Health : fashion : Attendance facial cosmetics : curative attendance : belle > facial
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  So looks beautiful; enhance their beauty
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Looks good
  Good looks. "Nine Chapters Xi Chu past": "Notwithstanding the beauties of the beauty Xi, Slander and envy into the self-generation." Han Zhao Ye, "Annals of Wu and Wang Liao to Prince-light": "so loudly for the Prince to marry King Ping YU Qin, Qin female beauty. "
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No. 3
  So that looks good. See "cosmetology", "beauty."
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No. 4
  Beauty (facial make-up, art of) the appearance of a beautiful art. Ancient Egyptian times, people to hydrate the skin and prevent sun, deposited in the skin of various agents and ointment applied. Ancient Egyptian women like to use black paint to describe the contours of the eye, made use of malachite green powder coated paint on the eyelid with a black powder of antimony gray eyebrows like a willow described as slender, with milky white oil wiped on the body with red paint the lips and cheeks, even in the hands, feet, nails to be infected with orange red, very striking. Beauty flourished in the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, beauty and art of great development. People hesitate to spend a lot of time and money, whitewash, wiping lipstick, curly hair, dyed hair, with imported Oriental towel and skin musk. 70 19th century, Europe began the modern beauty salon. Shang Dynasty in China, people have to use red and blue mosaic Daozhi cemented Yan fat to finish. According to records, the daughter of the Spring and Autumn Zheng Zhou, surface covered with white powder, paint with Qinghei thrush. After the Han dynasty, began to decorate, play makeup, ornaments and other terms. Beauty mask appeared in the Tang Dynasty. According to records, Yang used the mask, is refined from precious herbal medicine, and with pearls, white, ground into powder, ginseng, lotus root starch than other harmonic. The beauty of this ancient mask not only eliminate the macula, the skin white and tender, but also the deep pores of dirt, grease sucked out and removed. Modern society, women have more and more advanced beauty way, they by natural beauty, beauty of steam, so that their youthfulness, handsome face. Beauty Experts predict that type of spray and smear will significantly increase the demand for cosmetics, beauty cosmetics make these methods more simple, self-operation of women at home, which will lead to more widespread domestic beauty.
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  Whether the origin of beauty and when? What Generation? Launched in which a nation? Has been unable to accurately verified. Primitive tribe of people know how to use leaves from modesty to worship the gods for the express respect and will face painted the color, or wear to attract the opposite sex and other animal teeth, cosmetic make-up activity is probably the prototype of it! But no matter how the development of human society How to progress, one thing we can believe in, the United States is the common goal pursued by mankind. When humans have a sense of beauty, there was persistent pursuit. Beauty is not only human nature, but also the development of human evolution and a sign of civilization.
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  The word beauty can be understood from two angles. Preferred is the "content" word, followed by "U.S.." "Content" including the face,
  Deportment, and the modification of three means.
  "United States" is an adjective and verb has two meanings. Adjective that is the beauty of the results and the aim is beautiful
  The good-looking; verb that is the beauty of the process, and change the meaning of the landscaping. Therefore, beauty is a simple change in the original speakers have good behavior and disease (the face), making civilization, high quality, with the appearance can be accepted image of activities and processes to achieve this purpose or for use products and methods.
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美容 特点
  ● Beauty comes from the phenomenon of non-sensitive to the U.S., leading to the pursuit of beauty.
  ● Beauty is beauty goals and outcomes that can be personal and social acceptance.
  ● Beauty is the common psychological and physical performance.
  ● All of the beauty customers think they have some in a particular defect, and the need for care.
  ● future development of beauty, certainly along the scientific, efficient, safe, time-saving way of economic development.
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美容 趋势
  With the concept of consumer awareness and health improvement, the choice of beauty products are also constantly undergoing fundamental changes. Not only on product packaging, specifications, efficacy and price, and service _select_ion, but also more attention to product quality and content meets the needs of their own health and psychological, is consistent with scientific rigor and stylish and elegant living concept. Thus the upgrading of cosmetics has become an inevitable trend.
  From the current international and domestic fashion trend, cosmetics, chemical products will gradually be replaced by bio-health and beauty products, cosmetics, but the general trend. Cosmetics market in the twentieth century will be the biotechnology and gene technology in the world.
  Cosmetics market, after minerals, oil and tallow oil, pure plant, chemical synthetic products evolution and development of four generations, now being ushered in with the Five Dynasties era of beauty products in both biology. The fifth generation started the first of its kind in the cosmetics, it is a secret Sri Lanka can be represented by the biological activity of Skandia peptide beauty product.
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Beauty Recipes
  Beauty, the pursuit of beauty, is everyone's nature. A person's face was beautiful, in addition to congenital factors, acquired the well-conditioning and maintenance is very important. Beauty experts believe that the key to the United States should come from inside the body, beneficial to the body fit and in many foods, a person's fitness will play an unexpected role. To this end, the following relevant foreign bodybuilding nutritionists recipe. People to follow to do, will make women more cheap and good, men are more Jun, modern life more beautiful, fun.
  Beauty: beauty their beauty are inextricably linked with aging and senility. South sunflower seeds rich in zinc, zinc deficiency can cause human skin wrinkles quickly students. To this end, a few grains each day, chewing sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds, make the skin smooth, slow down the formation of wrinkles. At the same time, twice daily to eat a kiwi, kiwi fruit rich in vitamin c, helps blood circulation, better delivery of nutrients to the skin. The skin vitamin a flexible, slow relaxation. Liver, milk contains a lot of vitamin a.
  Hair: people to 30-40 years of age, the hair begin to age. Hair, Beauty is the key to the United States, adolescence is necessary to provide appropriate conservation. Sulfur-rich eggs, eat 4 eggs a week, can make the hair glossy. Zinc and vitamin b family can delay the growth of white hair. High-protein foods such as meat, fish, eggs, etc., matched with fresh vegetables, and thick hair, it will play an important role, because 97% of the hair keratin proteins.
  Eyesight: bright eyes of God, can increase a person's natural beauty rhyme. 3 times a week to eat carrots with vegetable oil to burn. Carrots are rich in vitamins a, e, can enhance vision, played the role of eyesight. With bran flour with bread contains a lot of selenium, eat this bread, make eye from bacteria, viruses and help hedge against eye diseases. Vitamin c can improve vision, often to eat citrus fruits will help eye protection.
  Show A: beautiful nails can add charm to women, science diet, women will have a pair of bright colorful Yu Zhi. Yogurt contains protein to promote nail growth, a bottle of yogurt drink a lot of good. Eat walnuts and peanuts can prevent nail breakage, walnuts and peanuts are rich in growth hormone can make nails strong.
  Guchi: a neat and white teeth, and give people a feeling of beauty. 150 grams a day to eat cheese, and add a lemon. Cheese in the teeth of calcium to make strong. Vitamin c can kill bacteria in the mouth cause tooth decay. In addition, more fish and poultry are also good for protecting your teeth because meat foods contain phosphorus Guchi elements.
  Weight loss recipe
  Recipe 1: kelp thin
  Seaweed foods contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals, especially iodine, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, etc. of minerals, the United States for the attention to health, especially for those who want to get rid of body fat and improve lower body curves female friends, the more the better Oh!
  In addition there are many other kelp seaweed food is a lot we can choose, for example, kelp (seaweed and then a large point than the algae), red algae, green algae, blue algae, brown algae, etc., there is a sale of these algae tablets or concentrated liquid concentrate, natural kelp can also be purchased for home cooking, but any help in the cooking of food, remember! Steamed or boiled as far as possible so less salt, less sugar, less oil means food, and avoid the loss of their weight-loss purposes Oh! In addition to a balanced diet intake but also as far as possible, and avoid the partial eclipse, it will not go too far Oh!
  Recipe 2: bananas honey dip
  Bananas are rich in dietary fiber, can stimulate the gastrointestinal motility and help excretion. If you eat nothing, only bananas honey dip, low-calorie meals than, naturally slim down. However, rapid weight loss in such a manner, the body often do not adjust because of the adverse reactions. Depend on bananas for a living if the long-term, the body is deficient in protein, minerals and other nutrients, and slowly your body will issue hazard warnings.
  Recipe 3: eat grapefruit
  Grapefruit is rich in vitamin c, sugar is not high, if eating a grapefruit instead of a meal, low calorie, of course, if other meals also control the heat properly, lose weight naturally after a period of time. But if your body is weak, eat a few slices of the best high-fiber crackers, because fasting may not stand against the acidity of the stomach caused by pain.
  Recipe 4: There are a lemon, vinegar, can be beauty beauty
  Lemon is rich in vitamins it can reduce the freckles, the incidence of dark spots, and some whitening effect. Lemon and vinegar also has the effect of the decomposition of fat little drink after a meal to make themselves more beautiful slim indeed. However, the acidity of lemon and vinegar have a high fasting or drinking too much to drink will Shang Wei.
