idiom : common saying > Great minds think alike.
Great minds think alike
  Explanation: See see, that view; a little rough, roughly. Heroes with the same view. This is the same as the two sides expressed their views on the words of praise.
  Usage: The main predicate; as object; on both sides of the same opinion that the words of praise
  Source: "Three Kingdoms Shu Shu Chuan Pang Tong," Pei Song of note cited "Jiang Table Biography" resourcefulness of people in the world like-minded ears. "
yīng xióng suǒ jiàn lüè tóng
  Elite opinions are similar. To praise both sides of the same
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No. 3
  Since the term: "Great minds think alike." - Qing Wen Kang, "children of Heroes"
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No. 4
  That the know-who held similar views. Language of the "Three Kingdoms, Shu-Chuan Chi Pang Tong," "see and good, Mr. Tan, Generosity of that government engaged in" s Annotations primers Jin Yu Pu, "Jiang Table Biography": "like-minded people in the world resourcefulness ear." "Children Heroes" back to the 16th: "Since the term 'Great minds think alike', little brother though not self-proclaimed hero, say anything about it and buddy Taiwan insight, a slight difference between some." "A Flower" 11th back: "You listen to Zhefan arguments, the arguments are not down with Kwang coincides. Great minds think alike, so one can see here the first reason, not entirely absurd." Lu Xun "Snappy knife "style" debate ":" this month on the 6th of the "movement" on the board with a Mr. A Zhi specified Mr. Yang Changxi's masterpiece "Yalu River" is and the Fadeev's "destruction" similar to the article, which also holding an example. I'm afraid we can not say is 'Great minds think alike' strike. "
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No. 5
  成语词条: 英雄所见略同
  成语发音: yīng xióng suǒ jiàn lüè tóng
  成语释疑:英雄:特出的人物。所见:所见到的,指见解。略:现大多人习惯解释为:大略,大致、大体,但也有人提出不同的解释,如张云风在《俗语趣话》一书中就指出:“当两个人的意见、主张不谋而合时,常用 ‘英雄所见略同’这句俗语。‘略’,谋略、方略、策略、战略的意思,有人释之为‘大略’、‘大致’、‘大体’,实属误解。”(陕西人民教育出版社1991年1月第1版)。
  成语出处: 《三国志·蜀书·庞统传》裴松之注引《江表传》:“天下智谋之士所见略同耳。”
  成语示例: 自来说:“英雄所见略同”。——清·文康《儿女英雄传》
  成语用法: 作宾语;对意见相同的双方表示赞美的话
  yīng xióng suǒ jiàn lüè tóng
English Expression
  1. n.:  Great minds think alike.,  Great minds think alike,  The heroes agree mostly,  Good wits jump