idiom > Chongguidaju
Pinyin: chóng guī tà jǔ

Explanation: 指前后相合,合乎同样的规矩法度。亦比喻因袭、重复。

Source: 《乐府诗集·燕射歌辞二·皇夏》尧昔命舜,舜亦命禹,大人驭历,重规沓矩。”

No. 2
  With the "re-regulation Diego Moment."
Translated by Google
No. 3
  With "heavy regulatory overlay moment."
  "Folk Song and Ballad Songs 2 Wong Yan-launched Summer": "Yao Xi Shun life, Shun and Yu also lives, adults Yu Li, heavy regulation Da Moment."
Translated by Google
Re-regulation Diego moments, Re-regulation tired moments, Chongguixiju