Energy and Power Engineering : business : can > Energy
  A wide range of energy, and through continuous development and research of human and more new sources of energy has begun to meet human needs. According to different classification methods, the energy can be divided into different types.
  1, according to sources is divided into three categories: the energy of the earth itself, usually hidden within the Earth's heat-related energy and energy related with the nuclear reaction.
  ① external objects from the Earth's energy (mainly solar). In addition to direct radiation, as well as wind, hydro, biomass and minerals provide the basis for the production of energy. The vast majority of human energy needed directly or indirectly from the sun. It is a variety of plants through photosynthesis to transform solar energy into chemical energy stored in plants down. Coal, oil, natural gas and other fossil fuels is from ancient plants and animals buried in the ground after a long geological formation. They are essentially fixed by the ancient biological solar energy. In addition, hydro, wind, wave energy, ocean current energy, etc. are also coming from the solar energy conversion.
  ② reserves of energy the Earth itself. Such as nuclear energy, geothermal energy.
  ③ the interaction of the Earth and other celestial bodies, the energy generated. Such as tidal energy. Hot springs and volcanic eruptions of magma that geothermal performance. Earth can be divided into crust, mantle and core layer, it is a large thermal reservoir. Crust is the layer of the Earth's surface, usually a few kilometers in thickness to 70 kilometers. The mantle below the crust, which melted most of the magma, the thickness of 2900 km. Is this part of the volcanic magma general. Earth's interior to the core, the core center temperature is 2000 degrees. Can be seen on the earth is also a great storage of geothermal resources.
  2, according to the basic form of energy classification, primary energy and secondary energy. The former, the natural energy that exists in nature, existing energy sources such as coal, oil, gas, water and so on. The latter refers to the primary energy converted from the energy products, such as electricity, gas, steam and various petroleum products. Primary energy is divided into renewable energy sources (hydro, wind and biomass) and non-renewable energy sources (coal, oil, natural gas, oil shale, etc.). Generated methods can be divided according to primary energy (natural energy) and secondary energy (artificial energy). Primary energy refers to the natural form in nature and have not been processed or converted to energy resources, primary energy, including renewable and non-renewable water resources of coal, oil, natural gas resources, including water, oil and gas, including three kinds of energy is the core of primary energy, they become the basis for global energy; In addition, solar, wind, geothermal, ocean energy, biomass and nuclear energy and other renewable energy sources are included within the scope of primary energy; secondary energy refers directly or indirectly by the primary energy converted into other types and forms of energy resources, such as: electricity, gas, gasoline, diesel, coke, coal, gas and other energy laser and belong to secondary energy.
  3, according to the nature of energy points, a fuel-based energy (coal, oil, natural gas, peat, wood) and non-fuel energy sources (hydro, wind, geothermal, ocean energy). Human beings use their physical energy is from outside the fire started, the first fuel is wood, after the use of various fossil fuels such as coal, oil, natural gas, peat, and so on. Is studying the use of solar energy, geothermal energy, wind energy, tidal energy and other new energy sources. The current fossil fuel consumption is large, but reserves of these fuels on Earth is limited. The future of uranium and thorium will provide most of the energy the world needs. Once the control of nuclear fusion technology problems are solved, the human will actually get endless energy.
  4, according to whether the energy consumption caused by environmental pollution can be divided into polluting energy and clean energy, pollution, energy sources, including coal, oil, clean energy, including water, electricity, solar, wind and nuclear energy.
  5, according to the type of energy use can be divided into conventional energy and new energy. Conventional energy, including renewable primary energy in the water resources and non-renewable coal, oil, gas and other resources. New energy terms relative to conventional energy, including solar, wind, geothermal, ocean energy, biomass and nuclear fuel for nuclear power and other energy sources. As the new low energy density of energy, or low grade or intermittent, according to the technical conditions have been converted using the economy is still poor, still in the research, development stage, only the development and use of local conditions; but the new Most energy is renewable energy. Rich resources, broad distribution, is one of the major energy future.
  7, commodities and non-commercial energy where the energy into the energy market as sales of goods such as coal, oil, natural gas and electricity are all commercial energy. International statistics are limited to commercial energy. Non-commercial energy mainly refers to fuel wood and crop residues (straw, etc.). In 1975, the world's non-commercial energy is about 0.6 TW, the equivalent of 600 million tons of standard coal. It is estimated that China's non-commercial energy in 1979, about 290 million tons of standard coal.
