Chinese philosophers : Chinese Philosophy : the Warring States Period > Hundred Schoolars
  Explanation: Originally referred to the pre-Qin period and the representatives of various ideological factions, the latter used to be the general term for a variety of genres in early Qinzhi Han.
  Usage: Joint type; as object, attribute; refer to various academic schools
  Source: "Shi Ji Yuan Jia Sheng Biography" Tingwei made JIA is young, quite through the book of philosophers. Dr. Wen Di Zhao thought. "
Zhu Zibaijia  

No. 3
  The beginning of the first Qin Zhihan general academic schools of thought. Scholars refer to Confucius, Laozi, Mozi, etc.. 100 move into a few words. "Records of Qu Yuan Jia Health Biography": "Ting Wei Jia is made by young students, rather through the Book of philosophers."
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No. 4
  By referring all walks of life. Yuan Anonymous "Hundred Flowers Pavilion" Second off: "But I wonder if you abysmal three religions, the philosophers, can be both proficient in it?" King of Fame "Old House" Part V of the two: "We will not stickle system is, we only full pursue their life purpose - whether it is part of everyday, the philosophers. "
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Source and Interpretation
  【Name】 philosophers
  Pinyin】 【zhū zǐ bǎi jiā
  Explained】 【thinkers: that of Confucius, Laozi, Zhuangzi, Xunzi, etc.; hundred: that of Confucianism, Taoism, Mohist, Legalism and other genres. Later, the academic school of thought Confucianism and the general term
  【Usage】 joint type; as object, attribute; refers to the various academic schools
  【Example】 Wang Xi Yan "Old House" Part V: "We will not stickle of command, we are fully committed to pursuing only the purpose of your life - whether it is part of everyday, ~."
  "The masters" refers to the area during this period reflect the thinking classes, class interests of the thinkers and writings, but also the political school of the first Qin Zhihan general, is a private school arising after the Spring and Autumn.
  "Hundreds" that were more thinkers, but also an exaggeration. The main characters are Confucius, Mencius, Mozi, Xunzi, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, Han Fei, Shang Yang, Shen Buhai, Xu Xing, Gao Zi, Yang, public Sun Longzi, Keiko, Sun Wu, Sun Bin, Zhang Yi, Qin Su, Tian Pian, be careful son, Wen Yin, Zou Yan, Yan Zi, Lu Pu-wei, pipes, etc. Guiguzi.
  Spring and Autumn Period decline of the royal family, princes hegemony, scholars will travel around the world, for the princes advice to the Warring States Period, the formation of a "contending" situation.
  Traditionally, the division on the hundreds, the first from Sima Qian's father, Sima Tan. In his "On the six essence", the first time into the hundreds: "yin and yang, Confucianism, ink, name, method, channel" and other six. Later, Liu Xin in the "seven little", the division again on the basis of Sima Tan, by "aspect, miscellaneous, agriculture, the novel" as the ten. Ban Gu "Han. Treatise "attack Liu Xin, and that:" the masters of ten, and its impressive were only nine. "Later, people go," novelist, "the remaining nine will be referred to as" abysmal. "
  Since then, the ancient Chinese academics are given for Gu, hundreds became "abysmal." Simian people today in the "Introduction to Academic Pre," a book again and again, "soldiers, doctors", said: "Therefore, Qin academic and real can be divided into yin and yang, Confucianism, ink, name, method, way, vertical and horizontal, miscellaneous, agriculture, fiction, military, medical twelve people. "
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Various Schools of history
  Spring and Autumn Period philosophers is the general term for a variety of academic factions. Zhou extinction, prompting the rise and fall more into the thinking of the world, breaking the common people the idea without discussion, replaced at the meeting who cross the active culture. In people, events and a wide range of society, people are no longer in thrall Heaven, and then how to unify the world, govern, educate citizens and so form a variety of different schools. The founder of these schools and the representatives are collectively known as philosophers, is that these hundreds of schools. The main is the most influential Confucian, School, Taoism and Legalism. Character of the school of social problems for some lobbying, the implementation of their political views, or wrote books, people's minds more active than ever in the history of Chinese culture, the formation of a lively debate unprecedented prosperity. Various Schools of academic point of view reflected in their literary works also will be formed in different academic and literary factions. Most philosophers points clear prose, sharp-tongued, with plenty of emotion, expression flexible, and highly contagious, so the various schools of academic prose is not only important value, but also has significant literary value.
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Introduction philosophers
  First, Confucianism:
  Representative: Confucius, Mencius and Xun Zi. Works: "The Analects" and "Mencius", "Xunzi"
  Confucianism is an important school of one of the Warring States period, it is taking the example of Confucius as a teacher, to the six arts to law, respect for "music" and "justice" to promote "Forbearance" and unbiased "mean" way, that " virtue "and" benevolent "moral and ethical importance of education and human self-cultivation of an academic faction.
  The function of the Confucian emphasis on education that the re-cultivation, light penalty of national stability, prosperity and happiness of the people the only way. Stands for "No Child" on the rulers and the ruled should be educated so that the whole country to become moral people.
  In politics, also advocated the rule of propriety, people with morals, calling for the restoration, "Zhou" and that "Zhou" is a political ideal to achieve the desired road. To the Warring States period, the Confucian school points and eight, it is important there are two schools of Mencius and Xun Zi.
  Mencius's thought are the "king of your people light" to promote the implementation of the rulers, "benevolent" in the discussion of human nature, he believed that people are basically good, that "human nature is good" theory, and Xunzi's "evil nature of humans," different, Xunzi reason for making the evil of human nature, but also the Warring States period of the performance of social contradictions more acute.
  Second, Taoism:
  Representative: Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu. Works: "moral", "Zhuang Zi", "Lie Zi"
  Taoism is one of the Warring States period of important school, also known as "moral home." This school of thought on the Spring and Autumn Dynasty I "Road," the doctrine as the theoretical basis, "Road" describes the essence of everything in the universe, origin, composition and change. That Heaven inaction, all things natural chemical and biological weapons, denying God and the spirits reign, advocates Imitation of Nature, comes naturally to promote passive inaction, and uphold women keep soft, dealt with gently. Political ideal is the "small country with few people," "inaction." I later differentiate into different factions within Taoism, there are four well-known school: school of Zhuangzi, Yang Zhu school, Song Yin Huang-Lao school and school.
