idiom : common saying > Victory or defeat is standard issue
Victory or defeat is standard issue
  Explanation: Victory or failure is often encountered troops who fight things. Do not mean victory or defeat occasionally too seriously.
  Usage: Complex sentence; as object clause; for dissuasive
  Source: Qing Hong Sheng, "the right bribe Palace of Eternal Youth": "I think winning or losing is standard issue, chicken accidental loss, excusable."
  Examples: The test failed, but do not restore the heart, ~, sum up experience, adhere to the test continues, will succeed.
No. 2
  See "the outcome of military strategists of the ordinary."
Translated by Google
No. 3
  词 目 胜败乃兵家常事
  发 音 shèng bài nǎi bīng jiā cháng shì
  释 义 胜利或失败是带兵作战的人常遇到的事情。意思是不要把偶然一次的胜利或失败看得太重。
  出 处 《旧唐书·裴度传》:“一胜一负,兵家常势。”
  示 例 这次试验失败了,但不要灰心,~,总结经验,坚持试验下去,定能成功。