  Recipe 5: continue to eat, "Apple menu"
  Apple is a low-calorie high-nutrition fruits, because of this, many people used as a weight loss meal. You know, Apple and general meals compared to the heat are much lower, of course, slim down, but over time, nutritional imbalance will make the body too much, and once stopped, weight will slowly rise.
  Recipe 6: eat only two kinds of guava and tomato fruits
  The spectrum of nutritionists to lose weight listed is different according to each person's physique and needs to make adjustments, not static, with the fruit also vary. So, definitely not the only guava and tomatoes will be included in the diet menu.
  Recipe 7: eating pineapple
  Pineapple is rich in vitamin b1, can promote metabolism, elimination of fatigue, rich in dietary fiber, so to digest more smoothly. Eat pineapple, you can eat a meal, do not eat in the Stomach, when empty, it will be very easy to enzyme damage.
  Recipe 8: eat avocado
  Avocado contains a large number of unsaturated fatty acids, likely to create a sense of satiety, short-term to lose weight, there are thin role, but not immediately after the resumption of normal diet, or not suited to smooth the stomach will produce the situation. In addition, although the avocado plant containing the fat, if you eat too much, the accumulated heat is also very impressive.
  Recipe 9: loquat magical weight loss
  Loquat is rich in crude fiber and mineral elements. Hectogram loquat meat containing 0.4 grams of protein, 6.6 grams of carbohydrates, and vitamin b1 and vitamin c, is a very effective weight loss fruit.
  TCM theory holds that weight should be based on spleen, and Water, phlegm-oriented, and loquat With these effects, it is a good weight of fruit. The following describes two loquat eat:
  Loquat Ointment
  Material: loquat meat 500 grams, 600 grams of crystal sugar.
  Method: rock sugar into the boiling water Aozhi of, add batch of meat continue to cook until a thick paste Serve.
  Loquat porridge
  Material: loquat meat 250 grams, 50 grams of rice, crystal sugar.
  Method: the boiled sugar, then into the Amoy clean rice, cook until cooked into porridge loquat has been processed meat, plus cook 10 minutes.
  Skin remedies
  Recipe 1
  Certain amount of salt mixed with water, stir (high concentration), stained with salt water in the face with a cotton pad gently smear a few minutes later, his face white powder left when water evaporates, rinse with water. This will not only be able to thoroughly clean the dirt hidden in the pores, but also remove the aging of the stratum corneum, and then restore the face shine. Sensitive skin with caution.
  Recipe 2
  Washing the face, hands and pat the cheeks from the inside out, not too much movement to cause skin quiver prevail, and for the eyes, nose and other places can not be beat with the ring finger to gently massage every 5 minutes . This skin regular exercise, can enhance its own metabolism, maintain a youthful luster.
  Recipe 3
  Protein dissolving dead skin effect, the raw egg yolk protein and separated the protein into the paste evenly on the face, wait a few minutes after the protein completely dry, wash with warm water, so also with the dead protein is removed together.
  Recipe 4
  By Huang Bo Pi, papaya root pounded into powder and added Zaoren with mud, adhere to attaining every morning, to be deposited dry clean, facial skin becomes a color.
  Recipe 5
  Each face, first wash with warm water, then pour off the amount of honey in the palm, rub palms on, then hands out up in the face massage, massage is completed, wash with warm water, application may be nutritional skin care products. Persist more than 1 week shows clearly that the face shiny.
  Honey skin care
  Honey: Vegetables soft white skin smooth, ruddy face, but also crack the blood. Heating with 70% of the honey mixture of 30% lard wipe the skin, can prevent skin dryness, skin Xirun, body building, maintaining the charm of youth.
  Queen embryo: the queen embryo contains protein and a large number of trace elements, for a long time food is skin color gloss, sprayed on the face so pale white Wyatt, to kidney and rule spermatogenic dry hair and white hair, you can get rid of age spots and pigmentation.
  Bee pollen: pollen contains essential minerals such as manganese, selenium, zinc, copper, iron and so on. Pollen also contains many enzymes, such as lipase, phosphatase, protease, amylase and sucrase, these enzymes are essential metabolic substances in the body. Pollen is the women's good food, it can anti-aging, protect the skin, improve skin appearance, soft skin and increase elasticity.
  Fruit beauty
  Eat more fruits and skincare! Eat more fruits help to digest! Benefits of fruits have lots to talk about, many people is to lose weight by eating fruit that it is good, will be full, but not too "nourishing." Fruit into health, beauty, weight loss panacea. Really true? Fruit is a good thing, but it is not a panacea, over-reliance on fruit, not only can not lose weight beauty, but also may harm your health.
  Eat papaya can breast
  There is no basis for this statement. In addition to congenital and acquired genetic factors and development of nutrition, eating papaya to larger breasts, is not likely to do. 'd Papaya for postpartum women, does have the effect of lactation.
  Although years of Invincible, but reasonable way of life to aging can actually slow down the pace. In order to grow on youth, looks fair, and you may wish to try: often eat bananas - bananas are rich in vitamins a, b, c, e and iron, also contains a coordination body pH balance of phosphorus and minerals, is a refreshing refreshing one of the best health food.
  A glass of milk - milk contains high calcium, and quite nutritious, drink a glass of milk a day can more than 3 grams of protein absorption, which enhance physical fitness, healthy bones and teeth are of great benefit.
  A good breakfast - three meals a day Breakfast is the most important meal, you can drink a bowl of rice gruel, eat some cereal, an egg and other food. Rich breakfast can provide the necessary energy for the body, makes the day full of energy.
  Drink plenty of water - water activity on the human body and mind have magical effect. It can improve breathing, conditioning joints and muscles, reducing fatigue. Usually about 2 liters of drinking water per day. If you exercise, air travel or cold, even to drink water.
  Eat nuts - because the nuts are rich in iron and various vitamins, can be a strong skin cells to carry oxygen to red blood cells, so that you stay healthy and beautiful.
  Phone number
  Skin care - If you wipe out every time point with sun protection factor cream and a cap, then the sun on your skin will reduce the harm. In addition, the use of cosmetics is not possible, daily application of soft liquid soap wash.
  Regular Swimming - Swimming is a good relaxation exercise, because the water utility has a soothing state of mind is very beneficial to health.
  Pay attention to hygiene - often drying bedding, often Huanyi, often open the window for ventilation, washing hands before meals and after, do not eat rotten unclean food, sooner or later adhere to the teeth, after meals to mouth, and feet with hot water at night.
  More than to smell the flowers - plants and flowers can relieve nervous tension, brings a good feeling relaxed and happy.
  Outdoor activities - more to outdoor activities such as a breath of fresh air, sun, mountain climbing, jumping rope, doing gymnastics, often outdoor activities, can promote metabolism and blood circulation, enhance disease resistance
  Xi Yan beauty, beauty is no longer so expensive!
  Sometimes beauty can be is a matter not expensive, its cost may be reduced to a minimum, for example, we usually eat ordinary fine salt, it is now very popular as a beauty recipe, beauty following recommended several thin salt method:
  First, the salt Lipstick
  Wash your face, put a teaspoon of fine salt water on the palm 3 - 5 drops, and then your fingers carefully Stir salt and water, then dipped in salt water from the top down, paint wiping the forehead, while paint-doing Central to massage.
  After a few minutes, until his face was white powder dry salt water, use warm water to wash face, apply moisturizing lotion or to continue their normal skin care steps. Ongoing each time after washing the face every morning and evening.
  Such a good cleaning and decontamination effect, the accumulation of grease for the pores, acne. Even the "Black" can be removed. But should massage the skin around the eye, and more sensitive skin care. Do not get the eyes to go to salt water, so as to avoid conjunctival damage.
  Second, salt eyesight
  Done after normal cleaning, playing Banpen warm water, sprinkle a small amount of salt and let it melt, will be soaked in salt water desalination in the face, opened his eyes in the water, up and down the left and right eye to the effect of wash with fresh water.
  Not two weeks, you will find your eyes become bright and sparkle up, this is the real "electric eye beauty."
  Third, the salt war pox
  In fact, for back acne minister has "chronic illness", as salt is also useful. Fully warm the body after bathing, to be more than wiping salt after the pores open in the back, must hand to every corner. 1 minute massage with a bath brush, do not be too hard, as long as the skin and the brush can move between salt and light with a sponge dipped in salt water, attached to the back for 10 minutes, washed with water.
  Washed several times and then look back acne is slowly being overcome.
  Fourth, salt, oil control
  For the secretion of t-shaped area oil strong, even in autumn, a lot of oily skin, "oil production" or endless. For the local area, you can wipe with a thin salt in pre-wetting of the skin, gently massage 3 minutes after the break, and then open the pores in the nose on both sides of the site with the middle finger squeeze pulp from the bottom up to do massage.
