communication engineering : functional department : philately > post
Postmaster General
  Without the e-mail
  One of the following conditions are not the e-mail message to: (a) can not be delivered nor returned to sender; (b) statement can not be delivered and abandoned by the sender; (c) can not deliver the mail when sent back in bidding who refuse to pay to meet the cost of parts; (d) investment return of undeliverable mail in the sender has not yet expired Authority received care
  Undeliverable Mail
  Undeliverable mail include: recipient address is not written in detail or have errors, you can not drop or throw the invalid; the original write address is no such recipient; recipient migration, new address unknown; recipient units have been removed; collection pieces of dead, nor the legal collection of people; recipients reject the message; delivered to the custody of the window has not yet expired to receive e-mail recipient
  What is the valid documents
  The user to collect valid e-mail documents. Valid ID is: ID card (including the temporary ID card), booklet, work permits, military officer, Jing Guanzheng, and civilian cadres cards, card soldiers, military leave, retired cadres proof. In addition, l6 years of age can also be citizens of student ID to receive e-mail, are also considered valid documents.
  Postage certificates may not be used
  The following postage certificates shall not be used: (a) by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications to stop using the stamp (b) has been serviced or cancellation of the stamp (c) pollution, incomplete or fading, discoloration, it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity of the stamps (d) from the postage envelopes, stamped postcards, stamped on a simple stamp patterns cut (v) foreign stamps and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan stamps (f) deformed stamps (such as back printing, creases, missing teeth, multiple teeth, etc.)
  Writing Code
  Writing Code for the purpose of quickly and accurately to the letter delivered to the addressee. So: First, be sure to write the correct mailing address according to zip code, not free to write. Second, send a letter to the envelope that meets national standards, with reference to the font used seal tongue blue or black pen, ballpoint pen or brush to fill out frame by frame from left to right, writing should be neat, no grid, not even the pen, does not alter , do not break pen. Third, do not just write the county, city short codes, and should write "all code", that is to write the recipient's zip code location Toudi Ju
  Why use a zip code
  Posting and delivery of mail using postal code, the modernization of China's primary means of postal communication is one of the important measures to speed up mail delivery. Mail received, the sender address the standardization of writing, is to ensure that e-mail security, the basic conditions for the rapid delivery. However, because China is a multi-ethnic, complicated characters, places complex characters simply by writing the address, it is difficult to achieve standardization, even if written in clear and detailed in the current difficult for machine recognition. Therefore, the implementation of e-mail address zip code is written in our country the only way to standardization. Implement zip code, has the following advantages: (l) can accelerate the speed of mail delivery. Watch characters address manually sorting mail, one hour only around 2000 pieces of sorting, such as sorting machines to see code per hour can be increased to 20,000 to 40,000. (2) can improve the accuracy of mail delivery. The complexity of place names, duplicate names, names similar to many vulnerable points to see the wrong characters, see code sorting, look at the top three export credit code, look at the letter after the two import code, not only saving eyesight, but also reduce errors. (3) can reduce the "blind trust." Address to write clear, often not sent, does not return back to form a "blind trust." If using the postal code to find the range can be reduced to a delivery area, to minimize the "blind trust."
  Under what circumstances be liable for postal enterprises
  One of the following circumstances, the postal enterprises shall not be liable: ① loss of normal mail. ② Since sending the user or the item itself causes a loss or delay, according to the message. ③ In addition to remittances and other than the insured to the e-mail messages, according to the damage caused by force majeure. ④ According to the message sent to the user or the self intersection of one year from the date of payment failing to inquire about or demand compensation. ⑤ transceiver unit personnel in the recipient's responsibility to cause a loss, according to e-mail. ⑥ various message has been prescribed procedures Tuotou, found in pieces after the recipient shortage, damage.