  With the economic development of countries around the world increasing demand for energy, in many developed countries have more emphasis on renewable energy, green energy and new energy development and research; the same time we also believe that with the continuous progress of human science and technology, the experts developed will continue to develop more new energy to replace existing energy sources to meet the global economic development and human survival on the high energy needs, but we can not expect many on the planet was discovered by the new energy is waiting for us to explore and research.
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China's Energy Conditions and Policies
  China is the world's largest developing country, economic development, poverty, the Chinese government and people for a long period of time, the main task. Since the late 20th century, 70, China, the world's fastest-growing developing countries, has achieved remarkable economic and social development of the brilliant achievements, successfully opened up the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, development and prosperity for the world to make a significant contribution to .
  China is now second in the world energy producer and consumer. Sustained growth of energy supply for economic and social development has provided important support. The rapid growth of energy consumption for the world energy market and create a broad space for development. China has become indispensable to world energy markets, an important part in maintaining global energy security, is playing an increasingly important and active role.
  The Chinese government is the guidance of scientific outlook on development to accelerate the development of modern energy industry, adhere to resource conservation and environmental protection a basic national policy of building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society in industrialization and modernization strategy in a prominent position, to enhancement can sustainable development capability, building an innovative country, to continue economic development and prosperity for the world to make greater contributions.
  First, the current situation of energy development
  Energy resources, energy development. Since the founding of new China, increasing energy exploration efforts, and organized a number of resource evaluation. China's energy resources have the following characteristics:
  - Total energy resources more abundant. China has relatively abundant fossil energy resources. Among them, coal dominates. In 2006, the amount of 1.0345 trillion tons of coal reserves of resources, and the remaining proven recoverable reserves of about 13% of the world, listed third in the world. Proven oil and natural gas reserves are relatively insufficient, oil shale, coal bed methane and other unconventional fossil energy reserves potential. China has abundant renewable energy resources. The theoretical reserves of hydropower resources equivalent to annual power output of 6.19 trillion kwh, economically exploitable annual power generation of about 1.76 trillion kwh, equivalent to the amount of the world's water resources for 12% of the column in the world.
  - The lower the per capita ownership of energy resources. China's large population, per capita ownership of energy resources at a low level in the world. Coal and water resources per capita amount equal to 50% of the world average, oil, natural gas resources per capita world average of only 1 / 15 or so. Per capita cultivated land less than 30% of the world, limiting the development of biomass energy.
  - Occurrence of uneven distribution of energy resources. China's energy resources are widely distributed, but not balanced. The existence of coal resources are mainly assigned north and northwest China, water resources are mainly distributed in southwest China, oil and natural gas resources exist primarily Fu eastern, central and western regions and sea areas. China's primary energy consumption is concentrated in the southeast coastal economically developed areas, resources and energy consumption of occurrence of obvious geographical differences. Large-scale, long-distance transport coal from north to south, north south transportation of oil, natural gas and electric power, is the salient features of energy flow and energy transport in the basic pattern.
  - Energy resources development difficult. Compared with the world, China's coal resources, poor geological mining conditions, most of the reserves need to underground mining, open pit mining for a very small amount. Oil and gas resources in complex geological conditions, buried deep, exploration and development of higher technical requirements. Untapped hydropower resources are mostly concentrated in the southwest mountains and deep valleys, away from the load center, a larger development effort and cost. Very low level of conventional energy resources exploration, the economy is poor, lack of competitiveness.
  Since reform and opening, the rapid development of China's energy industry, for the protection of a sustained, rapid development has made important contributions, mainly in:
  - Supply significantly improved. After decades of efforts, China has initially formed a coal as the main power center, oil and gas and renewable energy all-round development of the energy supply structure, and basically established a relatively perfect system of energy supply. Built a large number of million-ton coal mines. 2006 a total 2.21 billion tons of standard coal energy production, out in the world. Among them, output of 2.37 billion tons of coal, out in the world. Has built a Daqing, Shengli, Liaohe, Tarim and other large oil production base in a number of 2006, crude oil production 185 million tons, to achieve steady growth, the world's fifth column. Natural gas production increased rapidly, from 14.3 billion cubic meters in 1980 increased to 58.6 billion cubic meters in 2006. Commercialization of renewable energy capacity in the energy mix in a progressively higher proportion. The rapid development of electric power installed capacity and power output reached 622 million kilowatts, respectively, and 2.87 trillion kwh, are listed in the world. Rapid development of an integrated transport system of energy, transportation capabilities and to build a rail line west and east coal port, forming a north south transport the oil pipeline network, to build a large natural gas lines to achieve the west to east and regional power grid interconnection.
