botany > implementation
luò shí
  Make plans, measures and policies to achieve
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No. 2
  To set the implementation of production plan
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  OK, decided to
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No. 4
  Delivery time is not yet finalized
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No. 5
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No. 6
  Implementation of policies
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No. 7
  Minds are at ease; emotional stability; implement; feel secure
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No. 8
  Heart does not always implemented
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  Fruit. Zhou Yu "withered Fu": "Temple of flowering Jianshi implement the Garden of Sui."
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  Implement. Ai Qing, "the crest of the" Poems Seven: "All policies must be implemented." "Flower City" 1981, No. 5: "secretary of the document being drafted to implement the policy."
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Stable, solid
  Stable, steadfast. Noble "Sunny" Chapter XVI: "The secretary came back, her heart sinking, hanging implemented."
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No. 12
  OK. Zhao, "a man of action was operated by Pan Yongfu": "library site is not implemented, foundation can not dig, can only find some other activities to do."
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  Effectively. Chen Canyun "Valley Wind and Smoke," the second of eight chapters: "Planning of class struggle ... ... is the facts and reason, about three to three examinations, each piece is implemented."
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English Expression
  1. :  commit,  commitment
  2. n.:  implementation,  carry out
  3. v.:   implement,   carry out,  practical,  workable
French Expression
  1. v.  déterminer; appliquer
  2. v.  1. déterminer; 2. appliquer
reach, contact, realize, accomplish one's object, accomplish, acquire, acquire, do triumph, model, Perform, execute, accomplish, execute, Zhenyu completeness, work, enlist, enlisting or being enlisted, Perform, cause, earn, impact, validity, procure, manage, recruit, take, snatch, triumph, accomplish, arrive, bonanza, victory