animal > ant human interest story
  About · · · · · ·
  This is a comprehensive book describes the ants.
  On the other book, "Ant" published in 1990, was a great success and especially academic widespread social concern, and she won the Pulitzer Prize.
  In order to facilitate the general reader, the author of "Ants," a book of academic content as possible removed, and the use of more popular languages ​​have written a book.
  The content in this book are not very numerous and, of ants in the population around the world have been introduced, especially for ants of the world is quite similar to the shape of human society to give a very interesting Detailed, people in pleasant pastime type reading a lot of biological knowledge can be learned, and thus calling for deep environmental consciousness of each reader.
  · · · About · · ·
  Belt Hole Dobler is the University of Würzburg 西奥多博韦 College in social biology professor of physiology and behavior. He is also a senior scientist Alexander von Hongbao Ji Jin Meiguo prize money and the German government g · w · Leibniz prize winner. Before 1990 he was professor of zoology at Harvard University.
  O · Edward Wilson is Pellegrino University Professor at Harvard and the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University Entomology Department. In addition to two Pulitzer Prize, but Wilson also received many scientific awards, including the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the National Medal of Science and Crawford bonuses.
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