  Why prohibit delivery concerns and limited items posted and delivered
  Users must comply with postal materials prohibited and restricted items to send provisions. Regulations prohibited, limited the significance of sending items: first, to prevent criminals illegal items posted and delivered by postal channels; Second, can protect the safety of other mail, to prevent combustion, explosion accidents; Third, in order to safeguard public health, protection of postal workers health and to avoid damage to other mail.
  For-profit forged certificate of postage
  The user is the use of postal services all organizations and individuals, including sender, recipient, sender, recipient, postal savers, newspapers and other subscribers. Users of postal materials, said the sender, the recipient receives the message, said user, said user for savings depositors, subscriptions to newspapers, magazines, user, said subscribers.
  Receive messages on behalf of the qualifications
  Representative to collect the mail entrusted to be one of the following conditions: (a) by the recipient on behalf of leading people to documents and documents by the signature or seal on behalf of leading people; (b) stamped by the recipient and others on behalf of leading documents by the signature or seal on behalf of leading people; (c) affix the official seal, with the documents on behalf of leading people by the signature or seal on behalf of leading people.
  Catalogue of Prohibited items and processing (for Trial Implementation)
  First, the prohibited items is the national laws and regulations prohibiting posted and delivered, including:
  (A) of the various types of weapons, ammunition. Such as firearms, ammunition, bombs, grenades, mines, bombs and so on.
  (B) of the various types of explosive materials and easy. Such as detonators, explosives, gunpowder, fireworks and so on.
  (C) of various types of combustible materials, including liquids, gases and solids. Such as gasoline, kerosene, tung oil, alcohol, lacquer, diesel, aerosols, gas lighters, gas cylinders, phosphorus, sulfur, matches and so on.
  (D) various types of easy to corrosive substances. Fire sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, organic solvents, pesticides, hydrogen peroxide, dangerous chemicals.
  (E) various types of radioactive elements and containers. Such as uranium, cobalt, radium, plutonium.
  (Vi) various types of deadly poison. Such as thallium, cyanide, arsenic and so on.
  (Vii) various types of narcotic drugs. Such as opium (including poppy, flower, bud, leaf), morphine, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, methamphetamine, ephedrine and other products.
  (Viii) various types of biochemical products and infectious materials. Such as anthrax, dangerous bacteria, such as pharmaceutical waste.
  (Ix) a variety of endangering national security and social and political stability, and obscene publications, publicity materials, printed materials.
  (J) a variety of goods is detrimental to public health. Such as bones, animal organs, body parts, without the tanned hides and skins, animal bones system without the drug.
  (Xi) National laws, regulations, administrative rules and regulations banned distribution, delivery or entry and exit of goods, such as national secret documents and information, the national currency and counterfeit currency and securities, simulation of weapons, controlled cutting tools, precious relics, endangered wild animals and their products.
  (Xii) packed so might jeopardize personal safety, pollution or damage to other posting and delivery of parts, equipment, materials.
  (Xiii) the country of destination (region) to prohibit posting and delivery of imported materials.
  (Xiv) other prohibited items posted and delivered.
  Second, delivery services, business-to-Prohibitions approach:
  (A) companies are finding all kinds of weapons, ammunition and other items, shall immediately notify the public security departments, evacuation of personnel, maintenance of the scene. While informing the national security authorities.
  (B) companies are finding all kinds of radioactive substances, biological products, narcotic drugs, infectious materials and potent poison, chemical, and shall immediately notify the public security departments handled by contingency plans. While informing the national security authorities.
  (C) companies are finding all kinds of explosive and other dangerous items, links found acceptance, not acceptance; transit links found, forwarding should be stopped; delivery links found, no delivery. Segregation of dangerous goods to be stored. Prone to hazards of which the dangerous goods, should notify the public security departments, while informing the national security authorities, take measures to destroy. Need to eliminate pollution, should be reported to the health and epidemic prevention departments. Other dangerous goods, notify the sender can get back the deadline. Internal parts in the other non-dangerous goods, should be re-sorting letters, sent or notification issued certificate attached to the delivery part of the recipient to receive.
