San Shi'er
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San Shi'er  

《The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 32》
Poet: Lao-Tzu

  The Tao, considered as unchanging, has no name.
  Though in its primordial simplicity it may be small,
  the whole world dares not deal with (one embodying) it as a minister.
  If a feudal prince or the king could guard and hold it,
  all would spontaneously submit themselves to him.
  Heaven and Earth (under its guidance) unite together
  and send down the sweet dew.
  Without any directions, men can reach equally everywhere as of their own accord.
  As soon as it proceeds to action, it has a name.
  When it once has that name, (men) can know to rest in it.
  When they know to rest in it, they can be free from all risk of failure and error.
  The relation of the Tao to all the world is like that of the great rivers and seas to the streams from the valleys.
English Expression
  1. :  san shi'er
Sanshi'er Village
Containing Phrases
thirty-towmodotriacontaneThirty twain join
thirty two phaseThirty 2 palmThirty twain should
Thirty twain yearThirty twain productSanshi'er Village
three Ten two daysthree Troubadour centerthirty concubine
Thirty twain speciesthree dozenThirty twain house
Thirty twain wordThirty twain bookHongwu Thirty twain
Thirty twain Celestial Ruler Supreme GodThirty two phase hopeThirty two phase pass through
Thirtieth EryuanDotriacontane acidThirty twain Tuanchang
Ganymede troubadourThirty twain MingchenSouzhong Thirty twain
Titan Thirty twainThirty twain handed down from one's ancestorssequence Thirty twain book
Sanshi'erqing VillageMunicipal three Troubadour centerthird Troubadour bar
Thirtieth ErkeThirty twain LianfengThirty twain gentleman
Wonian Thirty twainYingshen Thirty twainthe ancient people Thirty twain
Thirty twain YubaYouguo Thirty twainJuxiang Thirty twain
Kuangwo Thirty twainThirtieth Erzhangthree in twelves
demisemiquaverSu Thirty twain goutThirty twain big physiognomy
Budha thirty two phasefeel the pulse Thirty twain differentiateSonggu Thirty twain head
Zhu Feng Thirty twain charmto be fond of Thirty twain North tobuddha thirty two phase
Hengci Thirty twain shouldThirty twain TuanjiulianThirty twain Tuanbalian
Thirty twain TuanqilianThirty twain Tuanwulianroll Two hundred Thirty twain
San shi'er TuansilianSan Shi'er Circular departmentSan shi'er agglomerate together
Celsius three twelfthZero three more than enoughSan shi'er Tuanshilian
(surname) Thirty twain ministry councillorWuhan Municipal three Troubadour centerNong'ershi San shi'er agglomerate
unchurch Thirty 2 palm codeThirty twain ceremony tai ji quan (slow-motion Chinese boxingThirty Second type a kind of traditional Chinese sword-play
Xilin San shi'er JingceVajracchedika-sutra Thirty twain productGuo Liu Thirty twain former residence
Chongqing Municipal three Troubadour centerThirty twain should have no commerce withWatch in to be permitted to do this or that only San Shi'er
San shi'er TiwuxieshiTo recall the bygone days with nostalgia early years Thirty twainThirty twain should apply bravery
Jixian Thirty twain should BodyDisregard thirty twenty-onehome town Thirty twain ...years ago
Tianyuhuasan Troubadour rollBarbed heat The first chapter San Shi'erSixiangyuansan Troubadour roll
Cihulou Thirty twain returnHu chi lens Thirty twain returnBrocade xiang ting three Troubadour roll
Thirtieth ErzuhongrenSan shi'er agglomerate Ten togetherSan shi'er agglomerate Vermiculite company
West bay east three Ten Two Streetrailway San shi'er hospitalZero part San shi'er (a measure word)
emperorship Thirty twain new moonWuye'er Thirty twain wordResentment ya side Thirty twain word
surname Thirty twain Entitle to resideWentangziquan Thirty Second typeShaolin catch Thirty Used
Tianjin Thirtieth two Middle SchoolVajracchedika-sutra sequence Thirty twain productVajracchedika-sutra third more than enough
Walking, sitting and lying Thirty twain eulogyCheung Hing Be enthroned (prefix before a number, for ordering numbers, eg, "first", "number two", etc) Thirty twainGuangzhi Two street San shi'er Lane
San shi'er Tuanyuan garden Lin'erlianSan shi'er Tuanyuan garden forest togetherGum Company three Troubadour team
