idiom : Reduplication > illustrious celebrated
  Explanation: HEHE: A significant grand look. Reputation is very prominent.
  Usage: Partial official; as the predicate attribute; with compliment
  Source: Jin Chang Qu "Huayang sages Portrait": "Pro-gun, although no illustrious name, and go, people think of them."
  Examples: Moreover, his Luo is also a well-known merchants, but a little tired of the points in recent years, fills out, or ~, and Pa Moren know? (Qing Wu Jian "Twenty years Strange")
  Results: Dragonfly two feces carry a lamp shell; feces climbing shell dragonfly lamp
  Postscript: Dragonfly two feces carry a lamp shell; feces climbing shell dragonfly lamp
  Riddle: Zhu Dan crimson; four on the red list
hè hè yǒu míng
  Described as a very significant reputation
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No. 3
  Living in a hotel of some famous guests
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No. 4
  Describe a significant reputation. "Flower," The Fifth: "Ming Blue Roof child, fat, white face up against, not the village famous beard adults." Lu Xun "且介亭杂文 two sets Hermit": "Mr. Tao Yuanming is famous in China saphenous. "
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No. 5
  赫赫有名 ( hè hè yǒu míng )
  解 释 : 赫赫,显著盛大的样子,形容声名非常显赫。
  出 处 晋·常璩《华阳国志·先贤士女》:“临州郡虽无赫赫之名,及去,民思之。” 亦作“赫赫有名”。《二十年目睹之怪现状》三七回:“还有一个胡公寿,是松江人,诗书画都好,也是赫赫有名的。”
  用 法 偏正式;作谓语、定语;含褒义
  示 例 鲁迅《且介亭杂文二集·隐士》:“陶渊明先生是我们中国赫赫有名的大隐,一名'田园诗人'。”
  近义词 举世闻名、大名鼎鼎、名扬天下、赫赫之名
  反义词 不见经传、默默无闻、无声无息
  歇后语 两个屎壳螂抬一盏灯;屎壳螂爬灯泡
  灯 谜 朱丹绯红;四次上红榜
  故 事 西汉时期,扬州刺史何武为人仁厚,喜欢举荐有才能的人,他反对结党营私、任人唯亲。如果要任命下属时,均采用公开公证的方式选择,因此选拔的人大都没有赫赫的名声与靠山。他的上司大司农何寿要他推荐他的侄子扬州长史,他没有推荐这个平庸的人。
English Expression
  1. n.:  illustrious celebrated,  far-famed
French Expression
  1. v.  jouir d'une grande réputation
shake oneself together, a niche in the temple of fame, of world renown, great one's formal personal name, Famous for Ya Seoul, well-known; celebrated; famous, great illustriousness, reverberate like thunder, have one's name up land, be well-known far and near, World-famous land, Thunderous, leave a good name for a hundred generations
Antonym Group
not to be found in the classics; be not well-known, And compact objects Rang, one's name is mud [dirt], disrepute, voice and countenance Pleasures, Voice and countenance Dog Ma, with every shred of prestige swept away, Holding head scatter in all directions, Anonymity Shu Bei, be on the lookout (while conducting secret activities) frighten seriously, Peach luxuriant and beautiful, sweep the seas, Infestation Moji, fall into oblivion, betake oneself to one's legs, run like a wolf and rush like a boar, Commonplace inglorious, Silk were multitude, pandemonium, all mortal beings, a mere name (=only a name)