idiom and vulgarism > conundrum
Mi Yu  

No. 2
  Originally known as metaphor. "Words. Usually and things, or verse, idioms, sayings, names, allusions and other text for the answers to metaphor, suggesting, shape or description of the characteristics of the riddle, for people to guess shot.
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mí yǔ
  Dark radio text, things people say the answer according to the literal metaphor
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No. 4
  Dark shooting things or words such as metaphor for people to guess. Southern Liang Xie, "Wen Xin Diao Long banter": "Since the Dai-has been quite non-Comedians, while the gentleman ridiculed hidden, into a riddle." Duan Tang-style "Exposition of strange operation": "﹝ Vatican Monk Nanda ﹞ always predict fierce bad people, are riddles, things had FANG Xiao. "Qing Chen Wei-song," Cai Sangzi send Li Yuntian of Wu Ying Shi Er scan mirror "word:" a riddle to be guessed, Zhuang language non-humorous. "
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No. 5
  Metaphor of the mysteries of things. Yiduo "Lone Wild Goose" poem: "Heaven is an infinite secret, a riddle of the blue, too difficult, you can not guessed."
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Words to explain
  Riddle míyǔ
  [Conumdrum; riddle] dark radio text, things people say the answer according to the literal metaphor
  Riddle (riddle)
  (1). Dark shot or something for people to guess words such as metaphor. Southern Liang Liu Xie, "Wen Xin Diao harmonic hidden": "Since Wei Dai has been quite non-Comedians, and the gentleman implicit ridicule, into a riddle." Duan Tang style "YANG Zu strange hybrid operation": "﹝ Vatican Nanda ﹞ Monk who always predicted fierce decline, are puzzles, things have FANG Xiao. "Qing Chen Weisong" Song of Picking Mulberries send Liyun Tian Ying Shi Er scan mirror of Wu Men "word:" a riddle to be guessed, non-Hui Zhuang language. "
  (2). Analogy secret things. Duo "Lone Wild Goose" poem: "Heaven is an infinite secret, a riddle of blue, too difficult, not what you guessed."
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Riddle of origin
  Riddle to the original people in ancient China, is the creation of the collective wisdom of the ancients, not the invention of the riddle to the implementation of the right of an individual.
  Riddle first originated in the folk oral literature, is the production of our ancestors in the long-term practice of labor and created life, wisdom is the performance of the working people. People after the passage of processing, innovation has been the context mystery. Generally referred to as the riddle of civil mystery, the context for the riddle puzzle, also referred to as a riddle. Historical data shows that about the Slave Society, the ancestors have begun to use the songs to express fanciful thoughts and feelings. According to "The Book" and "Tang oath articles" and reads: "time Camps funeral? Be Yu-kai death." Means that: the sun Oh, when will you perish it? Let me join you die! According to legend, the emperor of Xia Xia Jie is no way oppressive, grievances sky, people dare not made it clear, privately Hatefury vent feelings with metaphor, so to spread with such songs. This is the first song with metaphor, curse the tyrant Xia Jie. Xia Jie once said: "I have the world, as the days of one day, at death I die." This is the first song, can be said that the first bud of the riddle. Another example is found in "Book of Changes Daughter on the six" chapter of the Shang Dynasty Short Ballad "women bearing baskets" can also be regarded as one of the earliest records of the riddle: "female bearing baskets, no real, who cut open and clean sheep, no blood. "It is a common use of traditional riddle" contradictions Law ", cleverly showing a pair of young shepherd who pastures sheep shearing couple scenes, and" back to each of their speech ", people easily guessed, similar to a riddle. This is just the riddle of the "embryo", at the time, there is no similar special name.
  The first puzzle, first folk collective creation, mouth and heart, had not attracted the attention of scholars, it is not reflected in the text; so popular in the formation of a long-term working people can not read the words of folk riddles; other major is spread among the upper social and cultural text mystery, by written communication.
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Riddle of history
  Chinese riddle the evolution of thousands of years to develop and improve the current system was formed pattern.
  Ancient times, people doing language exchanges, occasionally for some special reason, inconvenience straightforward expression of thought, but through roundabout, circuitous language to suggest another layer of content, which have a "riddle" of the bud.
