idiom > crowd in upon
  Explanation: Like over crowded like bees. Many people came together to describe.
  Source: "Records of Xiang Yu Ji" Chen She first difficult, heroic uprisings. "
  Examples: Waited for a child, see Hu guide lantern torch side, all the way ~. (Qing Li Baojia "Bureaucrats" Twelfth back)
No. 2
  【拼 音】fēng yōng ér lái
  【释 义】像蜂群似的拥挤着狂奔而来。现形容人非常的多。
  【出 处】西汉·司马迁《史记·项羽本纪》:“陈涉首难,豪杰蜂起。”
  【示 例】清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第十二回:“又等了一会子,方见胡统领打着灯笼火把,一路~。”
  成语名称 蜂拥而来 汉语拼音 fēng yōng ér lái 成语释义 象蜂群似的拥挤着过来。形容许多人一起过来。 成语出处 《史记·项羽本纪》:“陈涉首难,豪杰蜂起。” 使用例句 又等了一会子,方见胡统领打着灯笼火把,一路蜂拥而来
English Expression
  1. n.:  crowd in upon,  crowd in on
press breast, Press Erzhi, come in the train, Yuanyuan derive itself from
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