idiom > drag out an ignoble existence
Beds many
  Explanation: Struggling: muddling along; drag on: struggling to be alive. And just barely alive.
  Usage: Joint type; as predicate, object, attribute; containing derogatory
  Source: Sung Order "and the length of the book Du Son": "no information that the poor, body surgery from the ceremony, have the responsibility not easy. Catch cold starve to death, disgrace their ancestors, after all, Yi Gu beds many."
  Examples: But he knows that Gaoguanhoulu, that the ~, is more terrible than death. (Guo "Qu Yuan" Act)
gǒu qiě tōu shēng
  Seek immediate survival, lack of foresight or afraid to die
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No. 3
  We see only Goujutousheng, a little here and there is no glory. - Ba Jin, "No Title"
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Muddling along alive
  Slovenly alive. Sung Wong to make "long letter with Du Son": "catch cold starvation, fear of humiliation after their ancestors, Yi Gu Gouqietousheng." Qing hundred lay "pot day in" the next volume: "In the Village Health discarding non- women reported to Germany, where recovery can Goujutousheng? "Guo" Qu Yuan's "Fifth screen:" Mr. and unwilling to Goujutousheng, I must not want Gouqietousheng of. "
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No. 5
  词 目:苟且偷生
  发 音:gǒu qiě tōu shēng
  释 义:苟且,得过且过;偷生:苟且地活着。得过且过,勉强活着。
  出 处:《荀子·荣辱》:“今夫偷生浅知之属,曾比而不知也。”
  示 例:①但他知道,那种高官厚禄、那种的~,是比死还要可怕。(郭沫若《屈原》第一幕) ②有言道:“宁鸣以死,不默而生”,张紫妍的死对她个人而言说明了什么?她是个演员,离开娱乐圈就意味着生存面临威胁,离开娱乐圈就意味着丧失了生活的意义,而对一个柔弱无助的女子而言,又如何去战胜那黑暗的娱乐圈?又如何能含垢忍辱、苟且偷生?死了要争取身体上的自由和精神上的解脱,这正是这位韩国女艺人的勇气。(殷谦《殷谦杂文全集》)
  同 义:苟全性命、苟延残喘、因循苟且
  反 义:宁死不屈、视死如归、铮铮铁骨
  用 法:作谓语、宾语、定语;指只顾眼前的利益
  成语名称 苟且偷生 汉语拼音 gǒu qiě tōu shēng 成语释义 苟且:得过且过;偷生:苟且地活着。得过且过,勉强活着。 成语出处 《荀子·荣辱》:“今夫偷生浅知之属,曾比而不知也。” 使用例句 但他知道,那种高官厚禄、那种的苟且偷生,是比死还要可怕。
English Expression
  1. n.:  drag out an ignoble existence
cravenly cling to life instead of braving death; care for nothing but saving one's skin; be mortally afraid of death, Kusama seeking life, preserve one's own life at all cost life, Talk to tide over the year, s head, hanker after take, Greed Afraid of dying, dereliction, Trailing Tu of, drift along be content to retain sovereignty over a part of the country
Liang Lei slotting tool, deliberation be executed for championing a just cause, To serve the country itself, Dedication, Fulfill devoir, Guoerwangjia, Sshiver my timbers!, Miqusuishou, be wrapped in a horse's hide, beheaded, The first body off, Spend in vain body bone powder, Method suicide, sacrifice die for a righteous cause, die to achieve virtue— die for a just cause, Die body not worry, die to preserve one's principle intact, sacrifice one's life heroically for a cause, belief, or principle, Generosity went to Yi, benevolently sacrifice one's life