  A written record of the so-called "tortuous metaphor" of the language phenomenon, first appeared in the Yellow Emperor "bomb song" Poems "broken bamboo, bamboo continued, flying earth, by the meat," that people make an implicit slingshot, hunting wild animals situation.
  To the Spring and Autumn period, this prototype has been very popular riddle, and have a name, called "thin speech" and "insinuations." Some monarchs like the metaphor, but do not want to hear straightforward frankness. Liu Xie, "Wen Xin Diao Long" in the "Chu Zhuang Qiwei, good metaphor," the record.
  Fu appeared in the late Warring States insinuations, which Xunzi "accompanying article," the most representative. Fu has basically met the folk riddle of the mystery of the characteristics of Fu, produced about two thousand three hundred thousand.
  Han shot appeared to carry out activities, is to guess what people on the objects below. Now, we sometimes also called a shot to fulfill riddles or radio, should be from this.
  Riddles in the Wei and Jin Dynasties have been significant developments. Northern Liu Xie, "Wen Xin Diao Long" wrote: "mystery who also returned to each other in their statements, so unconscious of it." This definition has been in use ever since.
  The rapid development of the Song Dynasty riddle, has long been a riddle and mystery of a group of professional social organizations, and the birth of the "riddles." China began a folk riddles riddles and riddles new pattern of walking on two legs. At this time about eight years ago.
  Yuan and Ming Dynasties, Song, following after the riddle is still as powerful as ever, still playing riddle Mongolian people. Ming Dynasty, there have been some studies and included the riddle of the riddle of the album, including Menglong "Huangshan mystery," Huang Xing Zhou of the "enigma Forty 笺" and celebrate the good from the "Thousand ARAB" and so on.
  To the mid Qing Dynasty, Chinese riddles matured, the mystery is even more popular context. It's rigorous pursuit of the riddle fastening, moving away from the face of procrastination long sentence, advocating to the public or popular idiom familiar statement for the surface material from the original text with the mystery of things, the name extended to the philosophers, classics, even saying, medicine, names, titles, etc., greatly widening the mystery road, promoting the riddle of the available and accessible.
  To the history of today, the ancient traditional culture and gain new life. Across the country guessing to flourish, cultural centers around the club have _set_ up the riddle of mass organizations, many regions have also established a riddle lovers Association. Riddles of the content and form has also been a great innovation, and riddles to truly become the root mass of showy flowers.
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Riddle style
  Riddles can be divided into the mainstream style, folk, classic and popular styles of four types.
  First, the mainstream:
  This arises from a period long on mystery, some occasions, mostly to the needs of a particular special creation. Its characteristics are a prominent theme, content, serious, targeted, results are obvious. Although the theme of different, but all have mainstream features. The following examples illustrate:
  China's takeoff. (Guess Chemical Terms) mystery: sublimation
  Justice has long arms. (Guess opera repertoire) answers: "The whole Law as"
  Second, civil:
  Folk-style quiz and more common to the people familiar with the mystery of things as wood, riddle language fluently, and easy to remember and easy transfer. Most people guess the mystery are of this type.
  Third, elegant:
  Elegant style, also known as "book at home means." Mystery for the attention of such literary talent, bookish strong, and many more into the mystery stories, poetry or famous people to do before hand, in fastening the pursuit of appropriate nature, nature itself. A guess it has some difficulty. For example:
  To steal a bird under the first frost. (Guess that "The West Chamber") answers: I am afraid raise
  Xiao Shu listen to rain. (Guess the "Han") mystery: the world heard of the rare
  To dusk, bit by bit. (Guess the foreign classics b) answers: "genius" "Black Rain"
  IV, Popular:
  Guess this mystery up barriers to much less. Because the riddle more from life, using informal language. Even one sentence, but also approachable. In fastening, even if there are other solutions, only the word ambiguous characters such means. So easy to understand and accept the public, such as:
  Heaven full, to Court radius. (Guess a polite) answers: a good head
  Two old friends parting. (Guess a term lunar calendar) the twelfth lunar month
  Can be seen that the mystery for more than plain, layman's language, and fastening the appropriate and fun. Popular shows are not vulgar, vulgar, the so-called "vulgar and not Ya" to implement this principle.
  Now, with the prosperity of the riddle, a riddle often see some stories, a quiz and the Italian intellectual games like quiz questions, it was also known as a riddle, in fact, this can not be generalized.
