Explanation: Metaphor but no place or opportunity to talented cast. Usage: The main predicate; as object; containing derogatory Source: "Mirror Jian Han Ji Xiandi thirteen years," powerless, so far Yuzhou seeing them. " Examples: Chai reason ~, not that society was corrupt cause it? ★ Sha Ye new "Mayor Chen Yi" Riddle: Zhang Fei got into a hollow tree
yīng xióng wú yòng wǔ zhī dì
Someone who has ambition, talent, but no way to display their
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No. 3
Powerless, so Yuzhou seeing them to this. - "Mirror"
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No. 4
Analogy with courage and wisdom, there can be no display their opportunities. Language of the "Three Kingdoms Shu Kingdoms," "Hero nothing use of force." "Comprehensive Mirror Emperor Xian of Han Jian 10 years": "Yi Shan of this exercise disaster, have a little peace men, and then break Jingzhou, Megatron seas. Powerless, so Yuzhou seeing them to this." Lao She " Boxer, "the fourth screen:" scholars do not write, you are not powerless? "
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No. 5
成语: 英雄无用武之地 拼音: yīngxióng wú yòng wǔ zhī dì
释义: 比喻有才能却没地方或机会施展。
出处: 宋·司马光《资治通鉴·汉纪·献帝建安十三年》:“英雄无用武之地,故豫州遁逃至此。”
示例: 《清·寄生氏·五美缘·第四十回》:“这是天绝我也,‘英雄无用武之地’,”将朴刀向江中一抛,非是做好汉有始无终,此时却不能顾你了。”
英语翻译:A hero with no place to display his prowess.或者是 have no scope for the exercise of one's ability