  Third, Mohists:
  Representative: Mozi. Works: "Mo"
  Mohists important school is one of the Warring States Period, founder of Mo Di.
  This school of "universal love, Mutual Benefit" as the basis for theory: Also, depending on who has; universal love, that your neighbor as yourself. "There is universal love", we can achieve "Mutual Benefit" purposes. Master Zhang Shangxian politics, still the same and non-attack; economic strengthening the claim; ideological ghost thing made respect for days. The same time, proposed "non-life" advocates, emphasizing the powerful on its own in.
  Mohist a close-knit organization, whose members are drawn from the lower, according to legend Jieneng went to the fire knife dance to Ziku inspirational. The Act is engaged in the debate about who the "ink Debate"; those who engage in martial arts, known as "Mexican Man"; leaders said the "huge (huge) children." Their discipline, according to legend "ink by the law, the killer dead, switchblade punishment" ("Lu to the private").
  Mo Di died, split into three factions. To the late Warring States, merged into two: a focus on epistemology, logic, mathematics, optics, mechanics and other disciplines of study is called "Mohist after school" (also known as "late Mohist"), while the other into the Qin and Han Ranger community.
  Fourth, Legalism:
  Representative: Han Fei, Li Si, Shang Yang. Works: "Han Fei Zi"
  Legalism is one of the Warring States period of important school of thought, as advocated rule of law, "does not do intimacy, no special social status, a break in the Law", so called Legalism. Spring and Autumn Period, Guan, Zi Chan is a pioneer in legalism. Early Warring States Period, Kui, Shang Yang, Shen Buhai, Shen Dao, etc. to create the Legalist school. To the Warring States period, Han Fei comprehensive Shang Yang's "Law", Shen Dao's "potential" and Shen Buhai's "skill" to _set_ the culmination of Legalism doctrine.
  This school of thought, advocating economic waste Ida, Restraining Commerce, reward agriculture and war; political advocate waste packet, _set_ county, absolute monarchy, Zhang Shi by surgery, to rule by draconian laws; thought and education, favored Forbidden philosophers doctrine to law teaching, to officials for the division. The doctrine of the absolute monarchy of the establishment of the unified dynasty, provides a theoretical basis and action strategies.
  "Textual Research on" the record books with two hundred and seventeen Legalism, nearly half of this deposit, the most important is "Rule of Law" and "Han Fei."
  V. famous:
  Representative: Teng Hsi, Hui Shih, Huan Gong and groups. Works: "public Sunlong Zi"
  Masters is one of the Warring States period of important school, engaged in argument name (name, concept) implementation (the fact that it is) as the main academic activity was later known as the masters. At that time people are called "debate", "the Chashi" or "sentence (type) famous." Hui Shi and Gong representatives to.
  Sixth, the School of:
  Representative: Zou Yan
  Is an important school of the School of one of the Warring States period, due to promotion of yin and yang theory, and used it to explain the social and personnel named. This school of thought, from ancient times when enumerating the ruling class in charge of astronomy, representative of the Warring States Period Qi Zou Yan.
  Yin and Yang Yin and Yang theory is that with the pros and cons of the thing itself into two opposing forces and can be used to illustrate the variation of the development of things. Everything is made of five elements theory that wood, fire, earth, metal and water elements composed of five kinds, during which students and compared to similar wins (Qia) the two laws can be used to explain the origin and change everything in the universe. Zou Yan integrated the two, according to the five elements that are equal wins, the five elements of the property to be interpreted as "Five Virtues", a "Five Virtues" and take it as the law of ancient waste Wang Zhaoxing, the unified dynasty for the emerging provide theoretical basis for the establishment.
  "Textual Research on" the recorded works of this school twenty-one kinds, have been lost. As in the late Warring States "Book of Rites order", was said to be the School of the works. "Tube" is also in the School of some papers to make, "Lu should be the same," "vulgar Qi Huai training", "Historical Records Emperor of the century" to retain some of the School of the material.
  VII strategists: Representative: Su Qin, Zhang Yi. Founder: Guiguzi. Biography major speech on the "Warring States"
  Strategists is China's Warring States period to a policy lobbying maneuvers princes, engaged in political and diplomatic activities of the minister. As one of the philosophers. Main representative is the Qin Su, Zhang Yi and so on.
  Warring States Period, South and North together for the vertical, west and east to cross, Su advocated Yan, Zhao, Han, Wei, Qi, Chu vertical and in order to resist Qin, Zhang Yi, the force co-breaking vertical and horizontal, respectively, Shi Qin six countries, Strategists hence the name. Their activities to the Warring States Period, political and military changes in the pattern has important implications.
  "Warring States" a large number of records of their activities. According to the "Han Dynasty History" records, the strategists had book "sixteen hundred seven."
  Eight, and miscellaneous:
  Representative: Lu Pu-wei
  Eclectics is a comprehensive school of the late Warring States Period. For "and Confucianism and, combined names Law," "all in the way hundreds of fully consistent" ("Han. Art and Literature" and the Analysis of the Functions note) named. Lu Pu-wei Qin gathering phase hanger compiled the "Lu" is a typical eclectic collections.
  IX farm:
  Farm is one of the Warring States period of important school. Focus on agricultural production because of its name. This dispatch from the ancient agricultural production management officials. They think that agriculture is the food and clothing, should be placed on top of all the work. "Mencius. Teng Wengong to "mind the promised line of its people," as the words of Shen Nong, "Sage should be made" with the public and the farming and food, meal of the Xiang and rule ", the performance of a farmer's social and political ideals. The agricultural production technology and experience the party also paid attention to records and summarized. "Lu" in the <on the farm "," any place "," argue soil, "" when the trial> and other articles, is considered to be important information of Qin farm.
  Ten, novelist:
  Novelist, one of ten pre-Qin abysmal, is the collection of folklore arguments, to local customs inspection. "Han Dynasty History" says: "novelist Those of out of Anecdote View. Street talk about Gossip, hearsay Zhezhi Suo made also."
