science of economics : social life > economics
jīng jì
  Means of material production, distribution, exchange and other activities
   our agricultural economy, rapid changes in
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No. 2
  Living expense; family
   Economic well-off
   economic constraints
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No. 3
  Benefiting the people. "Jinshu Yan Hao Biography": "foot long sink flooded knowledge, thinking through comprehensive training, from the Ming, sufficient economy." Tang Yuan Country, "Gan Xian Tao Ze Ballad": "Da Nang of the literature, can the economy; from that thinning off, do not seek official all. "Songmei Yao Chen," Bian Channel "poem:" I really mountain people, the economy should not know. "" Dream of Red Mansions "third two back:" gem heard of sleep impolite, shortcut: 'Girl, please stop other house sit, I've carefully so you know salt Za economy people!' "
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No. 4
  Refers to the country's talent. Qing Kong Shangren "Peach Blossom Fan Revised Notes on": "write impassioned tactfully convincing argument, well not follow him, did not dare not follow, evident Shixiong economy." Qing Shen Tao "AC Green Villa Notes" Volume: " ﹞ ﹝ Shiyan Shi book of "Ocean Chu Yan," The Whole Story on shipping interests very learned scholars of those who have real economic. "" Travels "third back:" I heard Mr. complement residual knowledge economy in very exceptional. "
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No. 5
  That cost less and yield more. Lu Xun's "Letters To Li Jiye": "If being set up in Beijing a Distribution (a person, a house) ... much more can the economy." Qing "History in the battle": "author is a poet, to the economy His language, so almost every word has weight. "Guo" Bo Song "Chapter 6:" In time we believe that publicity is a great movie, and plan to set up a second studio in Hong Kong, so easily drawn in overseas and the economy. "
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No. 6
  That financial and material resources. Lu Xun's "Letters To He Baitao": "" China Wood election "to start printing a total of 24, due to economic relations, can only print 100 20." Ling "Mother" b: "Han is a small no father's poor children, she could only possible in the economy a bit in reading the book. "
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No. 7
  Refers to a certain historical period of social relations of production combined. Politics, ideology, etc. which established the basis for the superstructure.
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No. 8
  A country's economy. Also refers to a particular sector of the national economy. Such as the industrial economy, agricultural economics, business economics.
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No. 9
  ① economics, referring to the social activities of material production and reproduction.
   ② beneficial or harmful to the national economy: ~ Your ~ insect crop.
   ③ expense personal life: his family ~ more comfortable.
   ④ with less manpower, material and time to obtain more results: of the ink to write with a very ~ this is a complex struggle.
   ⑤ <book> govern the country: ~ of it.
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The origin of the term on economic economy
  The term comes from the Greek economy, which means "management of a family man"
  Materialism on behalf of Xenophon in his "economic theory" will be "family" and "management" be understood as the combination of the words economy. Yan has turned the economic term for a living. The Japanese turned their full economic, Sun Yat-sen after the date of the this statement from the introduction of China.
  Etymology of the economy
  (A) of the ancient Chinese "economic"
  The early 4th century AD, Eastern Jin Dynasty has been officially use the "economic". "Economic" in the traditional Chinese culture have been both mean "to Benefit the People", "The National Economic objects", that is, the meaning of rule the world.
  (B) of the Chinese "economic" in the Japanese language translation of the source of Western
  Western economics was introduced to China late 19th century, initially, "economics" is directly translated as "policy rich", "livelihood", "financial learning" and other words. First, Chinese characters, "Economics" translation "economics" is Japanese, and later to the West, the Chinese translation of the text at the word "translated" back to China as a modern Chinese "economic" in another source.
  (C) of the English "economy" of the etymological
  In English from the ancient Greek economy οικονομία (domestic operation). οικος meaning for the family, νομος is a method or customary meaning. Therefore, its original meaning refers to the treatment method of family property, to the modern state expanded the scope of governance, in order to distinguish it from previous use, also known as "political economy" (Political Economy). This name was later changed back to Marshall, Economics (Economics). In modern times, if one says the words of economics, political economy, or at a broader level, to consider the economic, so generally refers to the time of Economics Economics and political economy are synonymous.