  - Energy conservation effect is remarkable. 1980-2006, China's energy consumption to an average annual 5.6% average annual growth of 9.8% support the growth of national economy. At 2005 constant prices, yuan GDP energy consumption by 3.39 tons of standard coal in 1980 dropped to 1.21 tons of standard coal in 2006, the average annual energy saving rate of 3.9%, reversing the energy per unit of GDP in recent years the rising trend of consumption. Energy processing, conversion, storage and end use of integrated efficiency of 33%, compared with 1980 increased by 8 percentage points. Decreased energy consumption per unit of product, of which steel, cement, ammonia and other large-scale comprehensive energy consumption and supply of products with international advanced level of coal consumption continued to narrow the gap.
  - Consumption structure has been optimized. China's energy consumption has been ranked second in the world. In 2006, primary energy consumption totaled 2.46 billion tons of standard coal. China attaches great importance to optimize energy consumption structure, and coal in primary energy consumption rose from 72.2% in 1980 down to 69.4% in 2006, other energy rose from 27.8% up to 30.6%. In which the proportion of renewable energy and nuclear power from 4.0% to 7.2%, oil and natural gas increase. Final energy consumption structure was evident, the coal share of energy into electricity from 20.7% to 49.6%, commercial energy and clean energy in living in the proportion of energy use has improved significantly.
  - Technology has improved rapidly. China made remarkable achievements in energy science and technology in order to "land theory and application of oil complementary to each other" as a symbol of the basic research achievements, greatly promoted the development of the theory of oil geology science and technology. Oil and gas industry has formed a relatively complete system of exploration and development of technology, especially complex block exploration and development, to improve oil recovery techniques in a leading position in the international arena. The coal industry into a number of internationally advanced level in the large mine, the focus integrated mechanized coal mining increased significantly. In the power industry, advanced power generation technology and large capacity and high parameters units are widely used, station design, engineering and equipment manufacturing technology has reached world advanced level, nuclear power, million-kilowatt pressurized water reactor initially equipped to independently design and construction capacity, high-temperature gas-cooled reactors, fast neutron breeder reactor technology research and development a major breakthrough. Flue gas desulfurization pollution control, renewable energy development and use of technology rapidly. Plus or minus 500 kV DC and 750 kV AC transmission demonstration projects have been put into operation, plus or minus 800 kV DC and 1000 kV UHV AC Transmission pilot demonstration project started.
  - Market conditions gradually improved. Gradually improve China's energy market, the energy industry progressed steadily. Energy breakthrough corporate restructuring, the basic _set_ up modern enterprise system. Investors to achieve diversification, rapid growth in energy investment, the market expanding. Coal production and circulation of the basic realization of the market. Power industry realized the separation of enterprise Changwangfenkai, the establishment of regulatory bodies. Basically realized oil and gas industry upstream and downstream, domestic and foreign trade integration. Deepening reform of energy prices, the price mechanism has been improved.
  With China's rapid economic development and industrialization, accelerated urbanization, the growing energy needs, build a stable, economical, clean and safe energy supply system faces major challenges highlighted in the following areas:
  - Resource constraints highlighted, energy efficiency is low. Relative shortage of high-quality energy resources in China, which restricts the supply capabilities; energy resources are unevenly distributed, has also increased the difficulty of continued stable supply; the extensive mode of economic growth, irrational energy structure, energy technology and equipment and management level is relatively low level of backward lead to energy consumption per unit of GDP energy consumption and major energy-consuming products than the average level of major energy consuming countries, further exacerbated the contradiction between energy supply and demand. Simply increasing the energy supply, to meet growing consumer demand.
  - Coal-dominated energy consumption and environmental pressures. Coal is China's primary energy, coal-dominated energy structure in the future for a long time to change. Relatively backward methods of coal production and consumption, increasing pressure on environmental protection. Caused by coal-burning coal consumption is the main reason for air pollution is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. With the rapid increase in vehicle population, air pollution in some cities has become a mixture of coal smoke and vehicle exhaust type. This situation continues, the ecological environment will bring even greater pressure.
  - Imperfect market system, emergency response capability needs to be strengthened. China's energy market system needs to be improved, the energy pricing mechanism fails to fully reflect the scarcity of resources, supply and demand and environmental costs. Order of exploration and development of energy resources to be further standardized, full of energy regulatory system Shangdai Jian. Coal mine production safety more outstanding loans, power grid structure is not reasonable, less oil reserve capacity to effectively deal with energy supply disruptions and major emergencies and early warning system to be further improved and strengthened.