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Riddle form
  General by the riddle, mystery, and mystery of three parts present. Some fans use cell made of riddles also by getting lost. Such as: The first class (school terms), the answer: Advanced Class (for "first into the classroom" solution). Here the "first class" is a riddle, "school term" is the mystery project, "advanced class" is a mystery. This can be saved (Swing Version) (geographic term) mystery: the capital (as "will save" solution). Here the "swing frame" is the fan following specific description riddles cell components.
  The main part of the riddle is a riddle, a guessing when to portray the image expressed in metaphor, nature, function and other characteristics, for people to guess the caption shot.
  It is to reveal the mystery of the goods to provide clues to the conditions, performance art is part of riddles, riddles can also be said that some of the issues raised, usually refined and full of images from the poems, aphorisms, phrases, words, words etc. . About riddle text required to understand and easy to understand.
  Riddle guess people can say, you can write it down. In general, civil riddles (something fans, including a simple puzzle) is that out of many, almost had to write riddles.
  For example, that there is a folk riddle: Tree called Big Sister, sister, surprised, Third Sister took machetes, according to Sister lighting. (Guess the four insects). This four out of nine is the mystery, that is, riddle (mystery: cicada, grasshopper, mantis, Firefly). It can be said that four out of nine, people to guess.
  Take a look at the riddles of riddle: Three Shichi not meters. (Word play); Crested Formosa. (Word play) is to write out such a riddle, because the mystery was repeated pondering. The first one the answer is "to" because the three Shichi is "one meter" and "one", "m" on the next joint, is "to" word. The second cell the answer is "few" words, because the phoenix word "head" and "Tiger" the word "tail", just fighting a "few" words.
  There are some riddles of riddle not words, but by the graphics, objects, symbols, numbers, letters, seals, audio-visual, movement and so on. Riddle at which the matter, should be simple and neat, metaphor properly, full of ingenuity.
  Mystery project
  Mystery project is limited to the range of answers is to contact riddle and mystery of the "bridge." It works like road signs, giving the shot in the direction specified guess.
  Such as "guess the word one", is limited to only one word answers, not something else, can not spare a word. Even if something else can guess the riddle fastening is still considered not guess.
  Riddle of the mystery behind the head attached, such as "word play" and "fighting" is "guess" the meaning of "playing word" is "guess the word."
  Mystery of general provisions of the mystery is a project, but also some two or several. For example: full up (typing II). Mystery project provides two answers. Guess by knowing law, the answer is "promoting", "extravagant." Full, that people have enough, "people", "full" synthetic "promote"; also said that people have very much, "people" "more" synthetic "extravagant."
  Standard mystery project should pay special attention to its scope. Target range is too large, difficult to guess shot up nine; the subject is too small, it is easy to guess the shot.
  Mystery is the riddle within the meaning of subtle turning point, shoot the thing itself dignitaries guess, is the inner part of the hidden riddles, riddle can also be said that the answer to a question.
  Answers it is necessary to meet the riddle of the inner meaning, it must meet the objectives of the limited scope of the mystery, people saw the mystery had "suddenly realized" feeling.
  In general, the riddle of the mystery should be specific. The side of good riddles, but it can be a mystery, there should be two or more answers.
  Mystery box
  Mystery cell produced in the Ming Dynasty. At that time, due to the continuous development of riddles, mystery method commonly used system can not meet the needs of people. So they create a variety of fan cells, using them to make riddles.
  Grid in accordance with the provisions of fans, or the location of the mystery word by moving species, or the mystery of the word pronounced harmonics (that is, the same or similar pronunciation), or text on the answers to some of radical processing order, and then riddle to snap.
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Riddle Category
  Generally speaking, the riddle can be divided into two categories, called the mystery of things, is often said that riddle; another puzzle called the context, it is often said that riddles.
  (1) the mystery of things
  Also known as folk riddles, children's riddles. Apart from a small number of puzzle other than the mystery of the mystery of things are mostly common in some of our common life "things" and "material." Such as animals, plants, various equipment, supplies, human organs, natural phenomena, celestial bodies ... ... it is often catchy ballads or used in the form of short poems. For example:
  Guess the word: a horse traveling thousands of miles, there is water fish, it was not you and I, have land to cereals. Mystery: too.
  Guess the animal: a head without neck, eyes without eyebrows, a hairless tail, a wing is difficult to fly. Mystery: fish.
