idiom > Through city flaunt
Swagger through the market
  Explanation: City: downtown, a place that many people; swagger: flaunting. Show that the momentum in public swaggering, attention.
  Source: "Historical Records family of Confucius": "Staying in more than a month, the spirit of public and his wife in the same car, Huanzhe channel parameters by Yong, out, so for the time by Confucius, swagger through the city."
  Examples: Pinglan gaze, ~, although the low price points sound expensive, the good at the wind flower Dianran. ★ Qing Yu Shen students "Sea Excursion corner record"
No. 2
  成语 过市招摇
  发音 guò shì zhāo yáo
  解释 市:闹市,指人多的地方;招摇:张扬炫耀。指在公开场合大摇大摆显示声势,引人注意。
  出处 《史记·孔子世家》:“居卫月余,灵公与夫人同车,宦者雍渠参乘,出,使孔子为次乘,招摇市过之。”
  示例 凭阑凝望,~,虽分声价之低昂,各擅风花之点染。 ★清·玉魫生《海陬冶游录》
  近义词 招摇过市
  用法 作谓语、状语、定语;指故意引人注意
  成语名称 过市招摇 汉语拼音 guò shì zhāo yáo 成语释义 市:闹市,指人多的地方;招摇:张扬炫耀。指在公开场合大摇大摆显示声势,引人注意。 成语出处 《史记·孔子世家》:“居卫月余,灵公与夫人同车,宦者雍渠参乘,出,使孔子为次乘,招摇市过之。” 使用例句 凭阑凝望,过市招摇,虽分声价之低昂,各擅风花之点染。