Buddhist glossary : Buddhism Characters : diet > ethos
Dao Yi  


English Expression
  1. :  Dao Yi
  2. n.:  ethos,  morale,  morality,  moralization,  moral authority,  morality and justice
French Expression
  1. n.  morale, moralité, sens du devoir, justice
call [make] white black the principle of a more simplified taxation system, broader tax collection basis, lower tax rates and stricter tax collection, morality, ethic, morals [pl] standards of behaviour, virtue, Conduct Zhidao, moral character (integrity)
head, Wine head, intellect, ability to form mental images or pictures, perception, brainpower, learn, study, on, savvy, ability to reason, beef, mercury, event, force, High, summon, marrow, ambition, courage, insight, brain, agency, spark, blood, prime, Qingchun Village
Daoyi Town
Daoyi Village
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Daoyi Townimmoralitydeontologydeontology