  Meaning the economy
  (A) of the "Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary" in the interpretation of
  "Economics" of the first means (money, effort, time, resources, etc.) to save, save; second meaning is to understand; third means (national) economic management, economic system.
  (B) the concept of general economic scholars
  "Economy" is how to minimize the cost, to achieve maximum effect, is how the various possible options, that is all subjective and objective conditions of natural and interpersonal constraints, _select_ the least costly and most effective kind of choice.
  (C) understanding of textbooks
  Productive forces and production relations, mainly from the sense of using "economic" concept, but does not exclude other economic factors.
  Economic or financial situation, said, referring to the entire community of production and reproduction of material; "economic activity" that is social and material production, distribution, exchange and consumption activities collectively.
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Dictionary of the "economic" interpretation of the term
  1. Economy is the production or life savings, thrift, the former including savings, material resources and labor, etc., the final analysis, saving labor time, that the labor consumption by as little as possible to produce as much as possible the results of community needs. The latter refers to the personal or family consumption in the life of careful planning, with less consumption of consumer goods to meet the greatest need. In short, the economy is to use less manpower, material and financial resources, time and space to achieve greater results or gains;
  2. Economy is the state or business, personal income and expenditure, such as gross national product, social output value, yield and efficiency of enterprises, personal income and expenditures;
  3. Is to save the world economy by the state, the country save the world or the words to Benefit the People of the integrated and simplified. (Such as "Bureau of economic knowledge" ("Book of Jin Zhan Ji"), "Jieyou economy is not every road and bit" (Sui Wang Tong, "Wen said in the neutron," Juan Liu). It means, including national how to manage money, how to management of economic activities, how to deal with political, legal, military, education and other issues, that is governing the country, to save the meaning of the common people;
  4. The economy of the family management (see [ancient Greece] Xenophon's book: "economic theory");
  5. Economy is a living technique is necessary to obtain life and the family and the state has a use value of useful items (see [ancient Greece] Aristotle's book: "Politics").
  1,2 an explanation reflects the daily life of people in the idiom; Section 3 explains the economy of China's ancient use of the term; section 4,5 explain the ancient Greek use of the term on the economy.
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Traditional works of political economy "economic"
  6. Economy refers to the sum of social relations of production. That people in the form of material production process, and with certain social productive forces, relations of production corresponding to the sum or socio-economic system is the political, legal, philosophical, religious, literary, artistic and other superstructure depends on the foundation established by ;
  7. Economy of material means of production and social reproduction. Including the direct production of material and by its decision to the exchange, distribution and consumption process. It covers two aspects of productivity and production relations, but mainly refers to productivity;
  8. Economy is a general term for the national economy. All the material information, including the production of a State department and its activities and some non-material production sector and its activities. We usually talk about the economic situation of different countries, that is, speaking from the perspective of the national economy (for the definition of committing a logical error of circular definition.)
  9. The economy is "saving" mainly refers to human, financial, material and time saving and efficient use of resources.
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Russian economists, the definition of the economy
  9. Economy is to follow a certain economic principles, in any case strive to minimize the cost to obtain maximum benefits for all activities.
  10. Economy is the man to external nature as the object, we need to create to meet the physical environment necessary for the pursuit of enjoyment and not the sum of the action taken (see above reference [Russia] M.N. Dugang - Baranovsky with: "Principles of Political Economy").
  Today's "economic" definition
  ■ "Classic" by the ancient Jewish "Torah" is "Torah," the Jews established the first "doctrine", was born a lot like "Masonic" secret organization, to use its "by" thinking from the 1700 years ago began to control, which developed the world's survival (money, gold, etc.) (blood) flow direction and the interests of law and the transfer of resources and transportation.