  Various Schools in brief philosophers, Confucius, the founder of Confucian culture, the Central Plains of three generations due to inheritance orthodox, stand out in the various schools. Resulting not only in the various schools of Confucianism prominently, but also as the mainstream of traditional culture, the core content of the formation of the national spirit of the people had a unique effect. In fact, we can say that Confucianism is not in the usual sense of the academic or school of thought, Confucianism is the essence of Chinese national culture, but also the inherent value of the Chinese system of a performance. It has penetrated every root of traditional culture among the capillaries, greatly affect every area of ​​Chinese culture. Any soil generated from the Chinese theory of ideology, religious affiliation, or even foreign culture, foreign religion, can not avoid the wear traces of Confucian culture. Today, the still more than that. Confucianism also world culture has a lasting effect (we know, Japan and the "four little dragons" of Confucianism is also respected in their basic modernization has been achieved or, in order to solve the crisis of faith brought about by modernization, the problem of moral decline taken rectify measures. so-called "cultural circle in Southeast Asia", is basically to Confucianism as the main mode of cultural composition. It has effectively promoted the social civilization and progress in Southeast Asia. With the development of history, Confucian ethics is entering the Western countries) . Factions on the classification of the various schools, Sima Tan cited the six, "is to that of the six said: Annotations: 'consistent Considers the world, but end by different routes." Fu yin and yang, Confucianism , ink, name, law, ethics, the ruler of this service is also "(" Historical Records of Tai Shi Gong preface ")." Han Yi Wen "in Liu Xin" Seven little, "the philosophers roughly divided into ten: Ru , Tao, yin and yang, France, name, ink, vertical and horizontal, miscellaneous, agriculture, novel. remove the novelist aside, the so called "abysmal ten."
  So is the political school of philosophers the general term, because of its basic purpose of each major are to provide political strategy for the monarch. Confucianism advocates by virtue of the people; Taoism advocates inaction; legalists advocate Xinshangbifa; Mohists advocated universal love is still the same; famous claim to respect Yan Bing. After the Han dynasty, Mohism and famous as secret, independent farmers into a technical discipline, the School of evolved into the mysterious alchemy. Therefore, the later impact of the unified political dynasty, only Confucianism, Taoism, France.
  XI, military strategists. Military strategists focused on guiding the war, had to use force to achieve their goals at the time, how to use force. Is the founder of Sun Tzu, military strategists are divided into military tactics at home, soldiers, family situation, soldiers and military skills of the School of house into four categories.
  Main representative of military strategists, the late Spring and Autumn are Sun Wu, Sima Rang Ju; Warring States have Sun Bin, Wu Qi, Wei wind, Wei Wuji, white from the other. This deposit military commander works include "Yellow Emperor Yin Fu Jing," "Tragic Hero", "Three Strategies," "The Art of War", "Sima Law", "Sun Bin Art of War", "Wu", "Wei Liao Zi and so on. Although the similarities and differences between various theories, then contains a wealth of simple factors of materialism and dialectics. Military commander of the practice and theory, and later was a great influence for our precious ancient heritage of military thinking. Qian Han】 【From "Historical Records of Qu Yuan Jia Sheng Biography": "JIA young, quite through the book of philosophers. Dr. Wen Di Zhao thought."
  Second, the medical home:
  Representative: Que
  Chinese medical theory of the formation, in the second half of the fifth century BC to the mid-third century, experienced a total of seven years. Half of the fifth century BC, China began to enter the feudal society. The transition from slave society to feudal society to the feudal system established in Chinese history is a period of upheaval. Changes in the social system, and promote the development of the economy, ideology, the emergence of new scientific and cultural situation in the field, including the development of medicine. Doctors Medical Practice refers to all people.
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  Confucianism is in the Spring and Autumn Period, "a hundred schools contend" in the emergence of a major school. By the famous thinker and educator Confucius founded by the famous thinker and writer to the development of Mencius.
  Confucianism advocates "Zhou", that everyone behaved, caring, up to one world, is "benevolence." "Benevolence" is the core of Confucianism. Its main contents are as follows:
  Ethics: "Benevolence" is the is the moral of the master. "Benevolence" means "love", the main body of king the people, cherish their resources to oppose tyranny. To practice, Rende, need to "loyalty" and "Shu." "Loyalty" is to do its part; "Shu" is the benefit the people. Advocates a "courtesy", "music", constraints, human behavior, cultivate human nature.
  Politics: advocated the rule of propriety and justice, reply to the Western Zhou Dynasty of Virtue. All sectors of the community should do its part to achieve, "Jun-Jun, Chen Chen, the father father and the son son" and order situation, this is the name the thought.
  Education Concept: Confucius that "No Child," the idea that education should not sub-equal status Xian Yu. He believes that "individualized" is an ideal teaching method. He also advocated "refresher" and "TELL" and other learning methods.
  Cosmology: the ghost terms have the "keep, regardless" attitude, that "with spirits and much of", but attaches great importance to ancestor worship.
  Mencius then the "Goodness said," discusses the "benevolence", "Man from the beasts who, a few hope." He believes people are basically good, with a compassion, shame evil, politely refuse, non-four good side, to be promoted, can become benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, virtue.
  Xunzi advocated "evil nature of humans", that same man and beast, "hungry and wish to eat, cold and wish to warm," human nature and if the compliance line will give rise to disputes. He advocated changing human nature through education, is good to evil. Xunzi stressed that through the "Rites" to maintain social order, so that all sectors of society were Shi-dutiful, society can stability.
  Confucianism advocated "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trust", is respected by the rulers and the academia to become the core of Chinese traditional thinking and the moral mainstream.
  Representative: Confucius, Mencius, Xun Qing, Dong, Cheng, Zhu Xi, Lu Shouren, Wang Yangming.
  Representatives introduced
  Confucius, name Qiu, styled Zhong Ni, Lu Zou city (Qufu, Shandong Province) people, whose ancestral home Song Li (Henan Shangqiu Xiayi). According to Shi Ji said, he was born in Shandong Xianggong two years (551 BC), died Lu Aigong sixteen years (BC 479), Seventy-three years. He is a founding figure of Confucianism, was after the Buddha as "Jesus Christ Biao", also known as the "saint."
  Five years later, Confucius, died at seventy-year-old. And the disciples and the teachers after a lifetime of words to extract to wheat from the chaff off, compiled "The Analects" of Confucius "hadith", has a high literary value, is required reading Confucian classics.