  Guess Plants: There are no silkworm silk, there is no worm holes, there is no one umbrella, there are no bees nest. Mystery: lotus root.
  Guess the machine: Do not look at the name of the negative, in fact, very active, busy all day working, working particularly hard. Mystery: tractor.
  Guess with the material: two brothers tall, go out on the race, always equidistant, the total also fail to recover. Mystery: a bicycle.
  Guess daily necessities: a mouth can not say that there do not eat steamed belly, although no stomach problems, vomiting yellow water is much more. Mystery: the teapot.
  Guess human organs: root is not deep stand high and look to long to short interest for the sake of appearance bearing the United States, hard to count how much effort costs. Mystery: hair.
  Guess natural phenomena: like a cloud not a cloud, like smoke is not smoke, the wind gently floating, sun slowly dispersed. Mystery: fog.
  Guess labor: thousands of people weaving Fairview, stooped stooped Khan DC, originally a vast expanse of sea, an instant change oasis. Mystery: planting.
  (2) the context Mystery
  Context is also called the mystery riddles. The answer is it any kind of meaningful expression of the text. Therefore, the range of answers is quite extensive. It includes the words, all words, phrases, phrases and so on.
  Consider the following context some of the mystery:
  Farmer (name of a play writer) answers: Tian Han.
  Eager to go home (to play for a title) mystery: thinkers.
  Virtuous example (names of a dozen of Liaoning Province) mystery: Fushun.
  High-speed smash (hit musical terms a) answers: Allegro.
  Finger electric shock (typing a) mystery: Mount.
  Campaign (military term for a play) mystery: a war of attrition.
  Looking to the motherland, Taiwan (playing sports facilities a) of the mystery: the stands.
  (3) the mystery of things (civil riddles) and cultural meaning of the mystery (riddles) of the difference between
  Mystery and cultural meaning of the mystery of things are riddles, they have in common. For example, their basic structure is the same riddle that has, mystery and the mystery project.
  Look at a folk riddle:
  Riddle: seven eight-bed was a black child sleeping inside, has a red children to Mengen, stomp, kick the bed was. Mystery project: playing an entertainment supplies. Mystery: firecrackers.
  Look at a riddle:
  Riddle: stay fat. Mystery project: a play idioms. Mystery: ignored.
  What is the difference between what it? Here we compare several ways to clear.
  ① riddle and mystery of the fastening in different ways.
  Folk riddle, in addition to a small number of puzzles, most of the features are based on the appearance of things into the mystery. Catch riddle to guess things, its appearance, shape, nature, color, sound, source, purpose and other prominent features in all aspects, with personification, metaphor, hyperbole, suggesting that other visualization techniques described will be out of beat around the bush, so that people according to the clues provided by the riddle, by association, reasoning, judge to guess the answers.
  Riddles, is based on the context (the meaning of the text), so interlocked together mystery and riddle, it is also called the context puzzle, also known as "ARAB", "light tiger." Riddles, word games is endemic to China. Riddles riddle to focus on the meaning of text, sound, shape. Production is the use of riddles, the Chinese characters of word ambiguity, the word polyphony, stroke combinations, such as Description pictographic meaning, sound, shape changes in the characteristics, by knowing, not solution, under the guise of, transport Code, Chaizi and other techniques, riddle and the answers to the meaning or shape on the interlocking joint. Below, we talk about two examples, we would snap the way they have a better understanding of the different.
  Example One, the answer is "swallow."
  Folk riddle is a riddle: there was a black lady, black, came when God put Spring Thunder, the former residence to the eaves, for the spring flying by.
  The riddle of the riddle is: Beijing zero.
  Compare two riddle, folk riddle of swallows colors (black and black), habits (coming spring, living under the eaves), and other characteristics of the image depicted. Riddle of the riddle is simply to ignore what features of the swallow itself, but tightly hold back the "swallow" the word's meaning. "Beijing" also known as "Yanjing", where the link with a "swallow" is used. "Zero" in the ancient time law is the "confinement" where withholding a "child" is used. Everyone to see, the difference between their fastening method is not great?
  Second look at cases, the answer is "garlic."
  Folk riddle is a riddle: Brothers seven or eight, sit around the pole, everyone broke up, clothes torn.
  The riddle of the riddle is: two small two small, grass head.
