idiom > charmingly delicate
  Explanation: Graceful: graceful look. To describe the beauty of women body.
  Usage: Joint type; as predicate, complement; describe the beauty of female body
  Source: Anti-Jiang Tang, "yu Biography": "more than four years may, graceful, talk and laugh very pro."
  Examples: Can be more than forty years, ~, talk and laugh very pro. ★ anti-Jiang Tang, "yu Biography"
chuò yuē duō zī
  Describe a beautiful woman body, looks beautiful
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No. 3
  绰约多姿 ( chuò yuē duō zī )
  解 释 绰约:姿态优美的样子。形容女子姿态柔美。
  出 处 《庄子·逍遥游》:“肌肤若冰雪,绰约若处子。”唐·蒋防《霍小玉传》:“年可四十余,绰约多姿,谈笑甚媚。
  用 法 联合式;作谓语、补语;形容女子体态的美
  近义词 婀娜多姿
  仪态大方、风姿绰约 风度翩翩、气质不凡 郎 才女貌,佳偶天成的英语
  natral Deportment, graceful (elegant)bearing ,mild temperament ,perfect match
  成语名称 绰约多姿 汉语拼音 chuò yuē duō zī 成语释义 绰约:姿态优美的样子。形容女子体态的美。 成语出处 《庄子·逍遥游》:“肌肤若冰雪,绰约若处子。”唐·蒋防《霍小玉传》:“年可四十余,绰约多姿,谈笑甚媚。” 使用例句 年可四十余,绰约多姿,谈笑甚媚。
English Expression
  1. n.:  charmingly delicate
national beauty and heavenly fragrance, have good ears and eyes, have delicate features, beautiful young lady in a small family, Get Fit gentlewoman, Beautiful scenery or good looks To meal, beautiful and intelligent, slender and graceful girl or woman
be amazed at (by), anaesthesia, his face is ugly, Yong, without seeking, Deng Mu tongue-tied, Zhangtoushumu, dottiness, have one's fingers all thumbs, turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill - try anything when in a desperate situation, petrifaction, appearance hatefulness, Eyebrow thief furtive glance, sit like a bump on a log, use brawn rather than brain, put up for the night at a door, Lengtoukenao, blockhead, Panic is not optional Road, hurried Be too busy damp, Anxious not to choose words, Anxious not choose Road
Containing Phrases
a graceful dancer