  Mencius name Ke, word Ziyu, and the word child car, child home, Lu Zou (now Shandong Zoucheng) people. Zhou Lie Wang was born four years (BC 372), died in Nan Wang twenty-six years (BC 289). He is a disciple of Confucius Sun Zisi the re-transmission, but also the master of Confucianism after Confucius.
  Mencius in the mother's education, the study hard, studies after Confucius himself as the successor to recruit disciples and traveled far and wide to promote "benevolence", "kingly" the idea of ​​promoting "people, boat followed the king Light. " He went to Qi, Song, Lu, Teng, Liang and other countries, met King Hui of Liang, King Xuan of Qi and other monarchs. Although with courtesy by the respected, but because they are considered conservative thinking, are not at that time the trend has not been reused, and only Tengwen Gong has tried to implement his political views.
  To old age, Mencius returned home to give lectures, and his disciples million chapter, Gongsun Chou and so on, engaged in the work of the book, written in the "Mencius" in seven books. Its contents are: King Hui of Liang, Gongsun Chou, Teng Wengong, Lou, Wan Zhang, Gao Zi, and dedication. Because the weight of each lot was divided into upper and lower two, so book fourteen volumes. Mencius's words and deeds of almost all being kept in the seven.
  Zi, name status, word Qing, Zhao Huan Yi (now Mountain Xian Ze) who was born two years Zhou Hao Wang (313 BC), Qin Shi Huang died nine years (BC 235), the famous thinker the late Warring States and educators. Rarely recorded on the Xunzi, but quite different. Xunzi is the second of Confucius, Mencius, Confucianism after the maximum. Recorded his thoughts in the "Xunzi" a book on two thousand years of feudal society in China have a broad and far-reaching impact. Yan Zi have traveled, Qi, Chu, Qin Zhao multi-country, after the home Lanling death.
  Zi Lan Ling began teaching at the time and writing a book, the famous Han Fei and Li Si was his student at this time, this time he also completed his representative works - "Xunzi." Although Confucian Xunzi heir, but he did not blindly to Confucianism, the overall reception. On the contrary, Xunzi mastery of Confucian doctrine, to be played, proposed a "nature is evil" and other far-reaching doctrine of future generations.
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  "Tao" is the "Taoist" Doctrine Center, is the root of all things. "Road" is also endless. Taoism stresses are not required to insist everything should be in harmony with nature, up to the "Road," the highest level. Taoism is a spiritual detachment, does not limit the type drive, but only to Happy and spiritual openness. The following is a Taoist concept: cosmology: "Road" is intangible and invisible, is the absolute spirit of Macross, the highest body of the universe and the source of all things.
  Politics: From the Warring States period, the wars, hardships, people have to give up only succeed, succeed wisdom, try to be brave, showing off power, return to simplicity, the realm of ignorance, with "inaction" control the world, the world order of peace and stability. Ultimate goal is to restore the "small country with few people," the primitive society.
  Life: all things have opposites, extremes meet. Therefore, people must be "content with few desires," "weak indisputable," "harmony with nature", discard all the shackles of propriety in order to avoid disaster.
  According to general records, I, surnamed Li, name the ear, the word Boyang, Chu Li rural areas for the county suffered Renli (Zhoukou City, Henan Province today Luyi County Taiqing Palace town) people, birth and death unknown, one that was born in BC 604, Shi Dan. Some people call him Lier, some people called him Old Dan. I repair morality, the school principal, said inaction, as the works of self hidden unknown. Many scholars believe that the person I was the Warring States period, but more than that I was the person Spring and Autumn Period.
  I lay in the theory of Taoism, Lao Tzu, "Tao Te Ching," a book up and down five thousand words, the book On the Road Canton metaphysical meaning, meaning of life wisdom, put forward a kind of hybrid materials and independent self-existence of natural origin of the universe, also made the existence and operation principle of the world is "anti-movement of the Tao," the ontological thinking. In which the survival of humans, should learn is that its wisdom in dealing with. I also made a large number of political, social and philosophical views of life come out in favor of "inaction, a small country."
  Zhuang Zhou,, the word son Hugh, Song deceive (Henan Shangqiu City), Health and died about 369 BC to 286 BC, according to "Historical Records" recorded with King Hui of Liang, Xuan same time.
  Meng Zi made early in paint extraordinaire, has been in seclusion. He lived in poverty, but fame and fortune, the king heard the virtuous, had sent envoys presented to the daughter and asked him to be prime minister, he refused. Then life is not re-Shi, Bao Du seclusion in the mountains.
  Zhuangzi knowledgeable, wide circle of friends, with a "Zhuang Zi," a book, a large purpose of this in the "I", then it should be the words attributed to Lao Tzu, also have their own unique perspectives, and its write books more than ten thousand words, probably the rate of allegory as well. For the Fisherman, Pirates of the plantar, flank of animal trunk to slander Zi Confucius, who, to the art of the Ming Lao.
  Liezi, name Kou, also known as Royal Cole (also known as "imprison bandits", "State Bandits"), the legendary Taoist early Warring States Period figures, Zheng (Henan Zhengzhou Xinzheng city) people, and also Zheng Duke Mu. The study of this in the Yellow Emperor, Lao Tzu, the main Zhang Qingjing inaction. Later Han Ban Gu "Treatise" "Taoist" part recorded "Lie Zi" eight volumes, has long been lost. Today the "Lie Zi" eight more content for the folk tales, fables and myths and legends. Ideological content and language from the point of view, may be made by Jin, is the ancient Eastern Jin Dynasty to collect information about compiled, and Jin Zhang Zhan comment and make order.
  "Lie Zi," also known as "Chong Xu Jing", is an important Taoist classics. Lie Yukou book, written by unknown years, generally are Spring and Autumn Period. The book is divided into sections according to "Shui" "Yellow Emperor", "King Mu of Zhou", "Zhong Ni," "Tom asked," "life force", "Yang Chu", "Fu said," and eight, each one have a number of fables composition, put the channel on the matter.
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  Mohist Shangxian is still the same basic political program. Mo Zi and the Confucian saying "school of learning." The following are Mohist concept.