  "Oil" as you really insist on the cut, oh.
  Breast impressive six strong movement
  Option One
  1. Hands folded on his chest, abdomen remember the chest rise and keep your breath.
  2. Shoulders flat, elbows out and palms were vertical. Note the hands and chest at least 15-20 cm apart.
  3. Abdomen, back arch slightly, his hands clasped together in the forward, side breathing side operation, one of about 10 seconds, repeat 5-6 times.
  Time: about 1 minute
  Reminder: standing can do anytime, anywhere, it is convenient.
  Option II
  Stood by the table, the elbow straight, stays on the desktop, the lower center of gravity, the body slowly to the back, to concentrate on the chest and back for 5 seconds.
  Time: about 40 seconds
  Reminder: This action easily support both in what can be done, you can chat while doing other people do not see you doing breast movement. But be careful not to use the arm to the chest compression to avoid injury.
  Option III
  1. The body straight, chin to the shrink, the first pull up like a raise.
  2. Take a deep breath, hold your breath for 20 seconds, tighten the buttocks and abdominal muscles, not hump.
  Time: 20 seconds
  Reminder: As long as when standing can do very, very simple, but concentrate on the chest, only to make a superfluous and useless.
  Option IV
  Hands on their chests, each entwine with each other, about the hard pull in the opposite direction about 10 seconds or so, the speed is relatively slow, repeated 5-6 times.
  Time: about 2 minutes
  Reminder: This move can strengthen the chest line, so that the chest has become more flexible. Whether watching TV, or other person, just sitting in a chair to be easily carried out.
  Programme five
  1. Wrap the breast with both hands, press the surrounding tissue, 3 seconds per stop.
  2. Hands open, were down from the cleavage to do press, until the breast periphery.
  3. The breasts done between 8 font massage.
  Time :3-5 minutes
  Reminder: Repeat 5-6 times each action, and promote blood circulation, stimulate breast development.
  Programme six
  1. Started to play from the breast center circle, up until the clavicle Department.
  2. From the beginning of breast periphery in order to draw small round spiral way to do massage.
  3. Hands gently grasp both sides of the breast, Pull up slightly, the power should not be too much attention.
  Time: 2 minutes
  Reminder: repeated 8-10 times for each of these actions can make a more solid spongy tissue and beautify the chest curve.
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Preliminary Discussion
美容 初谈
  "Easy Sutra" reads: "Jane the moment capacity can only keep it, the rules easily able to turn the United States only. Yung Yung is also sheathing materials, and materials of the details also. The United States the table, stupid eyes, the health of its , music and for the people. "period in the Fuxi, we will know the basic meaning of beauty. Then put the capacity of words as things look, you can protect the real thing, "the United States the table" is the meaning of the United States of its contents. About the appearance of beauty, you can fool the stupid eyes, that their heart to improve the value of the material point of view. You can also enhance its beauty about the nature of things, to housekeeping and have the benefits of this material can be doing it.
  This explains, humans started to know people on the matter, the beauty of the objects have a certain significance.
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  Beauty word originated from the ancient Greek "kosmetikos'', which means" decoration. "No matter how named, beauty's activities have long existed in ancient times. Archaeologists excavated relics from that period in the research, at the time, dye and perfumes have been used interchangeably in different places. to 5000 BC, black antimony powder is used as Miaomei and eyebrow dye, lead is used to lash line, malachite green was used to draw eye-shadow, it is surprising that women in ancient make-up and modern women have striking similarities, such as to encroach on, toenails, painted lips, Miaomei, hair and so on.
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  With the concept of consumer awareness and health improvement, the choice of beauty products are also constantly undergoing fundamental changes. Not only on product packaging, specifications, efficacy and price, and service _select_ion, but also more attention to product quality and content meets the needs of their own health and psychological, is consistent with scientific rigor and stylish and elegant living concept. Thus the upgrading of cosmetics has become an inevitable trend.
  From the current international and domestic fashion trend, cosmetics, chemical products will gradually be replaced by bio-health and beauty products, cosmetics, but the general trend. Cosmetics market in the twentieth century will be the biotechnology and gene technology in the world.
  Cosmetics market, after minerals, oil and tallow oil, pure plant, chemical synthetic products evolution and development of four generations, now being ushered in with the Five Dynasties era of beauty products in both biology. The fifth generation started the first of its kind in the cosmetics, it is a SECRET Sri Lanka can be represented by the biological activity of Skandia peptide beauty product.
  Pearl powder freckle:
  Cause: growth hormone and sex hormones disorders endocrine disorders → → free radicals and lipid oxidation reaction of lipid peroxidation → → → lipofuscin chloasma, freckles, pigmented spots
  "Compendium of Materia Medica" has long been clear that: "Pearl, in addition to black and dry", pearl powder contained a large number of trace elements can effectively curb the increase of lipid peroxide, thereby effectively remove the three spots.
  Method: Find a beauty out of a bottle or small cup, pour some of the first European Poetry Man nano pearl powder in the container, adding a small amount of milk mixture and mix thoroughly. In order to apply to the surface of the nano pearl powder Buzhi Yu dry off, where you can add a little honey, the amount of not too much, otherwise it would nanometer pearl powder on your face uneven. Then wash face with warm water, applying the mixed nano pearl powder mixture evenly deposited on the face, freckles and more massage at the moment, in order to promote blood circulation, but also promote skin absorption of nutrients, which is very important to freckle. After 20 minutes, wash off with warm water. Do the best every night before going to sleep.
  Tip: Wash the mask, wiping toner, and then mixed with a small amount of vitamin E European Poetry Man nano pearl powder, nano pearl powder is equivalent to the amount of vitamin E in the third, mixed evenly, face painting, light light massage until absorbed, if excessive, can be on the towels. Do not wash. To do every night before bed, can enhance the effect of speckle.
  Note: The Blemish, should not have quick success, we must uphold for a long. Blemish Although some products are very effective, but the heavy metal content, on the white one with the short term, but the incalculable damage to the human body. Every year a variety of media exposure on a number of mercury, lead exceeded the whitening cosmetics, please pay attention to relevant information and avoid victimization.
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The nature of aesthetic beauty
  Add aesthetic beauty does not mean that aesthetic beauty does not mean to limit the aesthetic beauty of the narrow field. On the contrary, aesthetic beauty is the beauty of the general theory to guide the beauty basic theories and methods of practice and principle. Why do you say? This is because , beauty and aesthetics was closely linked, so that if left to talk about aesthetic beauty, it will become a river without water, without trees. Meanwhile, the beauty and aesthetics must also be widely accepted use of the field of human creation in the United States all the outstanding results. These outstanding results for thousands of years the practice of repeated testing for people with the truth of subversion is not broken.
  Wide range of things in this world all the time to give people the feeling of beauty or ugliness, and continue to enrich people's aesthetic vision, in the process, people are looking for the "beauty is what" the answer and deepen with understanding the nature of beauty.
  Beauty is not self-made heart phantom, the United States to rely on people's feelings exist.
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Seven skin Kampo "medicine" Su
  "Medicine" hot new ingredients TOP7 Prime skin
  Ginseng: valuable in Yanling Dan
  Popularity: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  Hot reason: we all know, ancient ginseng has been an expensive medicine, food can enhance human immunity, slow aging. Divided into a variety of ginseng has ginseng, red ginseng, wild ginseng, Codonopsis, the main function is to Bu Zhong Yi Qi, lungs and fluid and blood circulation. In recent years, ginseng has been used in skin care because of its strong antioxidant capacity and concern. Moreover, ginseng extract also has the mend wrinkles, promote blood circulation, accelerate metabolism, such as multiple effects, which can effectively control skin and restore its healthy young state.
  Angelica: a healthy skin color
  Popularity: ★ ★ ★ ★
  Hot reason: Chinese medicine, Angelica Sweet, acrid, warm; the liver, heart, spleen, blood with blood, remove the effect of the new health and silt, due to blood deficiency caused by looking for the poor have good effect. Angelica long-term use, can reproduce the ruddy color of facial skin. Fang Meirong boom in the Chinese and beauty of Angelica excellent results naturally join.
  Gentian: noble white on the plateau
  Popularity: ★ ★ ★ ★
  Top reasons: In the early books there are records of medicine, gentian is gourmet Chinese cosmetic medicine, with a soothing, calming and moisturizing the skin, whether internal or external, are rare beauty best. It is said that this has a strange name of the precious plant to go through 5 to 10 years to mature. Because of its high tolerance to withstand the harsh environment, the fine gentian extract after extraction is used in skin care products, skin resistance to natural increase, while both whitening and moisturizing effect.
