n.: beggarliness, state of being poor, extreme poverty, state of being a pauper, pauperism, impoverished, needy, be born with a silver [wooden] spoon in one's mouth, light [lean, short, slender] purse, badly off, squalor, poorness, penury, necessity, misery, indigence, impoverishment, impecuniosity, destitution
v.: state of being poor or in need
adj.: poor
French Expression
adj. pauvre
to intervene, intervene, interfere, event, event, accident, accident, misery, contingency, accident, doom, spot, ruin, doom, perish, deficiency, malfunction, defect, defect, defect, flaw, defects, commit, forceful, papilla, physical disability of a specified type, incapacity, inadequacy, blot, violence incident, confusion, disproportion, disparity, crusade, interfere, crab, demand, supply, will, sake, agent, exiguity, motive, for success, fulfilment, etc, riot, death, ruin, belt, outwear, consume, exhaustion, from succeeding, bring...into derision, imbroglio, thrill, spot, dullness, ruin, behaviour, mannerism, chaos, turbulence, discontented, agitation, appetite, consumed, go west, to kingdom come [to Kingdom Come], curtain, sake affliction, deprivation, adversity, lack of things necessary for life, pinch