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China's energy situation
  Conventional energy and new energy which has been widely used by humans and in human life and played an important role in the production of energy, known as conventional energy sources, usually refers to coal, oil, natural gas, water and other four. The recent development and utilization was only human, needs further research and development of energy resources, new energy sources as compared to conventional energy is concerned, in different historical periods and level of technology, new energy sources have different content. Today's society, new energy usually refers to nuclear, solar, wind, geothermal, hydrogen and so on.
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World energy consumption forecast
  As China and India continued strong economic growth in the 2006-2030 period, the growth in demand for primary energy will account for the world's total primary energy demand growth in more than half. Middle Eastern countries account for 11% of global growth, increasing its demand for energy as an important center. Overall, the non-OECD (Non-OECD) countries accounted for 87% growth in volume. Therefore, they are the world's total primary energy demand increased from 51% to 62% of their energy consumption more than the OECD (OECD) member countries in 2005 consumption.
  Global oil demand (excluding bio-fuels) increased by 1% per annum, from 2007 8500 b / d in 2030 1.06 million barrels / day. However, its share of total world energy consumption from 34% to 30%. And last year's "Outlook" compared to some lower oil demand in 2030, a decrease of 1,000 barrels / day, mainly reflecting higher prices and slightly slower GDP growth, and last year brought the Government to implement new policies to influence. All forecast world oil demand growth are mainly due to non-OECD (Non-OECD) countries (4 / 5 over the amount of growth from China, India and the Middle East), OECD (OECD) member countries oil demand declined slightly, mainly because of non-transport sector to reduce oil demand. The growth in global demand for natural gas more quickly to a rate of 1.8% in the proportion of total energy demand increased slightly to 22% of micro. Most of the growth of natural gas consumption from the power generation industry. Average annual growth of world coal demand by 2% in its share of global energy demand from 2006 to 2030 rose 26% to 29%. Among them, the world's coal consumption increased 85%, mainly from China and India's power industry. In the "Outlook" forecast period, demand for nuclear power in the share of primary energy decreased slightly, from 6% to 5% in 2030 (the proportion of its electricity from 15% to 10%), which we In this scenario, do not expect government to change its policy is consistent with the practice, although the recent interest in nuclear power has signs of recovery. However, with the exception of OECD Europe, the world's major areas of nuclear power will increase in absolute terms.
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World Oil Market Forecast
  1. World oil prices
  World oil prices is defined as the average annual oil refining companies import crude oil acquisition costs. This article describes three different prices. Baseline scenario may represent the behavior of the current judge of the OPEC, OPEC may adjust production to world oil prices at 22-28 dollars / barrel range. It is estimated that, OPEC will be the main medium-term supplier of the international oil market, so its output decision will have great impact on world oil prices. Low oil price scenario the world oil production represents the future market competition and adequate supply. OPEC for high oil price scenario on behalf of non-economic reasons, the development of lower oil production target, internal unity and to form a market monopoly.
  2. The world's oil supply
  3. Reserves and resources
  Oil resource base can be divided into three categories: proven reserves (but not proven recoverable oil), storage growth value (mainly due to technical factors that increase the recovery rate of oil and gas, leading to the increase in reserves), and no reserves (to be discovered through the exploration of resources). United States, the former Soviet Union, Central and South America and Africa reserves grew rapidly, and the former Soviet Union and Central and South America did not find larger reserves.
  4. The world price of other agencies forecast
  Several analysts predict oil prices, the larger the difference between the results predicted. Crude oil prices in the next 20 years, the price will remain at 20 to 25 U.S. dollars / barrel level.
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  Bio-energy (also known as biomass) is the use of organic matter (such as plants, etc.) as fuel, through the gas collection, gasification (of solid to gas), combustion and digestion (only wet waste) and other technologies used to produce energy. As long as the proper implementation of, biomass is also a valuable renewable energy, but it depends on how the biomass fuel is produced.
  The current global context is fry with corn, wheat, sugar and other food to make gasoline and other energy sources to meet growing demand and high prices caused by too high costs.
  Production and life of human capabilities and power to provide material resources, is an important material basis for the national economy. Development and effective use of energy and the per capita consumption level of production technology and living standards is an important symbol.
