idiom > Bridge dismantle Bridge
Bridge 拆桥
  Explanation: See "burning bridges."
  Source: "Bureaucrats" Seventeenth back but now people are always crossing the bridge Chaiqiao, turned people do not know. Wait until you have something to ask him, he jump to stand go up. "
  Examples: Yongzheng Geng Xu, Gong Shi Song Wall measures proposed are invited subjects waste. _Set_ the top three at the end, stop its use. The Yuan-called ~ those others? ★ clear Nguyen Health "tea, then the remaining passengers," Volume II
No. 2
  Analogy to destination, helped put themselves kicked open. With the "burning bridges."
Translated by Google
No. 3
  词 目 过桥拆桥
  发 音 guò qiáo chāi qiáo
  释 义 比喻达到目的后,就把帮助过自己的人一脚踢开。同“过河拆桥”。
  出 处 《官场现形记》第十七回:“但是现在的人总是过桥拆桥,转过脸就不认得人的。等到你有事去请教他,他又跳到架子上去了。”
  示 例 雍正庚戌,贡士宋长城对策,有请废科目之议。置三甲末,停其选用。此元人所谓~者耶?★清·阮葵生《荼馀客话》卷二
  用 法 作谓语、宾语、分句;指为人不好
  成语名称 过桥拆桥 汉语拼音 guò qiáo chāi qiáo 成语释义 比喻达到目的后,就把帮助过自己的人一脚踢开。同“过河拆桥”。 成语出处 《官场现形记》第十七回:“但是现在的人总是过桥拆桥,转过脸就不认得人的。等到你有事去请教他,他又跳到架子上去了。” 使用例句 雍正庚戌,贡士宋长城对策,有请废科目之议。置三甲末,停其选用。此元人所谓过桥拆桥者耶?