idiom : Reduplication > enough and to spare
More than enough
  Explanation: EXCELLENCE IN GEOTECHNICAL: off the look. Describe the house or money is very comfortable, used up.
  Usage: Partial official; as predicate, attributive, adverbial; for human and so very forgiving
  Source: Qing Guanying "Prime threats I prevent the edge": "where the mountains and have made, honesty make this important, multi-building earthworks, the offensive decline, and more than enough."
  Examples: This was originally two apartments to live at first, went to Wei essays of this, buildings do have to smell Junqing An apartment that the three master and servant, but also ~. (Mingling 濛 beginning "of half an hour Pai An Jing Qi" Volume XVII)
  Results: Tigers catch the donkey; gown to change T-shirts
  Postscript: Tigers catch the donkey; gown to change T-shirts
  Riddle: I am also a rich person
No. 2
  ① calm soothing manner described. ② (material and financial resources, ability, etc.) are well-off, used up a large classroom, 50 students sat more than enough.
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chuò chuò yǒu yú
  Chao Chao: off. Described very well-off, used up
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No. 4
  With the "leaving a comfortable margin."
   "New Tang Yang Xingmi Biography": "Sun-side, according to state, Zhao Hui Tuen Lantern, in order to end this two Xuanzhou, more than enough power I carry on." Guanying "Advising Learning Anti-side on ":" This year the Northeast, where the mountains are all, honest to advantageous, many building earthworks, the attack retreated, more than enough. "Yang Shuo," Ma praised ":" 30 people had rotating day management of the three room, and now only have the remaining three will be Chuochao a. "
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No. 5
  绰绰有余 ( chuò chuò yǒu yú )
  解 释 绰绰:宽裕的样子。形容非常宽裕,富裕。 易错写成“绰绰有裕”.
  出 处 《诗经·小雅·角弓》:“此令兄弟,绰绰有余。”
  用 法 偏正式;作谓语、定语、状语;用于人力等很宽恕
  示 例 这寓所起先原是两人同住的,今去了魏撰之,房舍尽有,就安寓那闻俊卿主仆三人,还~。 ★明·凌蒙初《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十七
  近义词 绰有余裕、恢恢有余 完美无缺
  反义词 入不敷出、捉襟见肘、衣不蔽体、衣衫褴褛、百孔千疮
  歇后语 老虎逮驴;袍子改汗衫
  灯 谜 我也是致富者
  故 事 战国时期,齐国大夫坻蛙辞去灵丘县令到国都担任谏官,几个月没有向齐王劝谏过。孟子鼓动他去进谏,他多次进谏没有被采纳,只好辞官回家。孟子的学生问孟子为什么会这样。孟子说自己不为官,不依靠官府,是走是留自己定夺已经是绰绰有余
  辨误 绰不能念成zhuo
  成语名称 绰绰有余 汉语拼音 chuò chuò yǒu yú 成语释义 绰绰:宽裕的样子。形容房屋或钱财非常宽裕,用不完。 成语出处 《诗经·小雅·角弓》:“此令兄弟,绰绰有裕。” 使用例句 这寓所起先原是两人同住的,今去了魏撰之,房舍尽有,就安寓那闻俊卿主仆三人,还绰绰有余
English Expression
  1. :  more than sufficient
  2. n.:  enough and to spare,  as (good) as a feast
French Expression
  1. adj.  largement suffisant, abondant
no object, disapproval, make a long nose at sb., not much, Chuoyouyuyu, to have plenty of space, Treasures fill the home, Discard worthless thing as a pair of ragged(shabby,worn-out) shoes, Abandoned if worthless thing as a pair of ragged(shabby,worn-out) shoes, EXCELLENCE IN GEOTECHNICAL a margin, Chuo Ran superabound, leisure
detest evil, empty house resembles a standing chime stone, (as) poor as Job, A cold case, be poor and blank, abject poverty, stoniness, become debt-ridden, ruin, Management of Definitely, a matter of course, deprivation languish, The poor are Stricken, Minliecaijin
Containing Phrases
it's more than enough