liu Chengzhang, see Xi Sun
  Modern Painters: Zhao Yun Wang, He Haixia, Shi Lu, Kang Master Yao, Francis Chung, Liu West, Wang Xijing, Huangshan Yunhai
  Movie Star: articles, You Yong, Yan Ni, King sweet, Bai (Chen Dong), Wu Yang Jie, Zhang Yan, nurseries, Zhang Tielin, Zhou Jie, Zhang Jia, J. (Zhang children), Xiao Su, Dai Chunrong, Kwok, Li Qi, Shi Guoqing, Guo Tao ("Crazy Stone" in the world macro package), Lu Shuming, Liu Xiaohu (Ugly Wudi - Fei Denan actor), Sun Feifei, Hu Die (CCTV News, beauty moderator)
  Composer: Zhao Jiping
  Artist: Wang Jie, Zhang Heng, Xu Wei, Wu Yang Jie, Zhang Chu, Zheng Jun, Sun Hao, Sun Meng, Huang Xin, wake up, pay the Bow, the party Ning, Han Chun Chun
  Director: Zhang Yimou, Gu Wei, Huang Jianxin, Wang Chuan, Li Yang, Feng Xiaoning, Hou Yong, Zhang Zien, Michael Lau, Wu Tianming
  Athlete: Tian Liang (China men's 10 meter platform Olympic champion), Qin Kai, Wang Libin (former Chinese Basketball team, 1984 Los Angeles Olympics the Chinese delegation flag bearer), Li Jie (twenty-eighth the Athens Olympic Games men's 10 meters runner-up air rifle), Guo Wenjun (twenty-ninth Olympic Games in Beijing women's 10m air pistol champion)
  Politician: Lien Chan (Kuomintang Honorary Chairman), Xi (former Vice Premier), Fu Hao (former Foreign Minister), Xi Jinping (Vice President), Jia Zhibang (State Forestry Bureau), Guo (now the Central Military Commission Vice-Chairman), Room Feng Hui (commander of the 60th anniversary parade, the Beijing Military Region Commander), read the first paragraph (Vice Mayor of Xi'an)
  Financial figures: Charles Zhang (China's largest media Sohu CEO), Weiying (economists, Dean of Guanghua School of Management, Peking University), Feng (Beijing Huaqi Digital Patriot MP3) chairman, Han Hongli (Lagerstroemia real estate, general manager of Xi'an )
  Other: Zeng Guang (07 Miss Chinese champion), Lee Huan (patriotic youth in France), Ning Xiong (known as "the most beautiful girls in Xi'an," a caring public service volunteers in Qinghai were killed in the way of public benefit activities), any li (revolutionary martyrs), Li Weijun (revolutionary martyrs)
Translated by Google
English Expression
  1. n.:  Shaanxi
French Expression
  1. n.  Shanxi, Shaanxi (province)
(surname), mountain pass, Shaanxi Province, Shaanxi
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Datang sleepless city, ever-bright cityBaoji Titanium GroupJung Tomb
west ferryDatang Tong Yi SquareXi'an engineering tech
Township ministerNorth KoreaPower County
Wang Jia YaoTotal homeGun in Village
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Xinhe Square3 and CollegeDistrict hospice
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