n.: out of the `frying-pan into the `fire from a bad situation to one that is worse
drop many metres in one fall, Left behind afterward, change for the better/worse, go from bad to worse; degenerate day by day; be on the decline; be on the wane, the present cannot compare with the past, From bad to worse, a thousand li a day, getting more serious, The moral degeneration of the world is getting worse day by day, public morality is not what is used to be, Over three score years and ten, rush, A diarrhea Barry, Getting worse
Antonym Group
be in the forefront, multiply daily, Each for himself and the devil take the hindmost., see to everything oneself, die in harness, Xu States to body, pure as pearly as jade, an honest, diligent, pragmatic and efficient government impartiality, honest and clean candour, devotion to duty, A plus ceaseless, Are increasing ceaseless, have no contact with each other, have no contact with, be honest and clean, be pure and hoble, be willing to repay a favour with extreme sacrifice; be ready to die the cruelest death, Health care, lay down one's life for a just cause; prefer honour to life, Practise what you preach., charge at the head, practise what one `preaches do habitually oneself what one tells others to do, be home free