  The former captures the characteristics of garlic, the way people used to be compared to garlic brother, the garlic skin than for clothes, a lively description of the image will be. As for the wording of garlic, with no thought to make us look riddle, appeared in front of the image of garlic. To the latter, _set_ aside the garlic itself, never mind the various features of it, just focus on the "garlic" word font, wording. "For two for two" is "Suan", then "head of a long grass", it becomes the following, we cite two examples, the reader of my own analysis, their differences?
  The first group is the "Peanuts" as the answer to a riddle:
  Folk riddle is a riddle: Ma house, red curtains, which is home to white fat.
  Riddles of the riddle is: the son of Mulan.
  The second group is the "corn" as the answer to a riddle:
  Folk riddle is a riddle: undressed see the hair to brush the hair to see the teeth.
  Riddles of the riddle is: precious rice.
  ② the range of answers (puzzle mesh) are different.
  Except for a small civil crossword puzzle, the other most of the answer is "something" or "material." Such as animals, plants, supplies, equipment, human organs, the natural
  Phenomena, celestial bodies and so on.
  Riddles as is the context into the mystery, so who can use words to express any words can be used as answers. Its wide range of topics. As little words, more to poetry, idioms sayings, ancient and modern names, foreign names, names of newspapers and magazines, Chinese and Western medicine name, the film drama, all kinds of subject name, the name of a variety of terms, from astronomy to geography, everything , inclusive. Comparison, riddles, mystery riddles project scope than the mystery of civil projects a much wider range. Moreover, strictly speaking, the mystery is the purpose of writing are different. Such as "Swallow" mystery, folk riddles written mystery project "hit an animal," and head to write riddles of the puzzle, "Animals were a hit."
  ③ different manifestations of riddle.
  Folk riddle riddle more general words, and often learn a rhyme songs, of which four in the form of more. It is the language of popular, vivid, and easy to sing, it is suitable for oral repertoire.
  Such as: a doll really strange, wearing more than three pieces of clothing, take off his clothes one day, off to the left end of the skin sheets. (Playing a commodity) mystery: the calendar.
  Another example: a small garden, flowers open continuously, only one look, and the remaining step aside. (Playing a toy) mystery: Kaleidoscope.
  The general text riddle short riddles, many also used ready-made words. Such as the verse, idioms, slang, allusions and place names, movie name, theater name, and even
  To also use letters, numbers, pictures, chess, symbols, and for the riddle's. Such as:
  Raise my eyes to the moon (to fight a foreign place names) mystery: Yangon.
  Wang Wen Interpretation (type I) mystery: one.
  Speak roundabout (playing a musical term) mystery: Ballade.
  Lead (playing a phrase) answers: anachronistic.
  ④ guessing the mystery of the rules of the system are different.
  Guessing riddles method and system of law has strict rules. Such as mystery and riddle can not have the same words to appear (this is called the "bottom face committed"). Mystery and riddle on the fastening
  Appropriate to pay attention to closely, the word is not allowed extra busy. The folk riddles do not have these rules, as long as the riddle to hint riddle on the line. In addition, some riddles have mystery box, and folk riddles no mystery box.
  ⑤ guess shooting at different targets.
  As folk riddle easy to understand, so most of the people shot guess riddles for children. The riddle involving a wide range of knowledge, is more difficult to guess the radio, which requires guessing archer should have a certain cultural qualities. It is generally suitable for adults with a certain level of radiation guess. However, as people continue to improve the cultural level, the accumulation of life experiences, riddles, gradually loved by young friends.
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Guessing method
  Riddle guessing method varied, there are two dozen more common. Knowing is knowing body in the method, reflection method, by deduction method, side of the deduction method, points deduction method, tracing method; part by loss of body in the addition, subtraction, addition and subtraction; are there from the end from the fitting method, away from the surface method; is like a pictographic form of the law, like painting; a straight body part homophonic harmonic method, between the harmonic law; is a relatively comprehensive body of law, the proposed Act, quasi-physical method, question and answer method, transport code laws.