  Ethics: that "universal love", should not have affinity claims love, up and down, high or low, levels, respectively. He believes that the reason why the world chaos is the result of people do not love each other.
  Politics: stands for "Respecting the Wise", "still the same," to promote _select_ion of capable personnel, eliminating the concept of class, so that promote peace and order, that "non-offensive" against all aggression.
  Economic View: against the extravagant lifestyle, advocating frugality, that "prudence", "Saving the Funeral," "Music" thinking.
  Cosmology: that "non-life", that person can not master the fate of wealth and rank, as long as acquired through the efforts of emphasis can change. To seek happiness, a refuge, he advocated "respect for Heaven" and "worship the spirits."
  As founder of Mo from Mo Zi to the main representatives are in the bottom of the academic community, so Mohists better understand the working people in society during the war of the miserable life, so too with respect to the Confucian emphasis on "ritual", Mohist more emphasis on hard work, frugal habits, and not afraid to do the work of lower labor and was humiliated scholars as the "tricks and wicked craft of the technology," life's bias, the position of the opposition, and intellectual than the "love" is harder to comply with the " universal love ", the rulers have not been made Mohist support the future development of small.
  The end of the beginning of the Spring and Autumn Warring States thinkers, academics, Mohist school founder. Ink name surname Zhai, students died about 468 years BC to 376 BC, the State of Lu, who today Tengzhou City, Shandong Province. Mo was born civilians, claiming "the North I" called "commoner people in" and "slut."
  He has Song Doctor, claiming that "no king on the matter, the difficulty of the next non-farming farmers" is the sympathy "of farmers and workers who wantonly," the scholar; had studied the history angle, the transfer of its Qing Miao of the law; and learning in the Confucian, Confucius, learning the art of praise Shunda Yu Yao Ming in the "Poems", "book", "Spring", because of dissatisfaction with the Confucian ritual trouble harsh, so thoughtful and use disposable summer affairs.
  Promote non-offensive, Shangxian, still the same, prudence, section buried, non-music, of Heaven, Ming ghosts, non-life, and embracing love as the core. The man "to Shengmo self correction, and the world of emergency preparedness." To promote its ideas, Mozi wide admission believers, disciples of hundreds of people from the unusual affinity to form a massive Mohist school. Mo said, "the rulers", under the teaching "every man walking people in," almost "a man said from the times." The track actions, the East in place, Journey Zheng, Wei, South For Chu, the more.
  Mo learned, good Gongqiao and production, but also good at Defending City, summed up his subsequent learning experience, "Kimori" twenty-one. Terms were also argue with some success, to become the ancestors of the Warring States thought were source of debate. Mozi's deeds, respectively, with the "Xunzi", "Han Fei", "Zhuang Zi", "Lu", "Huainan in the" other books, the ideas are mainly kept in after school Mohist "Mo," a book.
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  Early Qin Legalism is the most important in the school of law in favor of "rule of law" and proposed a _set_ of theories and methods. This centralization of the Qin Dynasty was established to provide an effective theoretical basis for the later Han dynasty, the Qin Dynasty inherited the centralized system and the legal system, China's ancient feudal society, the political and legal subjects.
  Legalist emphasis on law, against the Confucian "rites", against the aristocratic monopoly of economic and political interests of the hereditary privileges, requirements, and private ownership of land granted by the credit official and talents. The role of the law is "fixed points only fight", which is clearly the object of ownership. "Xing Gong fear of violence", to encourage people to stand exploits, leaving the fear that criminals, Xing Gong's ultimate goal is to Fuguoqiangbing made annexation war.
  Retro Legalist thought the conservative opposition, advocates committed to reform. They believed that history moved forward, all the laws and institutions must be developed with the development of history, neither retro back, can not follow the beaten track that "lawless old, do not follow this" proposition. Mahayana Legalist Han Fei is _set_, that "governance is not easy when those who move and chaos", the conservative Confucian irony is sit back and wait for stupid people.
  Shang Yang, Shen Dao, Shen Buhai three were promoted weight method, re-potential, re-operation, have their own characteristics. Han Fei will put forward three ideas closely. Law is a sound legal system; potential refers to the monarch's power, sole power to military and political power; surgery refers to controlling the ministers, to power, the implementation of the strategies and means of laws, mainly detect, prevent commit rebellion, to maintain sovereign status.
  Han Fei
  Fei, surnamed Han non, late Warring States Korea (today Xinzheng City) who, from a noble, son of the Republic of Korea, date of birth and the blood test had not died in 233 BC. Han Fei stuttering, not good at speech, and good books. Han Fei and Li Si for students, with the teacher was in the Xunzi.
  South Korea situation was weak, see Han Fei, Han admonished on several occasions the king, but South Korea does not listen to the king. Xiu Ming Han Fei does not hate the country the rule of law, not the implementation of Fuguoqiangbing, and reuse those who do not experience good hair doctrinaire people. So his view of the change to those gains and losses, as "ANGER", "Five Bookworms", "inside and outside the reserve," "said Lin," "that difficult" more than ten thousand words, become a master of Legalist thought. After the book spread into the state of Qin, Qin Reading said: "Jie Hu! Guaren have Xianci Ren tour with them, refuses to hate carry on." Emperor Han Fei's writings have been praised.
  Qin attacked Han, Han Fei Wang had not, to be very anxious attack Qin, Han Fei Wang then appointed envoy to Qin. Qin Han Fei saw it as a joy, but failed to credit. Scott believes that the Republic of Korea Han Fei's son, instead of the end for the Han Qin, therefore recommended to the King of Qin, as do Han Fei, as vocal in order to avoid future trouble. King that it does, ordered the government not. Fei Li Si were secretly sent to send poison to commit suicide. Wai Han Fei was not met, and finally killed for their students.
  Shang Yang
  Shang Yang (390 BC to 338 BC), surnamed Kung-sun, were martingale, Wei (Henan Anyang City) who closed the business when Xiao of Qin Yi, named Shang Yang, number of Lord Shang. Shu Wei Shang Yang is a son, sometimes referred to as Yang of Wei. Shu Wei Xiang Gong Shang Yang first thing is the Bastard acne. Gongshu acne know that there can be but without re-Shang Yang, recommended to the King Hui of Wei Shang Yang. King Hui Shang Yang was not satisfied with, Gongshu acne until after the death of the duke ordered the smell of talent to the country, then west to Qin Shang Yang.