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Energy Conversion
  Old Fuel New Energy: efficiency tends to 100%
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Old Fuel New Energy
  New energy efficiency of the old no heat engine of a new way: Soros investment (speculation), the other new energy solutions
  100% engine efficiency tend to the old fuel new energy
  Hydrogen, wind, solar, ocean energy, biomass, and nuclear fusion ... ... the way of new energy, but energy use more than one step forward loop. Be ignored, the engine or acting potential theory, the concept of innovation is the first general direction of future energy development!
  The energy efficiency is not high, so much waste. The classic way of doing work heat energy to do work useful to the efficiency of only 25% (1 / 4), the highest also 1 / 3 (33.3%). And 100% of the energy of 75% (3 / 4), or 66.67% (2 / 3) are as useless heat wasted. Another accident, "Banks hot machine" was not made use of memory alloy fuel efficient engines do not consume electricity.
  The principle of acting heat the fuel heat = disorderly movement of microscopic particles. The thermal motion, on average, three-dimensional space of energy in each direction on each 1 / 3, while the Heat will do useful work in the direction of a three-dimensional orientation dimension. Other two-dimensional direction of energy had to be wasted as heat!
  Left out a few decades ago has started the "adiabatic engine" does not like the "principle of classical heat engine," as predicted to enhance the efficiency of the engine. Mechanistic models have proved that classical thermodynamics problem! And the big problem! Outlet temperature of heat than the inlet temperature of the engine efficiency is not a key factor in the decision!
  "Insulation" is not clearly improve the efficiency of heat engine a good idea. Why? From the "new engine theory of thermodynamics!" "No heat engine." When the heat has been generated, random movement has emerged, WoW unable to control it! Engine efficiency is that 1 / 3 or 1 / 4 limit shackles lived. Ceramics "insulation" is not diagnostic of the "wrong side", with the wrong medicine is inevitable.
  When the old energy (including new energy sources) does not produce heat, the new engine will be 100% possible to do work! That is the old and new energy to do an orderly one-dimensional micro-movement of the efficiency of the engine to return to 100%, and waste 2 / 3 or 3 / 4 of energy can lead Seoul to send, not to discharge waste heat to the environment or less, pollution of the environment and save natural resources!
  Full use of the old energy, perfect for the new energy rising to lay before the station, good foundation!
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  The central idea is to take energy-saving technically feasible, economically rational, and socially acceptable measures to more efficient use of energy resources. To achieve this, the development of energy resources need-to-end use, for better scientific management and technological innovation to achieve high energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption per unit of product. As conventional energy resources are limited, while the total world energy consumption in industrial and agricultural production, along with the development and the improvement of living standards more and more countries in the world attaches great importance to energy conservation technology research (especially the conservation of conventional energy in the coal, oil and natural gas, as these still valuable chemical raw materials; especially in oil, it is relatively small world of storage), desperately seeking alternative energy sources, development and utilization of new energy sources.
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Sustainable development of energy
  Must look for both to ensure adequate supply of long-term will not cause environmental pollution and energy.
  The current problems facing humanity is: depletion of energy resources; environmental pollution.
  As China's urbanization process moves forward, sustained growth in energy demand, energy supply and demand more and more prominent, looming question is how China really the energy for a sustainable development path? Industry officials and academics believe that to achieve sustainable energy development, China on the one hand must be "open source", the development of nuclear power, wind power and other new energy and renewable energy, on the other also "throttle" that adjust the energy structure, vigorously implement the energy saving and emission reduction.
  Development of new energy and renewable energy is the energy of the proper meaning of sustainable development. China's energy supply structure, the coal, oil and natural gas accounted for most of non-renewable energy sources, new energy and renewable energy development and inadequate, not only causing environmental pollution and other issues, but also seriously restrict energy development, must make great efforts accelerate the development of new energy and renewable energy, optimizing energy structure, enhancing energy supply capacity, ease the pressure.
  China's nuclear power installed capacity of less than 2% of installed power generation capacity, far below the average level of 17% of the world, should take effective measures to resolve the technical route, the investment system, fuel security, and other problems so that steps towards nuclear power development in China larger. Meanwhile, China's wind power resources of 10 billion kilowatts, currently only a few million development kilowatts of wind power development should be proper guidance, and promote healthy and sustainable development of electricity.
  Take the road of sustainable energy development, in terms of energy structure from the large, or to accelerate the development of nuclear power. Recent years, from the central to the State Council, have strengthened the confidence to accelerate the development of nuclear power, nuclear power efforts this year also increased. In the coming period, in optimizing the energy structure, the proportion of nuclear power, speed to maintain a relatively rapid growth, the scale in the short term there is a big improvement. Not only along the coast, but also gradually to the central regions.
