idiom > Words, and faithlessness
Does not count
  Explanation: Words does not count, no credit.
  Usage: Contraction type; as the predicate attribute; containing derogatory
  Source: "Twenty-two years of public Guliang Xi" made the reason for the speaker, the letter also. Words without the letter, how to speak? "
  Examples: Monkey if you fear that people say I ~. ★ Ming Wu Cheng-en, "Journey to the West," the sixty-first back
  Results: Letter of mouth
  Postscript: Letter of mouth
  Riddle: Letters mouth; by Jun transfer language reported safety
No. 2
  Also as "words without the letter."
Translated by Google
No. 3
  Speaking in bad faith.
Translated by Google
No. 4
  【成 语】言而无信
  【拼 音】 yán éEr wú xìn
  【解 释】 说话不算数,没有信用。
  【出 处】 《谷梁传·僖公二十二年》:“言之所以为言者,信也;言而不信,何以为言?”
  【用 法】 紧缩式;作谓语、定语;含贬义
  【示 例】 刘绍棠嘻嘻《蒲柳人家》:“整儿哥~,他说过心甘情愿把咱俩配成夫妻的。”
  【近义词】 言而不信、 嗯自食其言、背信弃义
  【反义词】 一言为定、一诺千金、一表银才言而有信
  【歇后语】 口传家书
  【灯 谜】 口传家书、凭君传语报平安
  成语名称 言而无信 汉语拼音 yán ér wú xìn 成语释义 说话不算数,没有信用。 成语出处 《谷梁传·僖公二十二年》:“言之所以为言者,信也。言而不信,何以为言?” 使用例句 老孙若不与你,恐人说我言而无信
generosity, disloyalty, break one's promise, hold one's hand, appetite cames with eating, Give him aninchand he'll take an ell., be insatiably greedy, Avarice knows no bound greed is like a valley that can never be filled, use of unfair or corrupt methods in order to gain a financial or political advantage, act otherwise than one says, jobbery, take bribes, bend the law for personal gain, practise graft skulduggery, act wrongly out of personal considerations pervert the law, moneygrubber the pores of one's mind--the source of one's intellectual capacity, make incessant,exorbitant demands, make endless exorbitant, Nutshell disbelief, one's eyes are bigger than one's belly, batten on cab, disloyalty, betray, venality
Pace A shake, Deal, promise that will be kept, the whole body innocence, Do not drink Dao spring, will be mercilessly punished, in the course of time, get half the result with twice the effort, Order Line ban, _set_ a good example and perform duties honestly, legality pursue, make vows or pledges repeatedly, be [come in] nowhere, be of the remote past in days of old, in days of old, a stumble may prevent a fall, Xiaochengtaijie, vain trip, learn from past mistakes and avoid future ones, and to cure the sickness to save the patient, dispense the law without bias, Refers to the days of the oath, swear by the Heaven and the sun, in (the) course of time, dizzy, Jidejingtian, not accepted, have difficulty walking, teeter, Haikushilan, use one's own experience as an object lesson, enforce laws impartially, for years, For one or several years Minoru tired, Justice, Jingtianjidi, teach by personal example as well as verbal instruction, What it preaches, The law shall be enforced to the letter upon its promulgation, to be as good as one's words., In successive years Tired old, year in year out, if things continue this way, carry out vigorously and speedily, Lei Feng number of child, dust and stone fly as in storm, wind that carries sand and drives stones, Wind drift sand Go stone
Containing Phrases
Words, and faithlessness Guiltless It couldWords, and faithlessness Guiltless It could