  Barley: Han Fang's "Lizzie McGuire"
  Popularity: ★ ★ ★
  Top reasons: expensive rare in many Chinese herbal medicines, the APF can be regarded as "Lizzie McGuire." Because of its low price, making more people can benefit from it. The APF itself has to moisturize the skin, whitening hydrating, Qi and blood circulation, regulate menstruation pain and other effects are outstanding, applied to the skin also has natural whitening effect, can improve the skin metabolism and function of moisture, which can effectively prevent the phenomenon of dry skin .
  Ginkgo biloba: antioxidants respected
  Popularity: ★ ★ ★
  Top reasons: in traditional Chinese medicine, ginkgo tree is a hardy plant resistant in harsh environments can thrive very strong vitality. Ginkgo biloba extract fluid from the export of services can be used or applied essence has always been respected herbal home. In recent years, European skin care experts found that Ginkgo biloba is an antioxidant, can promote blood circulation of the skin, reducing the generation of free radicals, prevent free radical damage to the skin, the skin can prevent allergic reactions, in particular, is light-sensitive reactions .
  Ganoderma lucidum, vertebral and dried: the savior of the aging skin
  Popularity: ★ ★ ★
  Hot reason: these two classes in the ancient Chinese Velvet legend, because life can be physical support and prevent aging, are often included in the refined old drug elixir or an important formula. These two precious medicinal materials by biological scientists found to contain extremely rich in rare elements, "Ge", the body can absorb the oxygen capacity of the blood increased by 1.5 times, so you can have slow metabolism and the role of aging, as well as enhance skin repair itself the effectiveness of protection functions.
  Pyracantha: skin whitening new element
  Popularity: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  Top reasons: beautiful ancient legend Yang wins in order to have a soft white skin of snow, had to explore the efficacy of herbs, according to legend she is relying on to maintain the white skin, Pyracantha beautiful. Wonders with a white "Pyracantha" is a Rosaceae, also known as "Red Sun Zi" or "hot child", the main growth area in China north-west plateau. After a clinically proven whitening efficacy of Pyracantha, can inhibit the "histamine" to stimulate cells to produce excess melanin pigment mother, with a dilute melanin pigments and moisturizing magic.
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Beauty Recipes
  1. Bird's nest soup sugar:
  Bird's nest with moist skin, raised blood
  Yen achievements. Bird's nest to take 3 grams of crystal sugar, boil porridge can be eaten like. If more added 5 grams of sweet almond cook, its better cosmetic results.
  2. Long Lin and egg soup:
  15 grams of longan, lotus seeds 50 grams of meat, two eggs, two slices of ginger, dates four, a little salt. Steam cooked eggs, peeled, rinse with water; longan, lotus seeds and meat, ginger, jujube were washed with water; lotus heart of the meat to retain the red-brown seeds clothing; ginger, peeled and cut into two pieces; date to go nuclear. Into the amount of water inside the cooker, first with the raging fire to burn to the water to boil, then add more material, use the fire burning about two hours, adding a little salt and serve immediately. May Ning Anshen, nourishing emollients.
  3. Lily soup Ginkgo dates:
  Lily 50 grams, jujube 10, ginkgo 50 grams, 300 grams of beef, two slices of ginger, salt a little. Fresh beef washed clean with a roll after cutting thin slices; gingko shell, with flooding to the outer membrane, then washed with water; lilies, red dates and ginger were washed with water; red dates; ginger, peeled, Cut two pieces. Amount of water added to the cooker, first with the raging fire to burn to the water to boil, add lily, jujube, ginkgo and ginger slices to use fire to burn in Lily will be cooked, add beef and continue to boil until cooked beef, you can put a little salt, a ready-Sheng. Have blood and yin, nourishing beauty, lungs and Qi, Zhichuan, Shibuya fine effect.
  4. Astragalus brown sugar porridge:
  Astragalus 30 grams, 100 grams of rice, 30 grams brown sugar, orange peel 6 grams. Astragalus slices into the pot, add some water, boiling to slag juice; will panning clean, and dried tangerine peel, brown sugar into the pot, then pour juice, astragalus, plus amount of water, cook until rice overripe Serve. Brown sugar taste sweet, gentle nature, a heart and lung run, and in helping the spleen, slow liver, blood, the effect of Po Yu; Astragalus sweet, warm, with solid form antiperspirant, the role of life care sores; Citrus spicy, bitter , warm, rational gas stomach, phlegm dampness role. Qi beauty of this porridge has the effect, for qi and blood are due to face pale minimalist.
  5. Jujube porridge:
  Taking 60 grams of rice, jujube 10, the jujube add rice in, boil porridge bad dates can be cooked. Jujube is rich in vitamin E, eat porridge jujube, allows people looking rosy, look good.
  6. Beauty porridge:
  Rice, 100 grams, 1200 ml chicken broth, Chuanxiong 3 grams, angelica 10 grams, five grams astragalus, safflower 2 grams. Washing clean the rice, soaked with water; angelica, Chuanxiong, Astragalus cut into thin slices, along with the saffron into a small cloth bag; the meter and charge a small bag with porridge poured into the pot, add chicken broth, regular Water fire to boil, simmer thick, remove bag Serve. Add the porridge qi, blood, blood to Cuba Siwutang-based medicine, 1-2 times a day, while hot and taking it to improve the function of the body, increase women's facial skin moist, delicate, and the prevention and treatment of diseases of the United States looks good.
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Spring Skin Care Methods
  Spring climate variability, both over till winter cold, summer heat there. Despite the bright spring sunshine is fascinating. However, the spring winds are relatively dry, and it is accompanied by flowers, blowing the various micro-organisms on human skin, and if people do not seriously at this time to protect their skin, the light will be dry and chapped skin, rough; severe cases also There may have itchy skin, causing skin rashes, pimples, dermatitis and other skin diseases overflow.
  Protect the skin, the first is to keep the skin clean. Hand, facial skin often exposed, wash with warm water should be used, but not too much friction with alkaline soap is too strong. Especially in normal skin and dry skin people, with alkaline washing soap too strong, too much loss of skin sebum, the skin is easy to dry and lose elasticity and Health wrinkles. Spring is windy, when they go out, women can cast a scarf, doing so will protect the skin and hair, to prevent excessive evaporation of water and sanitation are very useful.
  Spring, people dress up in the spring should also be lively, cheerful number, in addition to hair style, clothing concise, crisp and lively look, the face makeup and facial skin protection is also very important. Young women, put some lipstick touch, not only can Yumian thespians, and caused cleft lip to prevent the wind.
  Women with oily skin may not be overly worried about dry skin, spring ruthless, just paint with some water quality of the cosmetics on it, like all kinds of honey, milk, cream, etc.; neutral and dry skin people, gains and losses should be considered balance problems, the choice of slightly stronger oily cosmetics such as lotions, balms, cold cream and so on.
  Spring and early summer, bright sunshine gradually become blazing up. Early spring, the skin more sun, the skin of the fitness is beneficial. However, in spring and early summer, the skin over the sun Kaoshai, then more harm than good, this time in outdoor activities, often women, may be appropriate to apply sunscreen with some cream of silicon bronze.
  Plenty of sunshine, fresh air, persistent physical activity, rich and varied food is to get fit the most important factor in the skin. If you have to be protected in science, then you can often Yan Yuk Ngan, Becky is not bad.
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Weight loss recipe
  Recipe 1: kelp thin
  In addition there are a lot of kelp seaweed and other foods can all be a lot of choices, such as kelp (seaweed further than the large point of algae), red algae, green algae, blue algae, brown algae, etc., there is a sale of these algae concentration tablets or concentrated liquid can also be purchased for home cooking natural kelp, but any help in the cooking of food, remember! Steamed or boiled as far as possible so less salt, less sugar, less oil means food, and avoid the loss of their weight-loss purposes Oh! In addition to a balanced diet intake but also as far as possible, and avoid the partial eclipse, it will not go too far Oh!
  Recipe 2: bananas honey dip
  Bananas are rich in dietary fiber, can stimulate the gastrointestinal motility and help excretion. If you eat nothing, only bananas honey dip, low-calorie meals than, naturally slim down. However, rapid weight loss in such a manner, the body often do not adjust because of the adverse reactions. Depend on bananas for a living if the long-term, the body is deficient in protein, minerals and other nutrients, and slowly your body will issue hazard warnings.
  Recipe 3: eat grapefruit
  Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, sugar is not high, if eating a grapefruit instead of a meal, low calorie, of course, if other meals also control the heat properly, lose weight naturally after a period of time. But if your body is weak, eat a few slices of the best high-fiber crackers, because fasting may not stand against the acidity of the stomach caused by pain.
  Recipe 4: There are a lemon, vinegar, can be beauty beauty
  Lemon is rich in vitamins it can reduce the freckles, the incidence of dark spots, and some whitening effect. Lemon and vinegar also has the effect of the decomposition of fat little drink after a meal to make themselves more beautiful slim indeed. However, the acidity of lemon and vinegar have a high fasting or drinking too much to drink will Shang Wei.
