comparative philology > hollow out
No. 1
  Carving out the objects through pattern or text objects ~ ivory ball.
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lòu kōng
  Carving out the pattern through the object or text
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No. 3
  Hollow ball of ivory
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No. 4
  The pattern carved out penetrating objects or graphics. Mao Dun, "color-blind" Second: "sunlight coming from the east window, was hollow yarn curtain fine sieve into flowers mottled yellow and dark gray mixture of falls Lin Baishuang's forehead." "Contemporary" No. 5, 1981 : "Da-Wei Sun were heard outside the car sound, followed by a pair of leather slippers paced hollowed out."
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English Expression
  1. n.:  hollow out
French Expression
  1. v.  ciseler en creux
Related Phrases
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