The common people Juegudi Thirty twainMerry crime People Thirty twain returnZero trichotomy Thirty twain (a measure word)
Zero a whole [half, quarter] note Thirty twain (a measure word)Zero blob San shi'er (a measure word)Zero ace San shi'er (a measure word)
Zero dichotomy San shi'er (a measure word)Zero dichotomize San shi'er (a measure word)Homebound Zayong Thirty twain head
Yangshi Thirty twain ceremony a kind of traditional Chinese sword-playfour directions of north,south,west and east Three ten two days uncle spiritAnyang city Thirtieth two Middle School
Shukehebeidɑ Adventure remember San Shi'erChangsha Thirtieth two Middle SchoolThirty second type a kind of traditional chinese sword-play aeration doctrine
Guyot city Thirtieth two Middle SchoolStamp feet Wentangziquan Thirty Second typeShukehebeidɑ Adventure remember San Shi'er
Beishijuan The number 40 *40 four Biographies sequence Thirty twainBeishijuan San shi'er biographies twentiethHefei city Thirtieth two Middle School
Puppet Adventure remember Thirtieth ErzhangChen books roll San shi'er Biographies sequence Score hexadPuppet Adventure remember Thirtieth Erzhang
Harbin city Thirtieth two Middle Schoolred army (1928-1937) Thirtieth ErjunGrand celebration municipal Thirtieth two Middle School
Resentment ya side Thirty twain wordWuye'er Thirty twain wordHomebound zayong thirty twain head EENT
prevent Great qing riverbank, shore Chiefly hundred Thirty twainPay land Thirty twain Send eastern Zhejiang see referenceXitishuyan Grass court Thirty twain charm
Wen Xi matter Czar Thirty twain charmHomebound Zayong Thirty twain be the first to rise in revoltHomebound Zayong Thirty twain Capitel
Homebound zayong thirty twain head cardiaYinghuafeizhenfendi San Shi'erHomebound zayong thirty twain head ample
Homebound zayong thirty twain head wisdomHomebound zayong thirty twain head faithfulHomebound zayong thirty twain head filial
Homebound zayong thirty twain head orderHomebound zayong thirty twain head ceremonyHomebound zayong thirty twain head do one's duty as a younger brother
Homebound zayong thirty twain head cheiro-Homebound zayong thirty twain head benvolenceHomebound zayong thirty twain head mouth
Gu'erdede Thirty twain novellaHeroic emperorship Thirty twain new moonTianjin city costume San shi'er factory
Yisi'ertuanliuying San Shi'erThirty twain Entries Boob expeditionHomebound Zayong Thirty twain head beet
Homebound zayong thirty twain head SonHomebound Zayong Thirty twain head conjugalHomebound zayong thirty twain head EENT
Homebound Zayong Thirty twain head clerkshipHomebound zayong thirty twain head Shame VictoriaHomebound Zayong Thirty twain head sincere behaviour
Homebound zayong thirty twain head ampleSing of one's feelings Poems 8 Troubadour head Thirty twainShouyang song Thirty twain word La mei wind
Homebound Zayong Thirty twain head brethrenHomebound Zayong Thirty twain be the first to rise in revoltHomebound zayong thirty twain be the first to rise in revolt dimension
Homebound zayong thirty twain head wisdomHomebound zayong thirty twain head faithfulancient Indian name of China Thirtieth erzuhongren Zunzhe
Thirtieth Erzuhong endure daddyThirty twain Zuhongrendaman honorific title for a Buddhist monkYuxuancao Fiddle ballads in chinese southern dialects three Troubadour roll
Aged peking wind Situation Commemorative envelope it San Shi'erConfucian classics argumentation Shuwen San shi'er JuanqingwangyinzhiGold by Thirty twain word experience Buddhist Scripture written with gold dust
(orig.) name of a form of chinese poetry called "tzu" (now pornographically) the anus pozi Thirty twain wordHomebound zayong thirty twain head ceremony dimensionHomebound zayong thirty twain head Lian-dimensional
Homebound zayong thirty twain head Long divisionHomebound zayong thirty twain head DiscernmentHomebound zayong thirty twain head order
Homebound Zayong Thirty twain head marrowHomebound zayong thirty twain head Qian ShanHomebound zayong thirty twain head Would like to think
Homebound Zayong Thirty twain head Monarch and his subjectsHomebound zayong thirty twain head mouthHomebound zayong thirty twain head ceremony
Homebound zayong thirty twain head cardiaHomebound Zayong Thirty twain Capitel
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