idiom > Buque think of one and omit ten thousand
补阙 linked to leak
  Explanation: Que: missing; missing: missing. Things that make up the defects and loopholes
  Usage: Joint type; as predicate; means to make up for deficiencies
  Source: Qing Zhao Ximing "Postscript": "As Buque hung leak, to serve excellence, can not hope to be of help Bo cloud."
No. 2
  词 目 补阙挂漏
  发 音 bǔ quē guà lòu
  释 义 阙:缺;漏:遗漏。指弥补事物的缺陷和漏洞。
  出 处 清·赵曦明《<颜氏家训>跋》:“至于补阙挂漏,俾臻完善,不能无望于将伯之助云。”
  用 法 作谓语、定语;指弥补缺陷
  成语名称 补阙挂漏 汉语拼音 bǔ quē guà lòu 成语释义 阙:缺;漏:遗漏。指弥补事物的缺陷和漏洞。 成语出处 清·赵曦明《跋》:“至于补阙挂漏,俾臻完善,不能无望于将伯之助云。” 使用例句 无
remedy defects and rectify errors, cornpensate forthe shortage and leakage, dispel chaos and restore peace, compensate for the deficiency, to correct errors in printing supply the lack, Marina chaos anyway, dispel chaos and restore peace