| | - : maintenance
- n.: service, servicing, upkeep, as is, engineering (servicing) time
- v.: maintain
| | - v. entretenir
| | adhere, compliableness, adhere, Perform, undertake, by behaving firmly and confidently, action of claiming or stating forcefully, regard, respect or observe, affirm, preserve, aliment, attendance, preserve, aver, iron, grit, assert, preserve, retain, preserve, cause, speed up, in a determined way, profess, purport, retain, Acknowledge, barrage, accommodate, catch, abstain, stoicism, aging, cost of maintenance, maintain plan | | physics | electrician | electricity | ordinary maintain | Wikipedia Daquan | technology | vessel | Automation | hydraulic pressure gearing | automobile | video doctrine | hand_set_ | functionality | electronic | cipher | Machinery | lubricate | cyclopedia | zero component failure | exploit | serve | advice | resistance welding | weld | aircondition | Gree | consortium | after-sale service | More results... |