  After the Qin and Shang Yang, Xiao of Qin before and after the four met with him. Benevolent duke does not want the Confucian virtue of the Road, and handed the letter, and Shang Yang's legalist thinking of consistency, and the most complete implementation of the Qin Reform Movement.
  Shang Yang in Qin twice before and after the implementation of political reform, more completely abolished the old system, the implementation of the new system, making the powerful state of Qin up quickly, becoming the first such power in the Warring States period. Subsequently, aristocratic conservatives Shang Yang himself was being framed, be punished by tying a person to death.
  Artists are promoted to the name is actually responsible for the doctrine of schools, to promote "name the reality", it "is right and wrong with each other, so that name and in reality." Warring States period, instability, chaos. A lot of etiquette in name only. Thus the rise of famous, emphasizing things should be "name almost a matter of fact," all things to make everyone on the right track.
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Military commander
  Military strategists in ancient China, the generic term for strategists and military experts, and especially Qin study of strategic and war factions. Military commander of the important works are "The Art of War", "Wu", "Sun Bin Art of War", "Sima Law," "Tragic Hero", "Three Strategies" and "Wei Liao Zi," and so on.
  A master of military strategists is the Sun Tzu's "Art of War." Chinese military strategists since ancient times has been the subject seriously. Art of war in China's development has a long history, art of war production in the Western Zhou, mature in spring and autumn.
  How to grasp the war from a macro is the key art of war. War is the continuation of politics is related to a country or a nation's survival or being enslaved in the event. Art of War can also see it as both a how to rule the country, to develop guidelines for national strategies; is a how to lead the troops to fight, to develop strategy and tactics of war books.
  Sun Wu
  Sun Wu Qiguo (now Shandong Linzi) people, the word Changqing, the Spring and Autumn when the art of war home. Once said that "Art of War" thirteen see the king lu, the Wu's recommendation, was appointed to, the rate of Wu Jun Chu break.
  He believes that "soldiers who, affairs of state", that "Knowing your enemy, friend, know yourself," focus on understanding the situation, a comprehensive analysis of the enemy, Zhonggua, strong or weak, the actual situation, offensive and defensive, retreat and other conflicts the two sides, and through objective laws of war understand and grasp the win. He also raised the "potential soldiers impermanence, impermanence form of water can change because of the enemy to win, that the God", emphasized the strategy and tactics "singular being with students" and flexible use.
  Sun Wu, author of "The Art of War," a book for the most outstanding art of war, and by paying attention around the world.
  Sun Bin
  A Juan Qi (now Shandong Yanggu, Zhen County) people, the descendants of Sun Wu, general and Shang Yang, Meng Ke also home to the Warring States Period Art of War. He has
  And Pang Juan classmates Art of War, when King Hui of Wei Pang Juan as a general, avoid their talent, lured him to Wei, a fine of patella sentence (ie to the kneecap), it said Sun Bin. After the _set_ back by a secret emissary of Qi, was appointed military advisor advised the king to assist the Qi to Tian Ji, design defeated Wei Jun Yu Gui Ling, Maling.
  He inherited and developed the theory of Sun Tzu's military, the "Road" as the objective laws of war, put forward a few
  Win the public, David and Goliath of war, advocated attacking the main strategy, according to different terrain, to create a favorable situation in the attack, the offensive emphasis on the cities and against the use of the law. With a "Sun Bin Art of War," a book.
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  "Vertical" refers to the "vertical", "horizontal" means "Lien."
  The so-called "vertical" refers to the Warring States Period, Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, and Wei Gang Qin six joint diplomatic strategy.
  The so-called "Lien" means more than six countries were allied with the Qin foreign policy.
  "Vertical" and "horizontal" origin, is said to be due north to south known as the "vertical", the east-west known as the "cross." Six north-south alignment to the joint, so called "vertical"; six countries were allied with the Qin as a joint east-west, it said "even the cross." The so-called "strategists" means advocating "balancing" or "Lien" foreign policy figure.
  Su Qin and Zhang Yi said the strategists for the most famous, not the Soviet Union, Zhang, and even non-existent vertical and horizontal, vertical and horizontal natural there would be no so-called science and strategists. Zhu Fuyan later aspect is representative of the house, home of the book Su aspect of "Su", Zhang Yi's "Zhang" and most of the Han Dynasty before Wang Yi. Now the only Guiguzi is the only aspect of the debate at home works. Another "war policy" is the record books, words and deeds Strategists representative:
  Guiguzi, surnamed Wang name Xu, Spring and Autumn Period people. Origin is unknown, according to test for the Patriotic (today Qi County, Hebi City, Henan Province) people, often into the Yunmeng Mountain (in Qi County, Hebi City, Henan Province) herbs cultivation. Stream because of the Gui seclusion, it claimed, Mr. Gui.
  Guiguzi aspect of the home as the originator of Su Qin and Zhang Yi for two of the most distinguished disciples 〔see "war policy"〕. Sun Bin and Pang Juan and another disciple also said its 〔see "Sun Pang Kingdoms"〕.
  Su word Hideko. Luoyang Eastern Zhou Warring States Period (Henan Luoyang City) people. Aspect of the surgery to lobby for school, first King Hui Qin said, do not. Is east Zhao, Yan, Han, Wei, Qi, Chu, lobbying the six vertical and Yu Qin. He compared the six countries, in the final living Zhao, was labeled Wuan Jun Zhao. Qin Qi then deceive people, cutting Zhao Wei, the six countries can not cooperate, vertical and collapse.
  He transferred into the Yan Qi, the Qi Keqing. And Qi Dafu rivalry, was killed. One said he was engaged in anti-self-inter-Qi Yan into the activities to be broken Yan Qi, between the activities of anti-exposure after being together tying a person to death.
  Strategists have "Su" thirty-one, this Lost. Mawangdui Silk Unearthed "Adverb" the preservation of letters and travel rhetoric Su sixteen chapters, "Historical Records ‧ Su Biography" is different.
