idiom > Belle Wearing
Wearing beautiful
  Explanation: Hairpin: _insert_ wear. Describe the graceful calligraphy. Are fresh and beautiful poetry metaphor.
  Usage: The main predicate; as object; describe fresh and graceful calligraphy or poetry
  Source: Southern Liang Yuan Ang, "Ancient Book": "Wei Chang Shu, such as floral beauty, laughter dancing Mirror."
  Examples: Xiren that Chudeng Shan books, such as ~, or which claims for Han Li. (Chang-Qing Wang, "Code Memorial monument stone extraction Postscript")
No. 2
  Language out of "Tai Ping Yu Lan" VII 48 cited the Southern Liang Yuan Ang Present "Book Review" "Wei Chang book, such as floral beauty, laughter dancing Mirror." Later, because of the "Beauty Wearing" to describe the graceful calligraphy, poetry, or more than posture.
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No. 3
  Language out of "Tai Ping Yu Lan" VII 48 cited the Southern Liang Yuan Ang Present "Book Review": "Wei Chang book, such as floral beauty, laughter dancing Mirror." Later, because of the "Beauty Wearing" to describe the poetry or calligraphy graceful variety. Ming Mao Jin "learn the ancient House Postscript Village poetry book": "On the generation of poetic taste out Yu Bosheng ... ... exposed, such as beauty Wearing Master Man." Qing Wang Chang "Jinshicui Yang Memorial Monument Postscript": "old saying that Chu Dengshan Wearing the book, such as beauty, or which claims for Han Li, concept Cibei also know of non-deceptive. "
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No. 4
  【词目】: 美女簪花
  【发音】: měi nǚ zān huā
  【释义】: 簪:插戴。形容书法娟秀。也比喻诗文清新秀丽。
  【出处】: 南朝·梁·袁昂《古今书评》:“卫常书,如插花美人,舞笑镜台。”
  【示例】: 昔人谓褚登善书,如~,或谓其出于汉隶。(清·王昶《金石萃编·杨震碑跋》)
  【用法】: 作宾语;形容书法或诗文的清新娟秀。