animal : agriculture > silverfish
No. 1
  ① objects of insect bite. ② bad analogy masts clear collective interest of society ~.
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No. 2
  Decay of trees, insects, artifacts
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No. 3
  Analogy from a collective bad internal damage
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No. 4
  Also as "Du worms."
   1. Borers. "Poetry Xiao Ya field" "and Maozei" Lu Ji, Wu Shu Three: "Thieves like peaches and plums in the beetles, red head, ear length and thin." Gusi Xie, "Arts for the People logging" drawing CUI Shi Han, "Simin month order ":" Since the first month to end on summer, not logging; bound to produce beetles. "Tang Xuan should be" all the sound and meaning "VII:" Du worm, "the word forest": wood in the insect also; through eating utensils are also people. "Don Chu Bay" section of the Master School mural old pines title "Poem:" cranberry shades of different colors, one side dead skin health beetles. "
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No. 5
  Love books or love by means of people reading. Xu Chi, "Hutchison Yichang Three Gorges tour": "I remember 30 years ago, my tour guide in Beijing was a moth, he asked me to accompany him running all over the city almost all the books in the shop."
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No. 6
  Bad analogy or bad thing. Lu Xun "且介亭杂文 two sets revive and drive made the book": "But the books also have beetles. From the late Ming to early Qing Dynasty, the series appears when cheat." Fen "career management and professional training on service the attitude of the five ":" the ability to work without charge is not strong and work colleagues, our beetles! "
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No. 7
  dù chónɡ
  形 态 特 征 松纵坑切梢小蠹属鞘翅目,小蠹虫科。成虫体长3.5~4.5毫米,椭圆形,全体黑褐或黑色,具光泽密布刻点和灰黄色茸毛。头部半球形,黑褐色,额中央有一纵隆线;复眼卵圆形、黑色;触角黄褐色,端部膨大呈锤状。前胸背板近梯形,前狭后宽。鞘翅棕褐色,基部与端部的宽度相似,长约为宽的3倍,其上有由刻点组成的明显行列,斜面上第二列间部凹陷,小瘤和茸毛消失,雄虫较雌虫显著。卵淡白色、椭圆形。幼虫体长5~6毫米,乳白色,无腹足,体粗壮多皱纹、微弯曲。蛹为裸蛹,长约4.5毫米,白色。
  生 活 史 及 主 要 习 性 每年发生1代,以成虫越冬,越冬场所南北方各异。在南方,成虫在被害枝梢内越冬。越冬成虫于翌年3月下旬到4月中旬离开越冬处,侵入松枝梢头髓部进行补充营养,以后在健康的树梢、衰弱树或新伐倒的树木上筑坑、交配、产卵。在杭州观察,卵于4月中旬孵化,幼虫孵出后即行蛀食为害,形成坑道,坑道为单纵坑,在树皮下层,微触及边材,坑道长一般为5~6厘米,子坑道在母坑道两侧,与母坑道垂直,长而弯曲,通常10~15条。幼虫期约1个月。5月中旬化蛹,蛹室位于子坑道的末端。5月下旬到6月上旬出现新成虫,再侵入新梢进行补充营养。成虫在梢枝上蛀入一定距离后随即退出,另蛀新孔,在1条枝梢上侵入孔可多达14个。
English Expression
  1. n.:  silverfish,  clothes moth,  a kind of insect that eats into books,clothing,etc.,  book motheating insect,  vermin
French Expression
  1. n.  ver rongeur