idiom : Reduplication : agriculture > amid fire and thunder
  Explanation: Humming: onomatopoeia to describe the huge sound; Heroically: flame flaming look. Describe the cause of prosperity. Also described the massive, boldness of vision.
  Usage: Joint type; as object, attribute, adverbial; describe the massive
  Source: Song Wen Tianxiang, "Zhang Xu Qin Yuan Chun title Shuangmiao" words: "Life goes dead Xu Xi, a roaring good its might."
  Examples: Qianfan is more than feeling the Liangshanpo ~, to the cause of the world on fire. (Qing Chen Chen, "Water Margin after the transfer," the first round)
  Riddle: Continuous burst
No. 2
  Describe the courage magnificent, massive career 丨 ~ do ~ the mass movement launched.
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hōng hōng liè liè
  Described as imposing or massive
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No. 4
  Vigorous land reform
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No. 5
  Describes the momentum of vast and heroic. Yuan Shang Zhongxian "British Gas announced the" second break: "clean up the noise from the noisy noises coming a little to siege, complete Bale vigorous competition with taking names." Qu-type plow, "Leisure on Sept. 20 letter sent": "Yap in the asylum for the aged and other friends, vigorous, into a name through the ages, He Qi is an evil born Lesi Down? Prudential to name the relevant section, the government is even worse than the living. "" The Scholars "16th back:" That the fire dynamic , Bibipopo with one red light, such as the dragon Flurry. "sen" revolution since the original ":" The Huanghuagang 七十二烈士 spectacular generosity, have shaken the world. "see" its might Hong Hong. "
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No. 6
  【拼音】:hōng hōng liè liè
  【示例】:比前番在梁山泊上更觉~,做出惊天动地的事业来。 ◎清·陈忱《水浒后传》第一回
  【AABB的成语】:口口声声 断断续续 浩浩荡荡 稀稀拉拉 琐琐碎碎 松松散散 密密麻麻 冷冷清清 来来往往 踉踉跄跄 来来去去 来来回回 风风火火 匆匆忙忙 忙忙碌碌
English Expression
  1. n.:  amid fire and thunder,  be dynamic,  in mighty waves,  Vigorous,  large-scale
  2. adj.:  strong
French Expression
  1. adj.  grandiose, retentissant, d'une manière éclante, impétueux, qui fait sensation
render good for evil, Formality, courtesy calls for reciprocity; courtesy demands reciprocity, supply each other's needs, If you'll scratch my back, I'll scratch yours., Whether communicate, shed grateful tears, be grateful to sb.and seek ways to return his kindness, thankfully, be deeply grateful for, worship sb. or sth., steadiness, One hand washes another, Mountain waste Remote places, blazing, be head over heels in love, Neglect of sound Q, justice in return for injustice, bless bear kindness, pay an old sore
Yajiandiebei, Xiemoshalv, be very much in love, Pull a tree ladder, free flatter, Not in flatter, not know chalk from cheese, undiscriminating, fail to appreciate sb's kindness, two innocent playmates, Yajiandiebei, forget the means by which the end is attained, Tsuen may forget the fish, cook the hound when the hares have been run down, Hobbyhorse Friends, Bamboo horse at the turn of, fall out callosity, Huotupenggou, Childhood, cast sb.aside when be has served his purpose; kick sb. out after his services are no longer required,as the bow and arrow are stacked away when there are no more birds to shoot, Pigeon Car Zhuma, Bridge Pumping plate, kick down the ladder, Erbinxiangmo, Aijiandiebei, Aijianbingzu, Aijiandiebei, Suffer shoulder Cabei, Aijiancabang, parental betrothal; the two (the boy and the girl) had been engaged to each other before they were born, There was no retreat into, Ji River Fen Zhou, s hair twisted in a knot companion in adversity
Containing Phrases
Amid fire and thunder Qu'aiAmid fire and thunder of versiclea fiery revolutionary struggle