complete International : melody : legend : cigarette : China > Sichuan > Chengdu > brilliance
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No. 1
  Your Golden brilliant lights ~ ~ Your ~ ~ ◇ victories results.
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huī huáng
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No. 3
  Brilliantly illuminated
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No. 4
  Outstanding; brilliant
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No. 5
  Splendid culture
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No. 6
  Also as a "hui Huang." 1. Dazzling; brilliant. Qing Wu Albert "Si Ling Princess elegy": "Xie song though bleak, Khan, from the brilliant Jane." Zhu De "Send Northeast Zhujiang" Poetry: "brilliant feat Yan were held, with branches and flowers bright hi."
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No. 7
  That so brilliant. Zhao, "the task of studying history": "the spirit of superstition they Confucius, Buddha, Jesus, for biography, Hui Huang Confucius, Buddha, Jesus, the only day for the ancient sage vertical, natural son, mentioned a lot of weird without the words. "
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No. 8
  On behalf of the said gold and silver jewelry. Qing Li Yu, "Mirage in the House transportation treasure": "the world married women competing hairpin-tin, 100 brilliant value both very much?"
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No. 9
  Light; shine. Lu Xun, "set outside the set Telegrams <Meffert wood Shi Mintu the map> Preface": "brilliant flame dark windows of the factory." Ling "New Year": "video before, before the Goddess of Mercy, patio angle All the places to light candles with brilliant, eight chandeliers are lit here. "
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No. 10
  Brilliant: brilliant. "Book of this by training": "Kun-Yu wrong dazzling and shining glory." GAO Note: The "brilliant shine, Kun-gloss color appearance." "Selected Works of Zhang Heng <Xi-Fu" ":" analogy of the circumpolar stars, rebel He plays with brilliance. "Xue Zong Note: The" glorious, glorious things. "" The Scholars "third back:" Zhou School Road, take a look at themselves, Fei fees with, how splendid! "
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No. 11
  光辉灿烂:灯火~ 金碧~ ~战果 ~的成绩
  辉 : 辉(辉) huī 闪射的光彩:光辉。满室生辉。辉煌。照耀:辉映。辉耀。辉照。 笔画数:12;部首:车;五笔输入法:iqpl;笔顺编号:243135451512
  煌 : 煌 huáng 光明,明亮:辉煌。星火煌煌。 笔画数:13;部首:火;五笔输入法:orgg;笔顺编号:4334325111121
English Expression
  1. n.:  brilliance,  eclat,  glory,  splendor,  splendour,  brilliant,  magnificient,  glorious
  2. adj.:  splendid,  bright
French Expression
  1. adj.  brillant, glorieux
Guangze County, bloom, gloss, brightness, brightness, glory, braveness, Guanghui Village
Huihuang Village
Brilliance Juweihui
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