  Recipe 5: continue to eat, "Apple menu"
  Apple is a low-calorie high-nutrition fruits, because of this, many people used as a weight loss meal. You know, Apple and general meals compared to the heat are much lower, of course, slim down, but over time, nutritional imbalance will make the body too much, and once stopped, weight will slowly rise.
  Recipe 6: eat only two kinds of guava and tomato fruits
  The spectrum of nutritionists to lose weight listed is different according to each person's physique and needs to make adjustments, not static, with the fruit also vary. So, definitely not the only guava and tomatoes will be included in the diet menu.
  Recipe 7: eating pineapple
  Pineapple is rich in vitamins B1, can promote metabolism, elimination of fatigue, rich in dietary fiber, so to digest more smoothly. Eat pineapple, you can eat a meal, do not eat in the Stomach, when empty, it will be very easy to enzyme damage.
  Recipe 8: eat avocado
  Avocado contains a large number of unsaturated fatty acids, likely to create a sense of satiety, short-term to lose weight, there are thin role, but not immediately after the resumption of normal diet, or not suited to smooth the stomach will produce the situation. In addition, although the avocado plant containing the fat, if you eat too much, the accumulated heat is also very impressive.
  Recipe 9: Oslim herb (plant extract)
  Materials: oslim the efficacy of herbs is a slimming health food allows the body to the premise of the side effects are relatively small, will break down body fat the way through the decomposition of lipase to achieve the slimming effect of food. Mainly contains: Green tea polyphenols, Guarana, algae, chitin, hawthorn, evening primrose and so on. oslim herbal extraction plant extracts in the above, do not contain medicines, slimming effect, fiber is a healthy weight loss herbal music a way.
  Recipe 10: Khan steam
  Khan is the use of infrared reflection principle steam heating people sweat, is a physical therapy emphasis on high heat. High-temperature expansion of the human body through the pores, promote blood circulation, and expel sweat and accumulate in the body of toxins that can have a cosmetic effect, make the skin smooth and help to lose weight.
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Skin remedies
  Recipe 1
  Certain amount of salt mixed with water, stir (high concentration), stained with salt water in the face with a cotton pad gently smear a few minutes later, his face white powder left when water evaporates, rinse with water. This will not only be able to thoroughly clean the dirt hidden in the pores, but also remove the aging of the stratum corneum, and then restore the face shine. Sensitive skin with caution.
  Recipe 2
  Washing the face, hands and pat the cheeks from the inside out, not too much movement to cause skin quiver prevail, and for the eyes, nose and other places can not be beat with the ring finger to gently massage every 5 minutes . This skin regular exercise, can enhance its own metabolism, maintain a youthful luster.
  Recipe 3
  Protein dissolving dead skin effect, the raw egg yolk protein and separated the protein into the paste evenly on the face, wait a few minutes after the protein completely dry, wash with warm water, so also with the dead protein is removed together.
  Recipe 4
  By Huang Bo Pi, papaya root pounded into powder and added Zaoren with mud, adhere to attaining every morning, to be deposited dry clean, facial skin becomes a color.
  Recipe 5
  Each face, first wash with warm water, then pour off the amount of honey in the palm, rub palms on, then hands out up in the face massage, massage is completed, wash with warm water, application may be nutritional skin care products. Persist more than 1 week shows clearly that the face shiny.
  Honey skin care
  Honey: Vegetables soft white skin smooth, ruddy face, but also crack the blood. Heating with 70% of the honey mixture of 30% lard wipe the skin, can prevent skin dryness, skin Xirun, body building, maintaining the charm of youth.
  Queen embryo: the queen embryo contains protein and a large number of trace elements, for a long time food is skin color gloss, sprayed on the face so pale white Wyatt, to kidney and rule spermatogenic dry hair and white hair, you can get rid of age spots and pigmentation.
  Bee pollen: pollen contains essential minerals such as manganese, selenium, zinc, copper, iron and so on. Pollen also contains many enzymes, such as lipase, phosphatase, protease, amylase and sucrase, these enzymes are essential metabolic substances in the body. Pollen is the women's good food, it can anti-aging, protect the skin, improve skin appearance, soft skin and increase elasticity.
  Fruit beauty
  Beauty Fruit Picture
  Eat more fruits and skincare! Eat more fruits help to digest! Benefits of fruits have lots to talk about, many people is to lose weight by eating fruit that it is good, will be full, but not too "nourishing." Fruit into health, beauty, weight loss panacea. Really true? Fruit is a good thing, but it is not a panacea, over-reliance on fruit, not only can not lose weight beauty, but also may harm your health.
  Eat papaya can breast
  There is no basis for this statement. In addition to congenital and acquired genetic factors and development of nutrition, eating papaya to larger breasts, is not likely to do. 'd Papaya for postpartum women, does have the effect of lactation.
  Although years of Invincible, but reasonable way of life to aging can actually slow down the pace. In order to grow on youth, looks fair, and you may wish to try: often eat bananas - bananas are rich in vitamins A, B, C, E and iron, also contains a coordination body pH balance of phosphorus and minerals, is a refreshing refreshing one of the best health food.
  A glass of milk - milk contains high calcium, and quite nutritious, drink a glass of milk a day can more than 3 grams of protein absorption, which enhance physical fitness, healthy bones and teeth are of great benefit.
  A good breakfast - three meals a day Breakfast is the most important meal, you can drink a bowl of rice gruel, eat some cereal, an egg and other food. Rich breakfast can provide the necessary energy for the body, makes the day full of energy.
  Drink plenty of water - water activity on the human body and mind have magical effect. It can improve breathing, conditioning joints and muscles, reducing fatigue. Usually about 2 liters of drinking water per day. If you exercise, air travel or cold, even to drink water.
  Eat nuts - because the nuts are rich in iron and various vitamins, can be a strong skin cells to carry oxygen to red blood cells, so that you stay healthy and beautiful.
  Skin care - If you wipe out every time point with sun protection factor cream and a cap, then the sun on your skin will reduce the harm. In addition, the use of cosmetics is not possible, daily application of soft liquid soap wash.
  Regular Swimming - Swimming is a good relaxation exercise, because the water utility has a soothing state of mind is very beneficial to health.
  Pay attention to hygiene - often drying bedding, often Huanyi, often open the window for ventilation, washing hands before meals and after, do not eat rotten unclean food, sooner or later adhere to the teeth, after meals to mouth, and feet with hot water at night.
  More than to smell the flowers - plants and flowers can relieve nervous tension, brings a good feeling relaxed and happy.
  Outdoor activities - more to outdoor activities such as a breath of fresh air, sun, mountain climbing, jumping rope, doing gymnastics, often outdoor activities, can promote metabolism and blood circulation, enhance disease resistance
  Xi Yan beauty, beauty is no longer so expensive!
  Sometimes beauty can be is a matter not expensive, its cost may be reduced to a minimum, for example, usually eat ordinary fine salt, it is now very popular as a beauty recipe, beauty following recommended several thin salt method:
  First, the salt Lipstick
  Wash your face, put a teaspoon of fine salt water on the palm 3 - 5 drops, and then your fingers carefully Stir salt and water, then dipped in salt water from the top down, paint wiping the forehead, while paint-doing Central to massage.
  After a few minutes, until his face was white powder dry salt water, use warm water to wash face, apply moisturizing lotion or to continue their normal skin care steps. Ongoing each time after washing the face every morning and evening.
  Such a good cleaning and decontamination effect, the accumulation of grease for the pores, acne. Even the "Black" can be removed. But should massage the skin around the eye, and more sensitive skin care. Do not get the eyes to go to salt water, so as to avoid conjunctival damage.
  Second, salt eyesight
  Done after normal cleaning, playing Banpen warm water, sprinkle a small amount of salt and let it melt, will be soaked in salt water desalination in the face, opened his eyes in the water, up and down the left and right eye to the effect of wash with fresh water.
  Not two weeks, you will find your eyes become bright and sparkle up, this is the real "electric eye beauty."
  Third, the salt war pox
  In fact, for back acne minister has "chronic illness", as salt is also useful. Fully warm the body after bathing, to be more than wiping salt after the pores open in the back, must hand to every corner. 1 minute massage with a bath brush, do not be too hard, as long as the skin and the brush can move between salt and light with a sponge dipped in salt water, attached to the back for 10 minutes, washed with water.
  Washed several times and then look back acne is slowly being overcome.
  Fourth, salt, oil control
  For secretion of the T-zone oil strong, even in autumn, a lot of oily skin, "oil production" or endless. For the local area, you can wipe with a thin salt in pre-wetting of the skin, gently massage 3 minutes after the break, and then open the pores in the nose on both sides of the site with the middle finger squeeze pulp from the bottom up to do massage.
  "Oil" as you really insist on the cut, oh.