  Sustainable development of energy saving and emission reduction is the only way. Houyun Chun said the irrational structure of China's energy demand outstanding performance in the high energy consumption, waste, pollution is serious, ease the contradiction between energy supply and demand issues, is fundamentally strong conservation and rational use, improve its efficiency, strict control of iron and steel, nonferrous metals, chemical, power high energy-consuming industries, the elimination of backward production capacity. At the same time, we must vigorously develop the circular economy, and actively carry out clean production, comprehensively promote the management of energy, promote energy conservation market mechanisms to promote energy development, launch extensive public energy-saving activities.
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Energy crisis
  As oil, coal and other widely used current depletion of traditional fossil energy sources, and new energy production and supply system has failed to establish the transport, finance, business, etc. caused by a series of questions referred to the energy crisis.
  According to economists and scientists, it is generally estimated that by the middle of the century, that around 2050, exploitation of oil resources will be depleted, its price rose very high, not suitable for wider application of mass when, not if the new energy system established, the energy crisis sweeping the globe, particularly in Europe and America greatly dependent on oil resources in developed countries suffer the weight. The most serious condition, than the industry has shrunk dramatically, or even as to seize the remaining oil resources led to war.
  To avoid this dilemma, the U.S., Canada, Japan, the European Union are all in active development, such as solar, wind, ocean energy (including tidal and wave energy) and other renewable new energy, or attention to the submarine combustible ice (natural gas hydrate ) and other new fossil energy sources. Meanwhile, hydrogen, methanol and other fuels as gasoline and diesel substitutes, also attracted widespread attention. Enthusiasm for study at home and abroad hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles, that is, the application of such a typical representative of the energy agency.
  Energy is the world development and economic growth in the most basic driving force is the basis for human survival. Since the industrial revolution, energy security began to appear. In 1913, the British navy began to use oil to replace coal as a dynamic time, when Ren Haijun Admiral Churchill proposed "must not rely solely on an oil, a process, a country and a field" that has not yet obsolete the principle of energy diversification. Along with human society, the increasing demand for energy, energy security and the gradual political, economic and security together. Two world wars, energy emerged as the outcome of the war, an important factor in determining national destiny. French Prime Minister Clemenceau said, "drop of oil is equivalent to a drop of blood of our soldiers." Shows the importance of energy security was already widely recognized by the international community. 70 20th century, the two oil crisis broke out the meaning of energy security has greatly expanded, in particular, the IEA was established in 1974 formally proposed to stabilize oil supply and prices as the central concept of energy security, whereby Western countries developed as the core of energy supply security, energy policy. Over the next two decades, in a stable energy supply, with the support of the scale of the world economy has made great growth. However, people in the enjoyment of the economic development of the energy, technological progress and other interests, also encountered a series of inevitable challenges of energy security, energy shortage, the scramble for resources and excessive use of energy and environmental pollution caused by threat to human survival and development.
  The world's reserves of conventional energy sources can only be maintained for half a century, some (such as oil), most are able to maintain one or two centuries (such as coal) the demand for human survival.
  Current world issues facing the energy security presents significantly different with the previous oil crisis of the new features and new changes, it is not just the problem of energy supply security, but including energy supply, energy demand, energy prices, energy transport, energy use, etc. integrated security, including the risks and threats.
  You can view the foreseeable future, cars will not significantly reduce, but the oil crisis will certainly have an impact on the automotive industry, such as the development of new cars (like hybrids, fuel cells, hydrogen, solar, etc.) in order to reduce oil dependence and reduce the unnecessary use of vehicles (mainly cars) in order to save fuel, but do not worry Overall car reduce this problem.
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Implications and recommendations
  2. Actively learn from the advanced international experience, establish and improve China's energy security system. To ensure energy security, China should learn from advanced international experience on the one hand, improve the energy laws and regulations, establishment of energy market information and statistical system, establishing an early warning system of energy security, energy reserve system and the energy crisis response mechanism, actively promote the energy supply at the source, varieties, trade, transport and other forms of diversity, improve market-oriented; the other hand should be strengthened with the major energy producing and consuming country dialogue, expand the energy supply network, to achieve energy production, transport, procurement, trade and use of global of.
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  Status and trends of the development of new energy
  Part of the renewable energy technology has made great progress, and around the world formed a certain scale. At present, biomass, solar, wind and hydropower, geothermal energy utilization technology has been applied.
