| | - : asthenia, faintness
- n.: invalidism, be in poor health, in poor health, debilitated, feeble, week, feel like a boiled rag, weakliness, prostration, poverty, adynamia, infirmness, infirmity, infirmary, inanition, impuissance, impotence, frailty, fragility, decomposition, debility
- adj.: weak
- adv.: impotently
| | - adj. faible, fragile
| | rot, inertia, become tired, less active, or less interesting, debility, flabbiness, quagginess, Weak | | herbal medicine | shandilin | lizhong | piwei | Yin and yang | leucoderma | adaptation albumen | |
| | feeble | weakling | feebly | debilitate | |