  Riddle overall understanding of knowing the meaning of law, fastening mystery. For example: face a long hook, Tau Kok hanging fan. Four thick columns, a pigtail. (Hit an animal: as)
  The anti-reflection method and guess the meaning of its riddle. For example: not your villain (hit a Chinese herbal medicine: the gentleman)
  By deduction method without intent or meaning riddle, anti-Italian, do not borrow the riddle into innovative solutions, for fastening the mystery. For example: open (playing a writer of Tang Dynasty: Yuan Jie) "liberal" Do not interpreted as "the beginning of the Ming Dynasty", that is the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the mystery of "Yuan Jie."
  Side of the law is not a positive understanding buckle riddle intent, to borrow from the side of the contrast ambiguity snap answers. For example: Jiangfeng fishing boat (to play a "Scholars" characters: double red) where the "double red" from the "Feng", "fire" name, "Feng" and "fire" is red, so the "double red "snap riddle.
  Riddle of the word points deduction method of fastening the answers were the words, and some word word deduction, and some multi-word word buckle, buckle and some more word. For example: Wang Chuan (playing an opera repertoire: Fifteen Strings of Coppers) "look" commonly known as "fifth", "through" and "consistent" with synonyms of the Department, were deducted as "Fifteen Strings of Coppers"
  Origin of law, "traceability" and the riddle of the origin and trace the original source of the upper and lower their association, and then fastening the answers, also called nexus law. For example: Peach Tan thousand feet deep (to play one phrase: unmatched) This is the mystery of "Peach Tan thousand feet deep," the next sentence, "not as Wang Lun, I love", snap answers.
  Addition to the prompt part of the riddle to be increased stroke characters or adding some words to snap answers. For example: beautiful waters (playing word: Cui, Huai) where "good" label "good", "Good Mountain" and "Good Mountain", their sum was "Choi"; "good water" and "good water "add their own as" Huai. "
  Subtraction part of the riddle Tips to reduce strokes of the word, or subtract some words to snap answers. For example: the pool is no water, no mud on the ground (playing word: also) the "pool" of drops of removing the "also" will "to" remove the soil beside the word also have "also."
  Riddle prompted by addition and subtraction, and some words to increase the stroke, and some words to reduce strokes, both increases and decreases, and finally snap the mystery land. For example: top to nod, nod to the top, two to the middle, middle to both ends. The mystery of "go" for the mystery of the eye, divided into two parts can be combined into a mystery. The answer is: to. Reason: "to" the top is the "go" nod, "to" the nod is the "Go" on top. "To" the middle "to" the two, "to" the two are "out" two, "to" the two are "go" in the middle. So is the "to"! ! ! </ CA>
  Law from the bottom of this mystery, riddle answers reflect the detachment. Guess, it will riddle synthesis, and then snap answers. For example: seven people (to fight a county name: civilized)
  Riddle from the surface method to the detachment of certain words, to snap answers. For example: surprised (to play one phrase: one of the words)
  Pictographic method according to the characteristics of things, the structure of Chinese characters (dwarf), the quasi-physical personification, to visualize, makes suggestive, interesting. For example: ice two o'clock it is too much pressure water of a rock climbing. (To fight a noun: water pump)
  This puzzle is like painting a picture based on the overall mean to riddle answers together. For example: Yuan Shu two lines of mountains reflection, Adventure leaf level of flow. (Word play: Hui)
  Fabrication of straight answers harmonic, the use of the word sounds the same or similar to replace the word should have been used to divert people's attention, to achieve the purpose of hidden mystery. For example: increase twelve (playing a city: Tianjin) "added twelve" and "Tim pounds", and "Tianjin" harmonics.
  Between the first harmonic method in some of the mystery word is split change, then homophonic snap answers. For example: the two different specifications (to play word: shoes)
  Guess, the first "shoe" dismantled as "Gui", "reform" in two parts, "Gui" and "regulation" euphony, "reform" and "grid" homonym, relevant answers.
  Comparative law is to shape the meaning of words similar or opposite words together, to compare the snap answers. For example: Add a good, doubled a lot of (playing word: Xi)
  Anthropomorphic personification of the word riddle method of fastening the mystery. For example: There was a little girl, wearing yellow clothes, if you bully her, she would poke shot. (Hit an animal: bee)
  Quasi-physical method or a part of the materialization of the body, or riddle, or said the things in terms of semantics, snap answers. For example:
  Pillows. (Playing a phrase: Zhizhinaohou)
  Question and answer method is usually used this mystery riddle type questions and answer-style mystery. For example: Who is in charge of eight hundred thousand Custodes? (Play one phrase: the first to)
  Part of speech code laws shipped to people familiar with the idiom riddle, spoken, poetry, stories for the riddle, and the significance of other solutions, thus fastening the mystery. For example: gem marry (playing an American historical figure: Abraham Lincoln)
  Exclusion is the exclusion side to take one side, remove to take multi-party rule out easy and get hard. For example: say no name said, can not even call to get (to play word: most) excluded here, "said" and take "said," eliminate "hold" and replaced with "take."