  Blood beauty --- go round stew chicken
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Breast impressive six strong movement
  Option One
  1. Hands folded on his chest, abdomen remember the chest rise and keep your breath.
  2. Shoulders flat, elbows out and palms were vertical. Note the hands and chest at least 15-20 cm apart.
  3. Abdomen, back arch slightly, his hands clasped together in the forward, side breathing side operation, one of about 10 seconds, repeat 5-6 times.
  Time: about 1 minute
  Reminder: standing can do anytime, anywhere, it is convenient.
  Option II
  Stood by the table, the elbow straight, stays on the desktop, the lower center of gravity, the body slowly to the back, to concentrate on the chest and back for 5 seconds.
  Time: about 40 seconds
  Reminder: This action easily support both in what can be done, you can chat while doing other people do not see you doing breast movement. But be careful not to use the arm to the chest compression to avoid injury.
  Option III
  1. The body straight, chin to the shrink, the first pull up like a raise.
  2. Take a deep breath, hold your breath for 20 seconds, tighten the buttocks and abdominal muscles, not hump.
  Time: 20 seconds
  Reminder: As long as when standing can do very, very simple, but concentrate on the chest, only to make a superfluous and useless.
  Option IV
  Hands on their chests, each entwine with each other, about the hard pull in the opposite direction about 10 seconds or so, the speed is relatively slow, repeated 5-6 times.
  Time: about 2 minutes
  Reminder: This move can strengthen the chest line, so that the chest has become more flexible. Whether watching TV, or other person, just sitting in a chair to be easily carried out.
  Programme five
  1. Wrap the breast with both hands, press the surrounding tissue, 3 seconds per stop.
  2. Hands open, were down from the cleavage to do press, until the breast periphery.
  3. The breasts done between 8 font massage.
  Time :3-5 minutes
  Reminder: Repeat 5-6 times each action, and promote blood circulation, stimulate breast development.
  Programme six
  1. Started to play from the breast center circle, up until the clavicle Department.
  2. From the beginning of breast periphery in order to draw small round spiral way to do massage.
  3. Hands gently grasp both sides of the breast, Pull up slightly, the power should not be too much attention.
  Time: 2 minutes
  Reminder: repeated 8-10 times for each of these actions can make a more solid spongy tissue and beautify the chest curve.
  Ten beauty tips for detoxification:
  With the increasingly serious environmental pollution, modern people more and more attention to their own health. Experts pointed out that only and remove the body of harmful substances and excess nutrients to keep the internal organs and body clean, to keep the body fit. 10 here to recommend both the natural and economical detoxification food.
  Sweet, sour, warm, Spleen Yigan, thirst, diarrhea and other effects detoxification. Li in the "Compendium of Materia Medica," said: "Vegetables litchi, Bunao fitness ... ..." "carry-home food spectrum," it reads: "lychee sweet warm and fragrant, truly inspired puzzle, fill in essence filling, the provision of smell pain, AIDS Centre Camp, Liver blood, fruit-US products, fresh is preferred. "modern medicine, litchi vitamin A, B1, C, also contain pectin, amino acids, protein and iron, phosphorus, calcium variety of elements. Modern medical research shows that lychee has kidney, improve liver function, accelerate the toxin exclusion, and promote cell growth, make the skin delicate and so on, is the ideal fruit Paiduyangyan.
  Sweet natured, detoxification detoxification, Qingwei Di intestine, and blood to stop bleeding and other effects. Ancient records, fungus, "Qi is not hungry, are light strong annals." Fungus is rich in carbohydrates, glial, brain phospholipids, cellulose, glucose, xylose, lecithin, carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, protein, iron, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients, is hailed as "the dirty elements in." Fungus contained in a plant gum, has strong adhesive force, the human digestive system can be left in the dust concentration of adsorbed impurities, and then eliminated from the body, which play a role in detoxification Qingwei.
  Sweet nature, has always been nourishing the physical, detoxifies the best. "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" record: "Chi Qingshenjianfei Jiufu strong, not old sickness." Honey, vitamin B2, C, and fructose, glucose, maltose, sucrose, high-quality protein, potassium, sodium, iron, natural spices, lactic acid , malic acid, amylase, oxidase ingredients, on the lungs and cough, laxative, detoxifies a significant effect. Modern medical research shows that the main component of honey glucose and fructose, are easily absorbed by the body. Eat honey to achieve rid of toxins, the effect of beauty beauty, the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and neurasthenia is also very good.
  Sweet, cool, a nourishing and detoxification, the effectiveness of the spleen and stomach, known as "ginseng," said. Carrots are rich in sugar, fat, volatile oil, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, anthocyanin, carotene, calcium, iron and other nutrients. Modern medicine has proven to be effective detoxification food carrots, it is not only rich in carotene and vitamin A and contains a lot of pectin, and after the body of mercury ions, can effectively lower blood concentrations of mercury ions accelerate the body discharge of mercury ions.
  Bitter gourd
  Sweet, flat. Chinese medicine, bitter melon has detoxification detoxification, beauty cosmetic effect. "Compendium of Materia Medica," said the bitter "Chuxie hot solution Laofa, pure heart and tomorrow." Bitter melon is rich in protein, carbohydrates, crude fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, carotene, calcium, iron and other ingredients. Modern medical study found that the existence of a bitter anti-cancer activity obvious protein that can stimulate the immune system's defenses, increasing the activity of immune cells to clear the body of harmful substances. Although bitter taste slightly bitter, but sweet aftertaste, in recent years gradually swept the table.
  Kelp .......>> best to eat tofu with seaweed
  Tea ......>> appreciate the art of tea
  Of cool, taste joys, there is heat Chufan, digestion of the plot, clearing and lose weight, the role of Tom Lee urine. China is the home of tea, tea very seriously. Ancient records: "Shen Nong tasted a hundred herbs, a day seventy drug case, had tea and the solution to." Tea have a good description of detoxification. Tea is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin B1, nicotinic acid, amino acids and a variety of enzymes, its refreshing refreshing, clearing and head, refreshing thirst-quenching effect is particularly significant. Modern medical research shows that an active substance is rich in tea - polyphenols, with detoxification. Tea polyphenols as a natural antioxidant, scavenging oxygen free radicals that can delay aging and physical health.
  Mushrooms ......>> pointing mushroom expert Know
  Sweet, cool, there is Qi and spleen, detoxification dryness and other effects. Mushroom contains 18 amino acids glutamic acid, etc., in the 8 essential amino acids, containing seven kinds of mushrooms to the same time, it contains 30 kinds of enzymes and glucose, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, iron, phosphorus, calcium components. Modern medical research suggests that mushrooms contain polysaccharides, can improve the body's immune system and detoxification ability to inhibit cancer cell growth, enhance the body's cancer-fighting ability. In addition, mushrooms may also lower blood pressure, cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis, there is, cardiac liver, rather God Dingzhi, promote metabolism and enhance the role of the body of waste excretion is the strong body detoxification best edible fungi.
  Mung bean .....>> Beauty mung bean soup
  A good cosmetic effect of honey, because honey can improve the nutritional status, promote skin metabolism, enhance the vitality and antibacterial skin, reduce pigmentation, prevent dry skin, make skin soft, white, delicate, and reduce wrinkles.
  Honey is a natural food, taste sweet and contain simple sugars, digestion can not be absorbed. For women, the young especially the elderly will have better health care function, and thus cosmetic effect of honey has been recognized, but how do the specific beauty of honey is the best, how to be effective to do it, look at the following described method it!
  A cosmetic method of honey, direct smear method Beauty
  Direct smear with honey have a good cosmetic effect. 1998 Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" family edition has published an interview with writer Ping Lin Yingzi introduced the game of 80-year-old did not look like old, his face not a trace of wrinkles. She asked what kind of cosmetic anti-wrinkle agent, she said: he had never used the cream, pearl cream, anti-wrinkle agents and the like cosmetics. Every morning I just get some gauze dipped in honey sauce facial, several decades, it has maintained continuously. This is my mother taught, and she lived to be 90 years old, his face very few wrinkles.
  Modern research shows that the skin surface coated with honey, honey glucose, fructose, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, directly on the epidermis and dermis, provide nutrients for the cells, prompting them to * crack, growth, common honey smear skin, the epidermal cells closely arranged neatly and flexible, but also can effectively reduce or remove wrinkles. The method is usually applied: the honey plus 2 to 3 times of water diluted coating face daily, and appropriate massage; also use gauze impregnated honey, gently wipe her face, wiping the face with micro-heat sense so far, and then washed with water
  _Select_ method of skin care by skin
  1, normal skin: No oil, quit, naturally present state of rosy, this skin is better, have fewer problems.
  Beauty focus: to give the basis for maintenance of normal skin, moisturizing and sun protection can be further enhanced.
  2, dry skin: face, always look tight, dry, peeling, rough, dull, prone to fine lines and spots.