  Zhang Yi
  Zhang Yi Wei in the (today Kaifeng) people, famous strategists during the Warring States Period. King Hui of Wei during the Qin and Qin Huiwen argues, Keqing. 328 BC, the Qin to Zhang Yi, son of Hua Fa Wei, Shang Jun Qin Wei cut. That year, Zhang Yi Qin phase.
  Hui Wenjun ten years (BC 325) in king, and changed the following year the first year to more dollars. More per two years, Zhang Yi and Qi, Chu, Wei of the governing ministers meet in San Nie, then free phase. The following year, Wei Zhang Yi-phase in more dollars for eight years, and compared to Qin.
  Years, compared to Zhang Yi Chu, and then return to Qin. Benefits after the death of King Wen, King Wu came to the throne, and Zhang Yi a gap, and he went away from the Qin Wei, according to "Bamboo Annals" records, died in May this year, Wei. "Han ‧ Yi Wen," strategists class has "Zhang," ten, a collection of Zhang Yi and his works or related materials, exercises had been.
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  Focus debate on the famous "name" and "solid" relationship between a logic. Masters and various differences, it is the "name the real" approach. Their main principle is to analyze the logic of things, and debate the content, but also most of the political practice has nothing to do with philosophical questions. Therefore, the theory of famous five thousand years in China, passed along in the academic, has been branded a "sophistry" notoriety.
  The decline of masters, not only because of support from positions of power, but also because his disciples could not stand the previous innovation.
  Gong (about BC 325 - 250 years ago) Wei (in northern Henan Province today), or said Zhao (now in southern Shanxi) who have passed the word sub-Ping. Zhou was born about forty years, died Zhou Huigong six years, his life and Chuang Tzu, Shih and Mencius, Zou Yan same time. Gong because it is "specifically depends on the name of" executive called reality, he language of the debate is mainly undertaken by itself, left the concrete experience of things debate.
  Called Gong disciples of Confucius, "the word sub-stone, less the fifty-year-old Confucius." ("Historical Records ZENY disciples Biography") and the "debaters" Gong is not a person. "Meng Ke Xun Qing Tales", "Solitude," said Gong disciples of Confucius, wrong.
  Sun Longshan for the similarities and differences of public debate, at the peak of the state, the main debate: White Horse, referring to things of, on the Kennedy White, of its name and so on.
  Hui Shih
  Hui Shi, Song (Henan Shangqiu) who was born 370 years BC (or BC 380), the transmission died in 310 BC, the Warring States Period of Song, the famous scholar, famous ancestor, and Chuang Tzu as a friend, had done Guo Wei (King Hui of Liang) phase state; the United post-Hui Shi Qi, Chu's activities failed, Zhang Yi was expelled.
  Hui Shih facile imagination, learned eloquent, longer than the eloquence and logic, has worked with groups hwan, Gong who _set_ off a debate such as the climax of Names, it is "in the debate to Hui Shih, Wan Shen-stone to the Lane."
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The School of
  In view of the School of Nature, the use of "Book of Changes" by the mass of the yin and yang concept, put forward the evolution of the universe; from the "Book" and "Kyushu partition" and then make the "big Kyushu," said that Red China was Divine, in a small Kyushu, was outside the "big Kyushu" one.
  In the view of history, put the "Book of History" concept of transformation of the five elements of the "Five Virtues", also known as the "Five Virtues of the transfer." "Five Virtues" refers to the properties of the five elements, namely, land ethics, Talmud, Kinder, and virtue, fire German. By the School of the argument, everything in the universe and the elements correspond, each with their ethics, and the operation of Heaven, this world of change, the replacement of dynasties and so on, is "Five Virtues transfer" the results. Its purpose is to demonstrate the social change.
  In political ethics, and the School of that "almost only virtue thrift, monarch of the upper and lower Liu Qin Shi", in favor of the doctrine of the Confucian virtue. Also stressed that "because of yin and yang Dashun", contains a number of astronomy, calendar, weather and geography have some knowledge of scientific value.
  There is also the School of the early Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu strike hundreds, some content into the system of Confucianism, Taoism part of the original absorbed it as an independent school, the School of gone.
  Zou Yan
  Zou Yan (305 BC to 240 BC), Qi (today's Shandong Zibo Linzi) people, the School of the representatives, because of its large and macro knowledge migration debate, known as chat Yan, also known as Chow to .
  History contained in the old fallacy of his deeds have, but for sure who he is late Warring States period. Zou Yan Ji Xia Xue Gong had been to school, to learning re-Yu Qi. To Wei by Wei Hui Wang Jiao Ying. To Zhao, Pingyuan to be the host and the guest of the ceremony. To swallow, Yanzhao Wang himself swept dust in front of him, listening to him learn, dried stone house built for him, the Executive disciple ceremony. Therefore there is speculation he might die in the history of Changpingzhizhan later.
  Zou Yan's book, "Zou child" and "sub-circulates Zou", said to have more than ten thousand words, but has long lost husband. Is only the "Lu", Sima Qian, "Historical Records" some of the passages shows that their ideas.
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  Strictly speaking, "Eclectics" is not a conscious, heritage school, so he does not self-proclaimed "hybrid home" genre. Since the "Han. Treatise "first time" Lu "under the" miscellaneous home "after the school was officially naming.
  Spring and Autumn Period, competition, each country has its own strategies and ideas. In order to defeat the other schools, the school more or less absorbed by other schools of doctrine, or reviled each other, or to supplement their own theory of defects. However, any one genre also has its own characteristics and strengths, and "hybrid home" is the full use of this feature, and the gathering against the majority, a _set_ of inclusive thinking, but practical law of the land.
  Lu Pu-wei
  Lu Pu-wei, Wei Puyang (Puyang City, Henan Province today) people, famous politicians, the late Warring States, Qin-phase state as ten years, the last Tongyiliuguo Qin basis. Lu Pu-wei long time to sell expensive, the accumulation of a large number of properties. But he's not satisfied with the status of big businessmen, has been looking for opportunities to join politics.
  One year, he went to Zhao capital of Handan to do business, get to know different people Qinguo Gong child. At that time different people hostage in Zhao, the situation is not very good, Lu Pu-wei is that "rare commodity", first with money and beauty to it, won the favor of different people. Then, the sister of Lady Huayang lobby to bribe after bribe Qin Xiaowen Wang Huayang his wife, established that the crown prince.