  ■ "economic" interpretation of the dictionary is 1. Crossing, across the river: the same boat a total of ~. 2. On the plight of the people to help: ~ World. Save ~. Relief ~. Week ~. Then ~. 3. Replenishing: no ~ at all. Through "by" understanding, "blood" (money, gold, etc.) the flow is to what? 3 is the first meaning "benefit," who benefit? By "by" the controller and the decision makers, which is now coming out with the world's "international speculators" decision.
  Some may refer to "currency war" and "Financial unrestricted warfare."
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Bubble economy
  What is a bubble economy? "Ci Hai" (1999 edition) has a more accurate explanation. "Bubble economy: the excessive growth of fictitious capital and the continued expansion of the relevant transactions increasingly divorced from the growth of physical capital and real sector growth, financial securities, real estate prices soaring, speculative trading is very active in the economic phenomenon. Bubble economy resides in financial speculation, resulting in social and economic false prosperity, and finally the bubble will burst, leading to social turmoil, and even economic collapse. "
  The definition of economic
  Various existing defined as follows. As long as society exists, there will be economic activity, so there must be economic.
  (A) of the dictionary, "economic" interpretation of the term.
  1. Economy is the production or life savings, thrift, the former including savings, material resources and labor, etc., the final analysis, saving labor time, that the labor consumption by as little as possible to produce as much as possible the results of community needs. The latter refers to the personal or family consumption in the life of careful planning, with less consumption of consumer goods to meet the greatest need. In short, the economy is to use less manpower, material and financial resources, time and space to achieve greater results or gains;
  2. Economy is the state or business, personal income and expenditure, such as gross national product, social output value, yield and efficiency of enterprises, personal income and expenditures;
  3. Is to save the world economy by the state, the country save the world or the words to Benefit the People of the integrated and simplified. (Such as "Bureau of economic knowledge" ("Book of Jin Zhan Ji"), "Jieyou economy is not every road and bit" (Sui Wang Tong, "Wen said in the neutron," Juan Liu). It means, including national how to manage money, how to management of economic activities, how to deal with political, legal, military, education and other issues, that is governing the country, to save the meaning of the common people;
  4. The economy of the family management (see [ancient Greece] Xenophon's book: "economic theory");
  5. Economy is a living technique is necessary to obtain life and the family and the state has a use value of useful items (see [ancient Greece] Aristotle's book: "Politics").
  1,2 an explanation reflects the daily life of people in the idiom; Section 3 explains the economy of China's ancient use of the term; section 4,5 explain the ancient Greek use of the term on the economy.
  (B) works of traditional political economy of the "economic" interpretation of the term.
  6. Economy refers to the sum of social relations of production. That people in the form of material production process, and with certain social productive forces, relations of production corresponding to the sum or socio-economic system is the political, legal, philosophical, religious, literary, artistic and other superstructure depends on the foundation established by ;
  7. Economy of material means of production and social reproduction. Including the direct production of material and by its decision to the exchange, distribution and consumption process. It covers two aspects of productivity and production relations, but mainly refers to productivity;
  8. Economy is a general term for the national economy. All the material information, including the production of a State department and its activities and some non-material production sector and its activities. We usually talk about the economic situation of different countries, that is, speaking from the perspective of the national economy (for the definition of committing a logical error of circular definition.)
  (C) the definition of the Russian economists on the economy.
  9. Economy is to follow a certain economic principles, in any case strive to minimize the cost to obtain the greatest benefits of all activities;
  10. Economy is the man to external nature as the object, we need to create to meet the physical environment necessary for the pursuit of enjoyment and not the sum of the action taken (see above reference [Russia] M.N. Dugang - Baranovsky with: "Principles of Political Economy").
  (D) the interpretation of Western economics on the economy.
  In Western economics, the economists to under a variety of definitions of economics, but the definition of the economy has been more vague. They think that the natural object of study of economics is the economy, the economy of this basic concept is a clear self-explanatory entities, the definition of economic need, it is so far the word in the western economics economy has not a clear definition. Which led to their definition of economics in disarray. From which we can only speculate on the definition of economics, the economy "definition."