  International Energy Agency (IEA) International 2000 to 2030, electricity demand has been studied, research shows that power generation from renewable energy sources will total the fastest average annual growth rate. IEA study that in the next 30 years non-renewable energy water than any other fuel power generation to be growing faster, the annual growth rate of nearly 6% in 2000 to 2030 the total generating capacity will increase by 5 times, to 2030, it will provide 4.4% of the world's total electricity, in which biomass energy will account for 80%.
  Current renewable energy in primary energy in the overall proportion of low, on the one hand and the degree of attention in different countries and policy related to other renewable energy technologies with high costs, in particular in high-tech solar , biomass, wind, etc., according to IEA's prediction, in the next 30 years the cost of renewable energy power generation will significantly decline, thus increasing its competitiveness. The cost of renewable energy use with a variety of factors, and thus the cost of the predicted results have some uncertainty. However, these predictions indicate that the cost of renewable energy technologies will show a declining trend.
  My Government attaches great importance to research and development of renewable energy. State Economic and Trade Commission to develop a new energy and renewable energy industry development in the "Tenth Five" plan, and formulated and promulgated the "China Renewable Energy Law", focusing on the development of solar thermal, wind power, biomass energy efficient use and geothermal energy utilization. Great support in the country in recent years, China's wind power, tidal power and ocean energy, solar energy and other fields has made great progress.
  New Energy (or renewable energy more accurate) are: solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and so on. After decades of biomass energy exploration, the domestic and foreign experts have expressed many ways this energy can not develop, it will not only grab the land resources of human beings, but also would lead to unhealthy social development; geothermal energy development and use of air conditioning has the same characteristics, such as large-scale development will lead to regional ground-surface soil environment destruction will once again lead to changes in the ecological environment; and in terms of wind and solar energy is inexhaustible for the Earth, with the Health inexhaustible energy, alternative energy future, they will become mainstream.
  Solar power has a simple layout and easy maintenance, application of a wider, and now the world has begun to catch up with the total installed capacity of wind power tradition, or even close to the national power generation in Germany, 5% -8% of the total, followed by question order We are unexpected, the time limitations of solar power has led to the impact on power, how to solve this problem has become a major energy industry confusion.
  Wind power in the 19th century began on the historical stage, in the hundred years of development, has been the uncontested top dog is a new field of energy, because of its relatively low cost, competing countries into the development of new energy choice, however, With the growing number of large wind farms, also increasing the land occupied, resulting in social conflicts have become increasingly prominent, and how to solve this problem, we become another confused.
  As early as 2001, MUCE to the island in order to develop a stable power supply and communication to carry out a study, after six years of research and practice, and finally a mature way MUCE new applications to the community to promote wind and solar systems, this system uses China has independently developed a new vertical axis wind turbine (H type) and the combination of solar power to 10:3 to form a relatively stable power output. In architecture, field, communication base stations, street lights, islands are carried out practical applications, a large number of reliable usage data. Results of this system will China and the world's new energy development has brought new impetus.
  New vertical axis wind turbine (H type) breaks through the traditional horizontal axis wind turbine start high wind speed, noise, wind resistance is poor, affected by wind direction and other shortcomings, has taken a completely different design theory, using a new type of structure and material, to start the breeze, no noise, anti-12 typhoon, the performance impact from the wind can be used extensively for villas, multi-layer and high-rise buildings, street lamps and other small applications. Established primarily for its wind and solar power generation system with power output stability, high economic impact on the environment etc, and also solve the solar energy development in the shock impact on the grid.
  With the energy crisis is approaching, the future of new energy has become one of the world's major energy sources. Which has gradually entered our solar extraordinary life, wind power can be seen or heard occasionally, but how they are as a new energy to apply in practice? What will the new energy development is how the pattern? These issues will be a long time in the future we need to explore.
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  Energy is limited, but men do not value, causing a lot of waste, reducing energy now, humanity will face the crisis, but this is all caused by human hand, that time we regret it! Two oil crises so that the "energy" have become a hot topic of discussion, how can we not before seriously? This is really important to it! No energy, how we live ah! We humans must have awareness ah! !
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  energy source
  Production and life of human capabilities and power to provide material resources, is an important material basis for the national economy. Development and effective use of energy and the per capita consumption level of production technology and living standards is an important symbol.
