idiom > unsurpassed preeminent
Peerless Yiqun
  Explanation: London: Class; Yi: over. Beyond all, nothing to compare.
  Source: Yu-Ming Zhu, "A book thirty Anton compliance": "status Xiandi meet a bad idea then, and exquisite Yiqun ability and insight, pen the pen, cut the cut, although I know, those rather innocent Kazuya?"
No. 2
  Superior superior. "Three Kingdoms, Guan Yu Shu Chi Chuan": "Bangladesh and funded from the civil and military ... ... and when the drive competed with the interests of Germany, is still unknown and the beard (Guan Yu) of the exquisite Yiqun too."
Translated by Google
No. 3
  成语 绝伦逸群
  发音 jué lún yì qún
  解释 伦:类;逸:超过。超出众人,没有可以相比的。
  出处 明·朱之渝《答安东守约书三十首》:“况贤弟未尝晤接,而才识绝伦逸群,笔则笔,削则削,虽有知我,宁无罪之者哉?”