  250 BC after the death of Qin Xiaowen Wang, son of different people to return to the throne, is that Zhuangxiang Wang Qin, Feng Lu Pu-wei phase for the country, Xiao Yue Hou letters, food Lam twelve counties. Qin Zhuang Xiangwang dead, ascended the throne, Zheng Qin, Lu Pu-wei title of "Zhong Fu", on behalf of the Qinwang She governance.
  Zheng Zhao Chikamasa, the Lu Pu-wei was removed from office. First home in Henan, after only Shujun. Qinwang Zheng Shujun years in the way to suicide. The famous "Spring and Autumn Annals" is written in his organization hangers.
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  Those of farmers, for farmers and Grain officer. Replay his words more than a hundred Valley, advised Nongsang to adequate food and clothing. Therefore, eight government: one said food, second is the goods. Even Confucius Yi Yue: "The weight people eat." It shows this as its director.
  Peasant farming advocate with the public, and then address the ruler and farming, this can be said of a great idea of ​​freedom and equality, it can not help but pay attention to "name" Confucians objected that it is abandoning the meaning of ruler and subject, many have suggested farming Jia interests, while arbitrary up and down the order.
  Written mostly by farmers Farm of technology, rather than theoretical, and it could be from Emperor of "book burning order." But the highest ideals of farming with the public, although the class is a slogan of equality, but also not in the Confucian, the actual occurrence of the book more than Wang Yi.
  Xu Xing
  Xu Xing is Lu (now southwestern Shandong) and agricultural experts, farmers pre-Qin philosophers is also a representative figure of the speaker for the Shen Nong.
  Most can not test his deeds. According to "Mencius ‧ Tengwen Gong" contained, he had to self-Chu Teng, heel door and told wengong said: "distant person, Wenjun line benevolence, may be a while as Meng Chan." Wengong more with it at. Chen, Chen Liang of the believers, and his brother Sim, and since the negative Leisi Song Teng, said: "Wenjun line political sage, was also a saint, sage Meng willing." Meet Chen Yue Xu Xing and large, to make disposable line with the promise of their school and learn the technique.
  In addition, Xu Xing main draw in volume as the standard market price.
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  The origin of the novelist who, when their origin in the Anecdote View, that is, to tell stories for a living person. Its meaning and more about Lane for street language, gossip Zhezhi Suo made. Yu Chuan person _set_ of books and consultation on the Churao Poetry.
  Person to saints in ancient times, the history of the book, blind to poetry, chanting workers Pr bridge, and the doctor rules instruct, and common people who talk to the slander of many. And to Meng, many have suggested in order to wood Tudor songs, poems Inspection in view of people to know customs. Never too is the, lost to rectify, hearsay, Mibu complete discipline.
  Novelist who can represent the civil society of the four customs. However, because the trails are not important for the people of the world and finally Eph out.
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  Chinese medical theory of the formation, in the second half of the fifth century BC to the mid-third century, experienced a total of seven years. Half of the fifth century BC, China began to enter the feudal society. The transition from slave society to feudal society to the feudal system established in Chinese history is a period of upheaval. Changes in the social system, and promote the development of the economy, ideology, the emergence of new scientific and cultural situation in the field, including the development of medicine. Doctors Medical Practice refers to all people.
  Representative: Que
  Bian Que, Bohai County Zheng (Henan Zhengzhou Xinzheng city), or Qi Lu city (Changqing District of Jinan, Shandong Province) who also recorded for the State of Bohai County (now County North Renqiu) people. "Que" is not real names. People to him and compared to the Yellow Emperor's Bian Que, and call him "Mr. Bian Que." Even history books also call him Que. Qin Bian Que original surname, name more people. Born in 407 BC to 310 BC, about the same time, and Confucius. Bian Que was a famous physician in Chinese history, also was the first formal biography of the physician, with a "via" and "foreign economic relations", invented the four diagnostic methods (that is, look, smell, and asked, cutting .)
  Bian Que to take a realistic approach of medicine, and can draw on private sector health care experience in medicine has made great achievements, among the people enjoy a high reputation. Bian long civil practice, traveled Qi, Zhao, Wei, Zheng, Qin Asia.
  In 310 BC, the Qin imperial doctor jealous that his elite sent in Xiaoshan Li Mi ambush, assassination Que, aged ninety-year-old.
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Cartoon "Hundred Schools"
  Qin Shiming third month
  Philosophers series of cartoon posters Qin Shiming launched in 2007 on the first "hundred steps Feijian"
  Summer 2008, launched the second "night to make dawn"
  The end of November 2009 the Department launched the third "Hundred Schools"
  Currently (May 2009) has introduced various schools and the sample scenes show figures show wind clouds change (episode)
  Mohism, Confucianism, Taoism, military strategists, Legalism, strategists, the School of the medical home, farm
  Full debut
  Coming soon ......
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  Idioms Name
  Hanyu Pinyin
  zhū zǐ bǎi jiā
  Idiom Definition
  Originally referred to the pre-Qin period and the representatives of various ideological factions, the latter used to be the general term for a variety of genres in early Qinzhi Han.
  Source phrase
  "Shi Ji Yuan Jia Sheng Biography": "Tingwei made JIA is young, quite through the book of philosophers. Dr. Wen Di Zhao thought."
  Use listen
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English Expression
  1. :  Zhu Zibaijia
  2. n.:  Hundred Schoolars
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Classification details
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Expandbe sent in advanceExpandMudan TownExpandfarm
allotmentHan PeriodWei
concave mirrordoctorlove without distinction
centralizationfeudal societypolitician
the Eclectics, a school of thoughts flourishing in ancient Chinadialecticrules and regulations
totalitarianismstand by a stump waiting for more hares to come and clash themselves against it— trust to chance and windfallsGuamuxiangkan
be widely divergent; be entirely different; be strikingly at variancerupturethe whirligig of life [time]
humanMo Dihierarchy
country regimeinfinite loopindividual affiliation
Philosophy elevatesheet Know the coldarch antinomy
Abandon all other schoolsscience elevatedispensation
Huainan Zimake a country rich and build up its military powerteach students according to their aptitude
contention of a hundred schools of thoughtinventerbenevolent rule
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