Explanation: Reward those who have rendered meritorious Usage: Joint type; as predicate; with compliment Source: "The Collection of Wu": "Ministry of Death Zixu into the city with the emperor, the prosecution is satisfied that arms, unpaid work to the effect."
No. 2
Effect, presents, gave (who lives). That reward those who have contributed.
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No. 3
Reward those who have contributed. "The Collection of the Collection text": "Ministry of Death into the city Zixu with the emperor, Frederick satisfied arms, reward power to effect."
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No. 4
酬功给效 ( chóu gōng jǐ xiào ) awarding people in accord with their merits
解 释 酬:报酬。 效,呈献,献出(生命者)。指赏赐有功劳者。
出 处 《敦煌变文集·伍子胥变文》:“子胥随帝部卒入城,检纳干戈,酬功给效。”
用 法 联合式;作谓语;含褒义
近义词 按功行赏