idiom > Flower under Shaikun
Spent under the sun 裈
  Explanation: Kun: a crotch pants. Pants in the flowers under the sun. Analogy indelicate, unpleasant.
  Source: Tang yin "Miscellaneous Compiling spoil the fun": "flowers under the sun Kun."
No. 2
  ? O a crotch pants. Pants in the flowers under the sun. Analogy Buwen Ya, unpleasant.
Translated by Google
No. 3
  词目 花下晒裈
  发音 huā xià shài kūn
  释义 裈:有裆裤子。在鲜花下晒裤子。比喻不文雅,煞风景。
  出处 唐·李商隐《杂纂·杀风景》:“花下晒裈。”
  故事 唐朝诗人李商隐很有才华,他的诗揭露和批判当时的黑暗现实及官场腐败。他在《杂纂》中列出大煞风景的事情,如“清泉濯足,花上晒裈,背山起楼,烧琴煮鹤,对花啜茶,松下喝道。”这些都是当时让人扫兴的事情