history of philosophy : classical documents : discipline of physics : metallurgy > addendum
Added to the body of the missing books
  Added to the body of the missing books. Also refers to the addition of content. Lang Ying Ming "seven repair class certificate issued Bian Wen mountain": "the public from the book Rat-noon prayer with the first month on the 18th of poetry, particularly cordial," Ink on "Also, according to" Interfax "addendum, the wife of the lead public memorial text, then his wife died in public before Au. "Qing Ruan" small Canglang conversation by writing "Volume:" This year more residual element of this, interest on the strange Nan Jin sighed also. "Lu Xun" <3 Busy Set> Preface ":" But now it is going in front of this series, as "it set" the residual of. "
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English Expression
  1. n.:  addendum,  codicil,  elenchus,  parergon,  postscript,  addenda [sing or pl v] material added at the end of a book,  facts or information added to sth after it is completed
French Expression
  1. n.  addenda, appendice
appendix, accessary, adjoin, bubian
bubi, houhua
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