Buddhist glossary > contrive
English Expression
  1. n.:  make an attempt to,  take action/measures/steps,  one way or other,  one way or the other,  cast about for,  cast round for,  snatchat,  try,  strive
  2. v.:  think of a way (to accomplish something),  grab (,  quickly and sometimes rudely,  snatch,  seek,  manage
  3. adv.:  someway,  somehow
  4. vi.:  contrive
French Expression
  1. v.  chercher à, essayer de
Thesaurus Group
insure Cause (sb/sth) to be in a certain condition arise, provision, make sth happen, organize, order, plan, think
scrape, blow, claw, flinch, Attempt, itching, razor
grasp sth suddenly or roughly
take by force, grasp