  (D) companies are finding a variety of endangering national security and social and political stability, and obscene publications, promotional materials, printed matter, shall promptly notify the public security, national security and press and publication departments.
  (E) The enterprise that is detrimental to public health goods and perishable items should inform the sender as the deadline to claim, notify the sender can not get back the respect of land destroyed.
  (Vi) business of packaging so that they might jeopardize personal safety, pollution or damage to other posting and delivery of supplies and equipment, the acceptance part of that, it should notify the sender within a time limit to claim. Transferred or delivered by found, should be properly handled according to specific circumstances.
  (G) prohibiting entry and exit of business items that should be transferred to the Customs processing.
  (Viii) other circumstances, may notify the relevant government regulatory departments.
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Wikipedia Daquan
  postal service
  State-run to pass a letter-based telecommunications industry. Post to accept the sender of the commission, the sender of the letters and other mail be posted through the handling and transportation, they are delivered to the recipient.
  Post to contact one of the means of communications, it is necessary to meet the government agencies, organizations and other communication needs, but also for the general public services, in the political, economic and cultural life and in international exchanges, all have an important role. Post also is a productive sector of national economy, are transportation category, which although not the production of material goods, but through the transfer of the message, have a beneficial effect. Post production activities on the promotion of social development, improve social productive forces, play an active role.
  Post origins can be traced to the ancient national postal system. In ancient Egypt, Persia, Rome and other countries have historical records on the Mail Station. Western Zhou Dynasty of China have a far more complete postal relay for the official transfer documents used. In order to meet the needs of private communications, Ming appeared privately run public information bureau. Post Modern Times was founded in Europe in the 17th century. International communication links for communication, in 1874 founded the General Union of Postal, renamed the Universal Postal Union in 1878. China formally established in 1896, the modern post (see post history).
  Postal services postal handling business, initially passed the official documents and personal letters, mailed after the increase of the items posted and delivered a package suitable for business and for remittance of foreign exchange business. Post has many points, line length, a wide range of features, many countries use this feature and then concurrently postal certain financial services (such as savings business, simple life insurance), and some agency (such as collecting taxes, on behalf of the Fat pensions) and so on. Some countries also apply for postal business newspapers and periodicals, and some tools used for postal-owned passenger transport. Handling postal business, more than the traditional scope of business.
  Post in the establishment of the early modern China, only to deliver a letter for letter-based business. In 1898 they opened parcels and exchange business. Offer savings services in 1919. Also handled a simple life insurance and agency treasury, on sale tax stamps and other services. At present, the Chinese people, the main business of the Post for letters, parcels, postal remittance and postal press release.
  Post offices and postal routes network formed by the mail delivery system. Mail delivery to be by the relevant two, three or even more common to participate in the post office. Each post office just completed a stage in the transfer process. Only cooperation and coordination between the various stages in order to complete the transfer process. Therefore, the country's post offices and postal routes closely linked to a variety of reasonably accessible postal network components, is common in all countries, the basic organizational form of the Post.
  Organization postal network, in addition to self-Mail Post Postman tools, but also comprehensive utilization of railway, highway, water and air, road transport sector and implementation of transport, which would be affected by these routes under the transport sector, frequency, running time constraints, therefore, have greater organizational planning postal network complexity.
  China is now the capital of Beijing as the center is the main rail-lines, composed of the postal network extending in all directions.
  Post Post has a long history of technology, in the longer term use of manual operation and human, animal transport. With the emergence of modern transport, postal extensive use of trains, cars, ships, aircraft transport mail, changed the postal backwardness. Since then, the internal processing by the post office delivery, lifting equipment and other simple mechanical devices to replace part of the manual in order to reduce the heavy physical labor.
  Post Post management is both productive sectors of national economy, and thus have a clear business policy and rational management system for effective location
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English Expression
  1. n.:  post,  mail,  EMS (,  postal service,  official system of collecting, transporting and delivering letters and parcels,  official transport and delivery of these,  postal
French Expression
  1. n.  service postal
post System, post regime, post
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