tongue technics : math and applied math : discipline of physics : medicopsychology : agriculture : law : economics > restraint
English Expression
  1. :  restrict,  restraint
  2. n.:  limiting,  narrow down,  reservation,  imprisonment,  restriction,  being confined,  slicing,  circumscribing or being circumscribed,  quota system,  shorten the arm of,  tie,  wrap,  keep down,  put sb. on short allowance,  be confined to,  hedge ... in with,  hedge about with,  be independent of,  put the lid on,  set a limit to,  set measures to,  embargo,  circumscription,  clampdown,  confinement,  constraint,  astriction,  qualification,  law, etc that restricts,  instance of this
French Expression
  1. v.  limiter, restreindre
  2. v.  limiter / restreindre
restrict complication, limiting factor, restrict, buildup, control, build, build, direct, henpeck, avert, supervise, regulate, advice, lead, aiming, leadership, limitations, condition, fact or circumstance that limits, preserve, restrain, contain, restrain, provisory clause allot, guidance, leading, suppress
under wraps, circumscribe
gaol, imprison, commitment, in custody
definition, abate, perfect, adorn, Modify
counteract, off_set_, no, Breach, Going against, to the same extent..., withdraw, _Delete_, annul, cancel, by telephone, violate, antagonise, recover, compensate, deprecate, deem, differ, dissent, person described as or concerned with, ponder, ground, verdict, ablate, existence (, conjecturable, assume, valueless or unimportant, disallowance, upon sth disapprove of sth, guess, As, deem, acquire security, amends, adjudge, in one's mind, demur, abhor, hatred, hostile, backwards, antithesis, brave, oxygenize, confess, sth as sth interpret sth in a certain way, balm, pledge, restrain, interfere, ban, complain, fling, peace, match, arouse, lean, think, ponder, assumption, approximately, carrot, compensate for, rectify, mutter, emolument, hamper, competition, bout, compete, rubberize, debase, view, slope, bias, slope, be well-known for, opinion reached in this way, Position, Duimou character, advice, proposition, offer sth, artificial, presume, apprehend, speculate, elevate, ideation, reflective current, notion, notion, bar, in the possession of, curb, reliance, reliance, disfavor, dislike, Collision, the other way (a) round/about, inverse, abound
Related Phrases
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Containing Phrases
absolutenessprovisory clauseagretopeconfiningunder wraps