idiom > a seamless heavenly robe, , flawless
  Explanation: Not tolerate a gap in the hair. Distance very close analogy with the scourge of extreme emergency or situation.
  Usage: The main predicate; as attribute; analogy is very precise or tight things
  Source: Han Mei Sheng "petition remonstrance king": "It must in the day, can not be re-knot; into the abyss, it is difficult comeback, its a no, hairbreadth."
  Examples: This ~, tomorrow the last Zhezi, we must fight back to the matter. ("Late in mind China's future banknote bundle of literature," the first round)
  Riddle: Nunnery temple monks
No. 2
  Middle tolerate a hair. Distance very close analogy with the disaster, the situation is extremely critical.
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jiān bù róng fà
  : Place the middle of the next hair does not describe the minimal distance
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No. 4
  Governing Law with calendar Diego, the hair's breadth. - "The Rites"
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No. 5
  : Metaphor extreme critical situation
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No. 6
  Its a no, hairbreadth. - Han Mei Cheng, "a letter admonished king"
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No. 7
  Between: the gap. Tolerate a gap in the hair. Distance very close analogy with the disaster or extreme emergency situation.
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典 故
  西汉的辞赋家枚乘,是吴王刘濞的谋士,他见刘濞积蓄力量准备反叛,便上书劝谏。 原来,刘濞是汉朝开国皇帝刘邦的侄子。刘邦称帝后,把他的亲属分封到各地当诸侯王,并赋予这些诸侯王很大的权力。时间长了,诸侯王与朝廷尖锐对立,成为朝廷的严重威胁。为此,文帝、景帝两代逐步削减王国封地。刘濞对此不服,阴谋反叛,引起了枚乘对这件 事的严重关切。 枚乘在上书中分析了反叛的严重后果。他举例说,如果在一根线上吊干钧(古代三十斤为一钧)重物,这重物悬在空中,下面是无底的深渊,那最笨的人也知道它极其危险。 接着他又指出,马刚受惊骇就打鼓吓它,线将断又吊上更重的 东西,其结果必然是线在半空断掉无法连结,马坠入深渊无法救援。这情势的危急程度,就像两者距离极近,中间容不下一根头发。请大 王深思。尽管枚乘以及其他一些谋士反复劝谏,吴王刘濞还是不听,决定谋反;于是枚乘等人离开刘濞,前去投奔梁孝王刘武。
English Expression
  1. n.:  a seamless heavenly robe, , flawless,  the situation is extremely critical,  by the skin of one's teeth,  by a hair's breadth,  the difference is as narrow as a hair's breadth,  within a hair of,  within an inch of
French Expression
  1.   être dans un danger imminent, se trouver à un moment critique, il s'en faut de peu que...
Leisure can not be made
Containing Phrases