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Riddle example:
  1. Edicts (type I) ling
  2. Loss of worldly (type I) a few
  3. Missed (type I) text
  4. Wet wood (type I) Mu
  5. Shibaxiangsong tears of two lines (type I) Gordon
  6. Shi Dishui (type I) juice
  7. Ten to ten (type I) Hui
  8. Twelve-inch (type I) do
  9. Twelve left (type I) Wu
  10. Twelve came to the (type I) State
  11. One plus one (type I) Wang
  12. Very tall (type I) wins
  13. Really admire (type I) lining
  14. Very considerate (type I) radio
  15. Very advanced (type I) had
  16. Be very careful (type I) guess
  17. Is the right (type I) guess
  18. Ten brothers (type I) g
  19. Ten plus ten (type I) eggplant
  20. Ten of the households less (type I) Home
  21. Twelve pound (type I) celery
  22. Ten empty (type I) jin
  23. Sixteen more than two point (type I) exclusion
  24. Ten people under the (type I) go
  25. On the 10th water (type I) Xun
  26. Decameron (type I) exercise
  27. One p.m. (type I) juice
  28. On the 15th (type I) fat
  29. Fifteen days (type I) fat
  30. Eleven into the plant (type I) pressure
  31. October 10 into a (type I) toward
  32. Shek eight horizontal nine straight, add up to three straight. (Type I) chu
  33. Shek succeed, not a right. (Type I) Rock
  34. Petrochemical plant Dou Yiquan (type I) back
  35. Stones piled up (type I) Lei
  36. Difference a day (type I) day time difference
  37. Forefront of the times (type I) Initiative
  38. When the person is normalized to the sun_set_ (type I) to pay
  39. Ox tail snapped ---- play word mystery: report
  40. Egg on the carpet ---- off to fight a mystery names: Pakistan
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Terms riddle
  Narrow mystery that riddle, mystery in addition to that riddle general, but also refers to the riddle of some language classes like puzzle game, or even that have not yet understand or difficult to understand things, such as "the mystery of the universe," "Mystery of Life" and so on.
  The riddle refers to the folk riddle narrow, including children riddle. Apart from a small amount of text outside the civil riddle of things, mostly mystery. Generalized "riddle" In addition to folk riddle means, but also including the context puzzle, also known as riddles, mystery riddles until almost all-encompassing.
  Lantern riddles
  Song has been linked to the riddle guessing for persons in the light radiation, hence the name. Mystery riddles and cultural differentiation of civil justice mystery of things, the "riddle" the meaning is changed. In modern times, the broad light hanging lantern for persons that shot guess the riddle, riddles narrow context specifically refers to the mystery of whether or hanging lamp. Now known as the riddles in a narrow sense, that is, the context mystery.
  Riddle of the title, also known as puzzles, problems surface, surface of the text, face sentence, referred to as the face, is a riddle, one of the most important.
  Mystery project
  The range of answers. Mystery item of the range of answers from the limited role on the one hand, on the one hand from the prompt effect. Fans have a certain extension of the project, according to the specific circumstances. If answers to Qingzhao, fans head to mark "the famous Song Dynasty poetess," "the famous Song Dynasty poet," "Song Dynasty poetess," "Song," "ancient," "Ancient Man" and so on.
  Answer to the riddle, also known as the end of sentence, the end of the text, referred to as the end goal is to guess the final shot by fans riddle meaning and scope of the dual objective constraints.
  Mystery box
  Riddle format. Its role is to prompt the answers have to make some changes. Different changes in the form of a corresponding grid puzzle grid and the corresponding name. Mystery cells are the most common shutter grid, swing frame, Xu Fei grid, pear grid, find the phoenix grid and so on.
