idiom > Thief scared
Thief scared
  Explanation: Metaphors do not always bad for his heart at ease.
  Usage: The main predicate; as object, attribute; containing derogatory
  Source: Ming Feng Meng, "Awaken the common saying" volume sixteen ancient road, the man guilty. That Zhaoang due to old things in mind, it is different than Wang Yuanwai scared soul lacking. "
  Examples: This is a Mandarin language movie, called him out, who knows he ~, only to see him when the duck has a head and tail. ★ Qing Cao Xueqin, "Lou" Seventy Back
No. 2
  See "culprits guilty conscience."
Translated by Google
No. 3
  词 目 贼人胆虚 使用频率 常用
  发 音 zéi rén dǎn xū
  释 义 比喻做了坏事的人心里总是不踏实。
  出 处 明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》卷十六:“自古道,贼人心虚。那赵昂因有旧事在心上,比王员外更是不同,吓得魂魄俱无。”
  示 例 这本是鸳鸯戏语,叫他出来,谁知他~,只当鸳鸯已看见他的首尾了。(清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第七十一回)
  近义词 做贼心虚
  用 法 主谓式;作宾语、定语;含贬义
  成语名称 贼人胆虚 汉语拼音 zéi rén dǎn xū 成语释义 比喻做了坏事的人心里总是不踏实。 成语出处 明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》卷十六:“自古道,贼人心虚。那赵昂因有旧事在心上,比王员外更是不同,吓得魂魄俱无。” 使用例句 这本是鸳鸯戏语,叫他出来,谁知他贼人胆虚,只当鸳鸯已看见他的首尾了。
He that has a great nose thinks everybody is speaking of it., A guilty conscience is a self -accuser., with a guilty conscience