  Focus on skin care: moisturizing imposed, the use of oily moisture lotion to replenish skin, nutrition, prevention of UV damage.
  3, oily skin: easy to acne and acne, large pores, prone to blackheads, T-section are particularly vulnerable to the oil, make-up easily.
  Beauty Focus: thoroughly clean the skin, often to the black and horny, in addition to pay, the same choice can shrink pores of toner to shrink pores.
  4, sensitive skin: This skin to skin is thin, often redness, rash, itching.
  Beauty focus: try to choose all-natural, or for sensitive skin care products, focusing on the skin moisturizing, alcohol-free toner ingredients.
  5, mixed skin: T word parts are always shiny, but the cheeks as a result of severe dry skin dry.
  Beauty Focus: _select_ion moisturizing skin care products better, but with T-specific part of the oil control products
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Some errors beauty habits
  Many people living in the "habit" and "traditional" in, but the scientific evidence, some habits useless or even harmful to people's health. The following errors beauty "habits" you have to abandon as soon as possible, not the effect.
  Family widespread sharing of cosmetics. Such as mother and daughter shared, the couple shared, these are harmful. Differences in human skin, choose cosmetics should vary. Tender skin in children, the safety of cosmetics, non-irritating requirements are higher, not to use adult products; and children does not apply to adult cosmetic ingredients. And there were reports that long-term exposure of women men women tend to be cosmetic. Therefore, the use of cosmetics, or attended to the good.
  Fuqing Song acne with many young people are accustomed to emergency Fuqing Song substandard drugs, some people even use such as skin care products for external use, long-term use. In fact, most of these external use containing hormones, side effects of very long-term use, not only can not effectively Zhidou, other problems may also make the skin appear.
  The best makeup, makeup over the skin will certainly hurt, but no makeup, skin care products do not increase the burden on the skin nor desirable. Such as the summer, the UV is very easy to burn skin. If you choose the right sunscreen SPF values, can make the skin less susceptible to damage.
  Today, natural cosmetics safety, "green", "natural" has become one talks about the concept of environmental protection. Once you have that title what products, you can rest assured that use. The problem is, even the natural cosmetics, using natural plant, also still have to add some preservatives and other chemical substances to good quality. Moreover, the same natural plant may cause allergies. So, if you are allergic or sensitive skin, the face of "natural" should sober.
  Many people do not attach importance to seasonal differences in use for in the end use of cosmetics used, this is not science, such as foundation cream, winter due to cold and dry, apply a moisturizing liquid foundation features, but easy to use in the summer Tuozhuang. A single person's skin condition products with season, age and other factors changing. From sex to mixed, oily to dry skin change is a dynamic process, the skin should be used at different stages of different cosmetics, to skin care is most needed.
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Beauty of fruits and vegetables can be
  Balanced diet, can absorb adequate amounts of vitamins and carbohydrates, can fit people's skin. A cosmetic effect which the various vitamins found in foods as well?
  Loofah: Loofah containing citrulline and a lot of vitamins, can promote skin cell metabolism, with enhanced skin defense, regulate the skin moisture, white skin, stretch wrinkles, get rid of freckles, treat dermatitis and other effects.
  Cili: Cili rich in bodybuilding substances, unless the role of skin and hair, but also to eliminate pigmentation, freckles treatment, pregnancy spots, acne spots.
  Tomatoes: Tomatoes have a special ingredient - tomato pigment and rich in protein, fat, niacin, Apple dehydrogenase, lysozyme from cavity, multiple vitamins and calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron and other minerals, not only can enhance body resistance, promote wound healing, as well as get rid of scar, anti aging skin, skin beauty and health effects.
  Melon: melon no fat, sodium, diuretics, can prevent the sugars into fat, reduce water retention, elimination of subcutaneous fat, lose weight, fit and ideal food.
  Sweet potato: sweet potato contains a lot of collagen and mucopolysaccharide substances, not only have to keep arteries elastic and the body's role in joint lubrication, but also to prevent deposition of fat in the vascular system to prevent atherosclerosis and reduce subcutaneous fat, to avoid excessive body fat.
  Potatoes: Potatoes contain vitamin H, vitamin H can promote the growth of skin cells to keep the skin shiny and prevent the production of dermatitis.
  Peanuts: Peanuts are rich in calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium and other substances, can change the acidity of the blood condition, the role of a thorn wine consumption on the prevention of rosacea have effects. 80% of peanut oil fatty acids, sterols contained in the skin can run clean and delicate. Fat-soluble vitamin K, lecithin, cephalin can delay the decline of brain function, lower cholesterol levels.
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Women to the four factors of aging
  Social factors: feelings of depression and frequent exposure to sunlight is to make you an important factor in premature aging, depression makes women look older than 3 years and a half, let the old men was 2.4 years. Sunlight exposure will make you look older had at least 1 year of age, smoking appears to increase women's face the signs of aging for 6 months, men will increase for one year. Meanwhile, people with higher body mass index were found to face an additional year will be more than the "ring", both men and women alike.
  Nutritional factors: whether faces were old nutrition on essential nutrients is increased can be easily done. Nutrition consultant 维基埃奇森 was "totally diet doctor" of the book, he concluded that lead to premature aging of the 4 major causes: smoking, drinking, intake of fresh fruit and vegetables too, protein intake inadequate. If you want to look younger, then it is best not to drink. Even moderate, but regular drinking can make you look older than actual age. The most obvious way is to eat more to improve the color of fresh fruits and vegetables. If you want to look young, so adequate protein intake is very important also.
  Exercise factors: people usually think, exercise to lose weight is a pure sport, but to build muscle through weight-bearing exercise for people to stay young and dynamic is very important.
  Skin Care factor: almost every cosmetics will promise to make you look younger. Many of these commitments only tempt you to buy businesses a way to the end, these cosmetics, you feel disappointed. The problem is not product does not work, but your skin time to start too late. A lot of people missed the best skin care age, until they began to think that care when needed, but this time, really too late. "So, skin care should begin as soon as possible, because maintenance is much easier than repair.
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Anti-aging beauty beauty breakfast recipe
  Sweet and sour fruit and biscuits
  This is 4 minutes Qin Lu Breakfast Tips. Material is very simple, but the biggest advantage is that most materials are readily available, they do not flare up. As long as you have time to water and soil, these early breakfast will be able to get ready, so that, 4 minutes, shooting almost entirely spent on the "shot put" time, the true cost of time, basically zero.
  Ingredients: black tea (Tea Bag), milk (fresh milk or cartons of milk), Wang Zi small steamed bread, strawberry, orange, chocolate
  Qin Lu's experience readme: "My habit is to drink a cup of tea every morning empty stomach, first clean the stomach, and then start eating. In the morning I usually choose biscuits. According to need, and sometimes also with a different sauce (salad dressing). Chocolate is my breakfast is essential. and the excitement of chocolate contains trace elements, refreshing, makes me feel all happy. "
  Shannon drops grain taste
  This is Chen Lin's Breakfast Tips 4 minutes. Material is still almost beans, grains and dried fruit. Also do not need to get angry, just before going to sleep the night time to get ready to spend a few minutes, the next morning, with the help of the soybean milk, can sit back and enjoy the.
  Ingredients: black beans, peanuts, corn residue, wolfberry, red dates (pitted), black sesame
  Lin Chen's experience readme: first, before going to bed the night before to catch a small black bulb is good, get up later with a few peanuts, and corn residue, medlar, seedless red dates, the small amount of sesame seeds, poured into soybean milk together, add water. Soymilk is my kind of automatic heating boil, add all ingredients regardless of what the future can, and just wash clean up is completed safely, a hot cup of warm, aromatic fragrance, nutrient-rich milk to make the grain . This morning, a cup of hot milk, full of energy all day, and, legume crops which contains phytoestrogens, a lot of food, can be more healthy!
  Proficient with fruit bread
  This is Hu Rong Breakfast Tips 4 minutes. She is very rich variety of prepared breakfast, fruit, cereals, milk, cake, like no shortage of, well with, what breakfast need to add water, protein, fiber, carbohydrates, ... ... are included, as are all but finished , out to eat, 4 minutes is more than enough.
  Materials: 3 or more fruits (my personal preference, my choice is this season cherry tomatoes, melon, dragon fruit), cereal, or cereal and milk, puffed food, cakes
  International day is the morning, the morning no matter how busy you are, we must empty out the 4 minutes with a delicious breakfast, so that his full game sharp all day!
  Ginkgo chicken
  The most common edible beauty care ginkgo ginkgo chicken recipes, chicken Ginkgo biloba is said to priests Qingchengshan Fearless hole created. Hens by the tender, ginkgo, ginger, etc. into the casserole to simmer into a slow fire. Regular consumption can make a person filled with energy, health, beauty, beauty and health to be so simple to eat out!
