math and applied math : cord : geography : vessel : railway corps : railway : concrete : melody music > orbit
No. 1
  ① paved with steel bar for trains, trams and other traffic routes. ② objects in the universe to run the route. Also called trajectory. ③ line of the movement of objects, and more that there are certain rules, such as the movement of electrons inside atoms and the satellite's operation has a certain track. ④ action should follow the rules, procedures or scope of the production has embarked ~.
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guǐ dào
  Original use of wood, now usually made of vehicles rolling orbit article, wheels turning in the rail slot (such as the tram tracks) or in-orbit rotation top
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No. 3
  One day to another celestial body around the path described
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No. 4
  Flight path of aircraft circled c (1): an object in the force field in the path (usually in a curve-shaped) (for example, around the electron in the nucleus, a charged particle in electric and magnetic fields in the sun or the Earth gravitational field in the path) (2): Particle movement in the force field, its energy, angular momentum and other factors determined by the state - in particular for an electronic state in the nucleus around which movement
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No. 5
  Analogy should follow the rules, procedures or development of the direction, scope
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No. 6
  Production onto the right track
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No. 7
  The track into the national plan
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No. 8
  Hon Hing has 20 years, the system should be Xing, music, and princes track, naive people, prison rates decline of First Instance. - "Han Yue Chi"
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No. 9
  Follow the rule of law. "Han Jia Yi Chuan": "Music and now the same, but combined with nobility track, Bing Ge fixed, the public security chief, Hun guest service." Reappraisal Note: The "track, has made compliance with the rule of law." Tang Yuan Zhen, "Feng system Music for the Royal Fu test ":" Mu-law and 100 into quite Jun to, tin-orbital active and princes. "Song Song Qi" Song Jingwen Public Archaeology Notes ":" But the world Wo, Bing Ge out of fashion, the South Vietnamese Shunde, princes track. "
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No. 10
  Follow the route. "Historical Records Official Book": "month, five-star along into the track, the Secretary of its out, the Code, which punish the emperor also. The reverse into, if not track to the committed life."
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No. 11
  Means the carriageway. Tang Liu Yuxi "concept city": "Chao-ordered day, Brisbane nationals, salt to, track and sub-sub-folder Yan."
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No. 12
  Refers to the steel strip paved for trains, trams and other traffic routes. "Ballad of workers closely follow the party elections the people": "train going in orbit, and the people closely follow the party."
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No. 13
  Line of the movement of objects. More than that certain rules.
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No. 14
  Objects in space to run the route. Yang Shuo "Iron Cavalry": "only out of orbit of the meteor as a group, left wing, and a separate event went."
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No. 15
  To be followed all the rules, procedures or scope. Mao Dun, "Evening" 12: "But so goes the most sharply felt, was his life has been thrown out of the track has always been." Zhou Enlai "The current urgent requirements": "unite all the anti-Japanese political parties, to ensure domestic peace the basis of democracy on the track into the new China. "Guo Xiaochuan," Praise the Yangtze River Yangtze River Songs ":" the majesty of the great motherland in the socialist track, tough and focused, Meng-long drive. "
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No. 16
  【注音】:guǐ dào
    结构 轨道一般由钢轨、轨枕、联结零件、道床以及道岔等组成。
    钢轨 常用碳素钢或中锰钢制造,其断面为工字形,用以承受机车车辆的车轮荷载,并将承受的荷载传给轨枕;同时为车轮的滚动提供连续、平顺的表面和引导车轮运行,这种轨道部件称为钢轨。在电气化铁路和自动闭塞信号线路上,钢轨还可兼作电路导体。钢轨的种类通常以每米钢轨的重量表示。中国铁路的钢轨有每米60、50、45、43公斤等种类。在使用英制单位的国家钢轨有码132、112、90磅等种类。不同种类的钢轨适用于不同的铁路线路,主要是依据线路上运行的机车车辆的轴重、行车速度、线路运输量等选用,如轻型铁路可采用每米重量较小的钢轨,有的轻型铁路采用每米仅10余公斤的钢轨;重型铁路可采用每米重量较大的钢轨,美国宾夕法尼亚铁路采用每码155磅的钢轨。
    工字形钢轨主要由上部的“轨头”和下部的“轨底”,以及连接轨头和轨底的“轨腰”组成。钢轨断面的设计,除考虑它的抗弯能力、轨头的抗压和耐磨能力、轨底的支承面积以及抗倾倒能力等强度和稳定性因素外,还须考虑经济合理性和轧制技术可行性等因素。中国铁路各型钢轨的主要尺寸如表1 中国铁路各型钢轨主要尺寸。
    轨枕 铺设在道床和钢轨之间,用以承受从钢轨传来的力和振动,并传给道床;同时用以保持钢轨轨距和方向,这种轨道部件称为轨枕。轨枕除将钢轨传来的力振动传给道床外,它本身也能吸收部分振动能。每公里铁路线路上铺设的轨枕数,是根据线路上的机车车辆运行速度和运输量等因素确定的。机车车辆运行速度高和运输量大的线路铺设轨枕数多。中国铁路在直线线路上每公里一般铺设轨枕1840、1760和1600根。轨枕按材料性质分为木枕、混凝土枕和钢枕三种。
English Expression
  1. :  orbit
  2. n.:  rail,  career,  circle,  cycle,  path,  railway,  track,  trackage,  trackway,  trajectory,  tramroad,  go into orbit
  3. adj.:  cislunar
French Expression
  1. n.  rail, voie; orbite
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