| | Poet: Cesar Vallejo
战斗的尾声 战士阵亡了,一个男人走近他 对他说:“你不要死,我这么喜欢你。” 可是尸体啊,唉,仍然僵硬。
有两个人走近,重复着说: “别离开我们!勇敢些!死而复生吧!” 可是尸体啊,唉,仍然一动不动。
二十个人来了,一百,一千,五十万, 呼喊着:“这么多人的爱,不能胜过死吗?” 可是尸体啊,唉,仍然僵冷。
一百万人围了过来 共同要求着:“你留下来吧,弟兄!” 可是尸体啊,唉,仍然一动也不动。
于是,全世界的人们 围拢他;尸体悲伤地望着他们,至为感动, 慢慢地坐了起来, 拥抱了第一个人;开始与他们奔向新生。 | | - n.: John Q. Public, the plebs [pl] the masses, ordinary people, masses, grass roots, Hoi polloi (=the) polloi, the multitude, the masses, John Q. Citizen, concourse, throng, ruck, multitude, mass, horde, crowd
- v.: crush
- adj.: many
| | - n. les masses
| | gathering of people or things, congregation, the many mob, admass crowd, civilian, the many, commonage Qunzhong Cun | | country | Administrative villages | autonomy tissue | Chinese mainland | Chengdu | culture | art | culture Service | academician | celebrity | China | tissue | community | user | money | Shenzhen (city in China) | Art bao3jie2 | nightrider | ground | the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China | historical events | convention | emotion | place name Cropland City | More results... |
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