  Eight movement pattern skin care beauty
  1. Jianbu 2. Swimming 3. Stairs 4. Kiss 5. Singing 6. Table 7. Yoga 8. Sit-ups
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Care to share
  Recently, the World Health Organization released the "2007 Global health food list." In this annual list, not only there are some "new faces" for the first time as health food by the factions. "The list" What are the characteristics of health foods? The premise of the balanced diet, how to choose? Interview with this reporter, Shanghai Jiaotong University Affiliated Sixth People's Hospital, director of nutrition Ge voice and asked her to interpret this list. List of vegetables, sweet potatoes, carrots, celery, eggplant, Brassica juncea, Chinese cabbage, beets, cabbage, asparagus, broccoli increased the dietary fiber content, chemical content decreased, the sweet potato for the first time topped the "Vegetable List" of the list. Sweet potatoes are rich in β-carotene, potassium, iron and vitamin B6. Per 100 grams of rice, sweet potato produces more calories than a third lower, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 content of rice were higher than 6 times and 3 times. Sweet potatoes are rich in lysine, can quickly increase satiety. U.S. studies have found that sweet potato also contains a substance similar to estrogen, helps protect the skin and delay aging. Therefore, many Western women as the beauty of thin sweet potato of choice for food. High calorie sweet potato, dinner to eat in, but also as a snack snacks to replenish their energy. However, sound Director reminded Ge, gastric patients should eat sweet potatoes, because the high sugar content of sweet potato, will stimulate gastric acid secretion, so that those who produce too much stomach acid and other acid reflux discomfort. And, like sweet potato, carrots, broccoli and asparagus are also rich in β carotene. β-carotene is a good antioxidant, can prevent free radicals damage cells, a certain anti-cancer effect. Celery is rich in apigenin, with a significant antihypertensive effect. Celery is a high-fiber foods, the intestinal digestion will produce an antioxidant, to inhibit the high concentration of carcinogenic substances produced by intestinal bacteria. And higher iron content of celery is a good blood vegetables. Eggplant is rich in proanthocyanidins, can play anti-oxidation, anti-aging and anti-cancer effect. Brassica juncea, cabbage and asparagus in a very high vitamin C content, these "dimensional C vegetables" on the human body's role is very broad. Looking at this "list of vegetables", rich in vitamin C, β-carotene in vegetables popular esteem the World Health Organization.
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Moxibustion Beauty
  Leaving you stay young because of health, radiant, is a different level of beauty. Through medication, injections or applied cosmetics, you may also be more or less to achieve your desired effect. Good but not moxibustion, moxibustion is to disperse the fatigue and restore vitality, fitness supplement, balance of yin and yang of the effective means. There are many women face is not smooth and clean, this is often caused by endocrine disorders, is still the lack of solar energy, rather than the general said lit. There are so few female: 1, face acne grow into a piece of women, often have serious gynecological disease, "detoxification" often has no effect, because they often Xure this heat, rather than real heat, add solar energy Shangqie incompetent, not to mention worse. So moxibustion is the best option. 2 women face having melasma, often liver and kidney deficiency, are somewhat acidic constitution seriously, with moxibustion therapy, often unexpected results. 3, puffiness of the women, not nutrition, but nutrition is only a concept on Western medicine, Chinese medicine there is no such argument, if the Chinese are so Xia Rangrang which, it is certainly a half-baked. Even the obese children, are often not nutrition, but lack of solar energy is often because during pregnancy, parents have a lot of sex life, resulting in the child deficiencies, liver and kidney function of balance, inability to transport and spleen. Puffiness unmentionable disease women tend to have uterine bleeding, excessive bleeding. Too often because of obesity, spleen deficiency, too thin, it is often insufficient liver and kidney. 4, nipple change color prematurely dull, or inverted nipples for women, often serious liver and kidney deficiency, red veins, Ren Deficiency, and some even cough illnesses. Moxibustion by conditioning blood, yin and yang, warm flow of qi, rousing and other Chinese practices, from within to solve the problem, the balance of people from the inside out beautiful.
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Beauty Foods
  What are the beauty of food it? Many foods have a unique beauty, hair, weight loss effect, and without any side effects.
  Pig skin, pig's trotters, pigtail in rich collagen and elastin molecules, and its content can be comparable with the bear's paw, the "beauty food" reputation. Collagen can promote skin cells to absorb and store water to prevent dry skin wrinkles, making it rich, full, smooth and flat; elastin the skin blood circulation, strong, adequate nutrient supply, and enhance skin elasticity and toughness, making the skin more wrinkled shallow wrinkles or disappear. This role of pig skin care, as early as the Han Dynasty two thousand years ago, doctors Zhang Zhongjing's "Treatise on the" in there reads: "Pigs have skin and blood, skin Run" role, "to eat the young woman can aging and senility. "
  Walnuts, pine nuts, sticks, peanuts, sesame and other nuts, rich in vitamin E, which is an effective antioxidant, prevents the body over-oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, to prevent premature senile plaques of skin (Ting spot), also can effectively prevent the deposition of brown pigment in the skin, prevent facial appear brown stripes, patches; vitamin E also has to promote cell division, regeneration, delaying cell aging, restoring skin elasticity effect; nuts contain a variety of amino acids, Vitamin A, D, K and iron, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, promoting hair, nail growth, prevent hair loss, premature gray hair and prevent dry, rough skin, premature aging all have a great effect.
  Fresh dates
  Contains large amounts of vitamin C, it is an effective anti-oxidants, not only to maintain skin elasticity, but also inhibit the formation of melanin and block the skin. More melanin in the skin cells, skin color to black. Usually rich in vitamin C, eat some fresh vegetables, fruit, eat less salt, can calm pigmentation spots diminish or disappear.
  Sweet potatoes
  Contains a substance similar to estrogen and vitamin E, eat right to keep their skin and delicate, there are anti-aging effects; also contains a lot of sticky protein, can promote health, prevent fatigue, the role of energetic people. Sweet potatoes are also rich in fiber, can inhibit the sugars into fat, is an ideal diet food.
  Animal liver
  Rich in vitamin A, has a smooth, strong skin, prevent skin rough, scaly or suffering from dry eye, corneal ulcers, angular stomatitis and other place.
  In addition to containing more carotene, vitamin B, and C, but also contains more magnesium to make one skin fitness, red, shiny, but also to remove facial chloasma, Hu Dieban and so on.
  Rich in iron, can prevent iron deficiency anemia, makes a beautiful red color, and can prevent iron-deficiency alopecia; rich in iodine, can prevent the "rough neck" disease, but also promote the metabolism, so Update of human tissue faster, people look young and refreshed.
  Contains 17 kinds of essential amino acids, which fatigue the highest content of aspartic acid, containing a super oxide - dismutase acid has anti-aging, longevity of effect: its roots, stems, leaves decoction outside the wash are treated psoriasis, moles, freckles and beauty of skin lubrication effect.
  Rich in vitamin C and niacin, can promote the epidermal cells in the blood oxygen absorption, is conducive to the formation of the stromal cells and increase cell regeneration, keeping the skin white, plump, bright and clean. In addition to regular consumption, it can also be half the onion, wash, soak in a bowl of water before going to bed wash your face with this water, to be received cosmetic effect.
  Contains a variety of vitamins and 10 kinds of amino acids and calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, has Bugan kidney, nourishing yin, black hair and eyesight, illnesses and prolong the effect. Morula also improve the activity of enzymes in the human body, there is delay cell aging.
  Contains a substance called pantothenic acid, can make hair and dense, black, glossy, and to prevent early white hair; also contains copper and B vitamins, but also can prevent early white hair and dry off.
  Of course, it has a cosmetic effect of the food listed above is not limited to, life, beauty there are many simple ways.
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Beauty of the fundamental problems of scientific method and beauty
  Sleep also helps maintain good skin care to improve, and maintain the proper water a day can increase the skin's moisture content, even more delicate smooth skin
  Fundamental problem is that everyone wants to stay young, so young, the most important.
  Beauty of the scientific method
  In good clean, sun, moisture, ... at the same time, the joint use of antioxidant, anti-free radicals, and promote regeneration, cell protection factor, etc., can keep the skin young. This is the original publication, Zhongshan Hospital, "Medical Information Fair Series • anti-aging skin care" describes the theory of medical care.
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Beauty equipment
  Microdermabrasion machines, IPL, infrared light, skin analyzer, eye-care instrument, beauty instrument ultrasonic massage, far infrared sauna room, steam room tourmaline Khan, the capsule, breast beauty instrument.
  Beauty Club
  Now, with the development of technology, various research institutions on the skin and some beauty club also presented better. There are more and more people go to beauty club. Outside of work, in addition to doing their own beauty in the home, the time to look at beauty club will be better to protect their skin.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  facial,  hairdressing,  beautify the face,  improve a person's looks
  2. adj.:  beauty treatment for the face
French Expression
  1. n.  cosmétique
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