  Filling riddle
  When the answers to make certain changes, riddle is hard to explain, without changes in cells belonging to the scope of the mystery, riddle filling method can be used, referred to as the filling method. In the riddle add a sentence in parentheses next to the other, these words can not explain the change answers, the surface is the riddle of the reviews, if the answers to make some changes suggested. Such as the riddle "citrus mid-stream", the word "use 'heart' guess", the answer to phrase "comparable", guess when you add a "heart", the actual to the "do not want to up and down," the idea to snap.
  Mystery body
  Riddles of the carrier, and the riddles of the creative skill related. Mystery tour knowing the common body of the body, like the body, from the fit, increasing loss of body, Q & body, harmonic sound of body and so on.
  Mystery Method
  Riddles guess the shooting method, the Chinese character for "Six" principle evolved. By word meaning, shape, pronunciation is divided into many specific categories of change, when the mystery of a mystery based context.
  Eye Mystery
  Another way to solve the mystery using the context approach, the key role of the word. In the bottom end, said eyes, eyes in the face of said surface.
  Taste the mystery
  Riddles in the fastening interest in pleasure felt by the people. Evaluation of a mystery when you taste the success of one of the criteria riddle.
  Do mystery of words, sentences, words, words. Theoretically, everything can be a mystery, but in fact very different in different difficulty writing answers, so usually targeted for flooring choice.
  Good end
  Particularly suitable substrate creative riddle. Often, these substrate solutions containing other ingredients are more interesting solutions do not doctrinal.
  Good surface
  To build on the same terms, the idea may be different from different angles riddle, best known as the good side of them.
  Explanation of the temporary
  Called Do not answer. Do not take more than used in the answers, also be useful on the riddle, and bottom are used.
  Differentiation of
  Rain original meaning relative, referring to the statement composed of words after the word through other solutions, so that the meaning of the statement has changed.
  Do not take double bottom
  Riddle and puzzle solutions are used by other methods. Another way to solve the mystery double bottom, the bottom can often snap to each other.
  Line drawing method
  Also known as the Code of the riddle has no Code. Riddle would have been allusions to allusions to the plot but does not mean the end button, but to riddle the words mean to snap answers. Such as "Moonlight", the answer is "desert" and the words do not bother guessing when the original poem of Li Bai Moonlight think of home in the plot, only to seize the "bed" to "wide" and the words "clear moon" as the "Day" words together as the "desert" is used.
  Q & A Law
  Riddle in the form of a question, the answer to the question, fastening way. Such as "Why do not the whole crown under Lee" button philosophy the term "cause and effect relationship."
  This is an idiom, meaning the tiger to tiger, an analogy can not do things. Here "Tiger" Do not interpreted as riddles, "skin" Do not take the riddle, sentence is, "to puzzle out the riddle." Now there is this large Mikuai more competition, the organizers prepared the answers, participants create within the specified time riddle.
  Coincidentally, that's a different puzzle of the mystery as to create identical.
  Argot and thin speech
  There is no word in ancient mystery, metaphor, and thin is the riddle of the embryonic form of speech. Ancient books of "hidden too thin", and "hidden, thin language of it." Thin and hidden mutual training, is a meaning.
  Lu shot
  Similar to the ancient puzzle game. Items covered by container guess people, guess the answer after the use argot.
  Composite end
  Answers from the words of two or more components, corresponding to the overall meaning riddle, wrapped, smooth nature, also known as the Collection of mystery.
  Fame as the face
  Ready-made with the previous verse, poetry, textual as a riddle, usually familiar sentences can literally buckle at the end, you can also deduct the original sentence by sentence.
  Riddle essays
  Riddle refers to the broad essays into a sentence of non-riddle, riddle essays narrow sense refers to a self-or seven-character verse Poem prepared to face. Usually refers to the kind of narrow.
  Double Puzzle
  Available into sentences, but also essays. Originated in the Fujian Province, Fuzhou, because district was also known as Fuzhou double mystery. Riddle and mystery double mystery have two, like a couplet, requiring workers parallelism, paired with, respectively, snap.
  Words Embedded double mystery
  A double mystery. Words Embedded in the form of couplets like, will have special meaning to a name, word is divided into two parts, riddle embedded in the corresponding position in the up and down together, embedded in the first word to the more common.
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English Expression
  1. :  mi yu
  2. n.:  conundrum,  conumdrum,  riddle
French Expression
  1. n.  devinette
Mystery box, lantern riddles, Mystery project, issue, sorrow
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