  Primary energy and secondary energy in nature, there have been various forms of energy as a source of energy. Primary energy sources according to their different divisions from outside the Earth, the Earth's interior, Earth and other celestial bodies interacting in Class 3. Other than the primary energy from the Earth mainly solar energy. Sun enter the Earth's annual average of 178,000 TW of energy (1 terawatt years = 31.5 × 1015 kJ), equivalent to about 190 trillion tons of standard coal. Weather caused by solar radiation changes in the formation of hydro, wind, ocean current energy, wave energy and marine force of deep and surface temperature can be so absorbed by the plants through the photochemical process and the formation of solar energy biomass accumulation are the primary energy . Broadly speaking, coal, oil, natural gas, oil shale and oil sands and other fossil primary energy are made in the history of the accumulation of organic biomass solar energy. Primary energy from the Earth's interior is mainly geothermal and nuclear energy. From the interaction between the Earth and other celestial bodies is a major tidal energy. Where the primary energy through the conversion or processing of energy produced is called secondary energy, such as electricity, hydrogen, petroleum products, coal gas, liquefied oil, steam and compressed air. However, although hydroelectric power is converted from the drop of water, generally as a source of energy.
  Conventional energy and new energy consumption of the world's large oil, gas, coal and nuclear energy as conventional energy sources. New energy is relative to the conventional energy terms, and refers to solar, wind, geothermal, ocean energy, tidal energy and biomass and so on. Because the energy density of new energy smaller or lower grade, or intermittent, according to technical conditions existing use of the economics of conversion is still poor, still in the research, development stages, only the development and use of local conditions; but the new Most energy is renewable energy. Rich resources, broad distribution, is one of the major energy future.
  Goods and non-commercial energy where the energy into the energy market as sales of goods such as coal, oil, natural gas and electricity are all commercial energy. International statistics are limited to commercial energy. Non-commercial energy mainly refers to fuel wood and crop residues (straw, etc.). In 1975, the world's non-commercial energy is about 0.6 TW, the equivalent of 600 million tons of standard coal. It is estimated that China's non-commercial energy in 1979, about 290 million tons of standard coal.
  The central idea of ​​saving energy is to take technically feasible, economically rational, and socially acceptable measures to more efficient use of energy resources. To achieve this,
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Wikipedia Daquan
  Energy - coupled model
  energy and economy linkage model
  An economic model of energy coupling (energy andeconomy
  linkagemodel) to study the mutual impact of energy and macroeconomic
  The relationship between sound and coordinated development model. Is usually established by several independent power
  Coupling mechanism can have a model consisting of a model system. The main
  The energy system model and the macroeconomic model, sometimes complemented by other investments
  Capital decision-making models, population models, consumer models, trade models. Energy
  System model and the macro-economic model can be run separately and used for
  Of the energy system structure and macro-economic development issues both through the
  Communication and feedback can be coupling operations, to achieve economic growth and energy
  Coordination of systems development.
  Energy system model for dynamic linear programming model generally. Macroeconomic
  Economic models can be grouped into two categories, one is the dynamic input / output model, and the other
  One is the econometric model.
  Energy system model coupled with the macroeconomic models of mechanisms and information
  Flow are different. In general, the macroeconomic model is not based on
  To economic growth and changes of industrial structure are given for future years
  Energy demand, energy input as an exogenous condition of the energy system model
  System model of economic development in the energy demand to meet the prerequisite, in
  The constraints of energy resources, to seek the best energy development, conversion, sub-
  With the program and the best fuel composition, expanding energy system are given
  Production capacity and investment needs of energy development and production costs,
  Feedback and input of its macro-economic model. Further Study macroeconomic model
  Energy system investment and production costs on economic development, and to compare
  And evaluation of the expansion of energy production capacity and end-use energy sector investment
  Investment, costs and benefits. And then adjusted the economic development goals and energy
  Demand for energy policy under the program, and enter into the energy system model.
  After some feedback, the results of two models to converge operations.
  There is another model of energy economy, it is not a model of energy system
  Phase coupled with the macroeconomic model type, but includes the two aspects
  Within the same model, a Solution to complete. For example, Stanford
  University of ETA a MAcRO model of energy system optimization model
  Macro-econometric model of the form together to form a
  A dynamic nonlinear optimization model, the constraints of the existence of non-linear
  Equation, the objective function is to seek maximum utility of final consumption, which represents
  The form of a logarithmic function. In addition, the system dynamics model can also be used to study
  Coordination of energy and economic development.
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English Expression
  1. :  source of energy,  energy resources
  2. n.:  energy source,  fuel and other resources used for operating machinery, etc,  energy,  power source
French Expression
  1. n.  source d'énergie
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