  11. The economy is wealth;
  12. Economic and social choices of human nature and use of scarce resources provided by their predecessors;
  13. Economy refers to the use of scarce resources to produce valuable commodities and assign them to different individuals;
  14. Economy refers to human affairs;
  15. Economy refers to the allocation of scarce resources to a variety of different and competing needs, and make them get the greatest satisfaction;
  16. Economy refers to the effective allocation of scarce resources to competing uses;
  17. Economy refers to individuals, businesses, governments and other organizations within the community choices and these choices determine the social use of scarce resources;
  18. Economic means to manage their scarce social resources;
  19. Economy refers to the individual in our society, firms, governments and other organizations choices that determine social resources are used;
  20. Economy refers to economic activities identified in the labor, capital and land prices, and the use of these price allocation of resources;
  21. Economy refers to the behavior of financial markets, financial markets will be the allocation of capital to other sectors of the economy;
  22. Economy refers to the distribution of income, and without prejudice to the economic operation under the premise of people for help;
  23. Economy refers to government spending, taxation, budget, deficit on economic growth;
  24. Economy refers to the economic cycle fluctuations in unemployment and production, and improve economic growth policies;
  25. Economy refers to the impact of trade barriers, trade patterns States;
  26. Economy refers to the developing countries, means efficient use of resources;
  27. Economy refers to some social production, exchange distribution and consumption and other economic activities, economic relations and economic laws;
  28. Limited resources in the economy is on the use of different uses;
  29. Economy refers to the whole process of resource allocation and resource allocation decisions affect all the factors.
  More simply: the economy is good, meaning that we all make money doing things; the economic downturn, that we do earn more money when things out of some difficulties. These difficulties are a variety of reasons. Such as SARS, no one taxi ride, shopping malls will buy anything, the restaurant is not for human consumption, and most of the consumer behavior all of a sudden stopped. This time, everybody can not make any money. Economy bad.
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The basic characteristics of the market economy
  Market economy as a resource allocation, regardless of socio-economic system, there are some common basic features, these constitute the basic characteristics of market economy and planned economy, a fundamental difference:
  (A) independent of the enterprise system
  (B) improve the market system
  Market mechanisms to achieve greater efficiency, optimize resource allocation results, must have a sound market system. Requirements of a sound market system in the market, there must be enough buyers and sellers as well as full competition between them to avoid monopoly buyer or seller, or market allocation of resources function into full play will be limited.
  (C) open market space
  A social market economy based on large-scale production of highly developed commodity economy. With the deepening social division of labor and social production growth, market expansion necessary requirement to request the national, regional and country together into an interdependent organic whole, the fragmented local market combined into a unified national market; the the domestic market combined to become the world market. Market economy is open in nature, no national boundaries, capital, labor and other production factors in the international flow of natural product of the market economy and the basic features.
  (D) a sound legal basis
  In the course of the operation of market economy, such as market access, market transactions, market competition must be by law to regulate, guarantee and constraints, the government administration should follow the relevant laws and legal system to coordinate and manage the market various business activities. Without a good legal environment, market players in the independence of the effectiveness of market competition, regulatory and government behavior in the ordering of the market order will be a fundamental lack of guarantee. Therefore, fundamentally speaking, a sound legal system is the inherent requirement of the market economy.
  (E) the integration of basic resources
  The socialist market economy, should be based on wide range of resources the process of integration. Land and mineral resources are the basis for economic construction and development resources should be rational development and utilization of economic resources to do a lot of economic development based on the follow-up reserves. Long-term economic resources and effective supply system to be able to ensure the long-term steady development of market economy down.
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Classification of economic
  View from the scope of the study: Macroeconomics, in view of economics, micro economics.
  From the perspective of historical development: Family Economics -> Political Economy.
  From the government's way of looking at participation in economic development: market economy, planned economy.
  From an economic point of view the subject: the government's economic (also known as public economics or public sector economy), non-governmental economic (including business economics).
  The object of study from an economic point of view: financial economics, industrial economics and so on.
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Economic Wikipedia
  Economy, the world economic life, business life and things of economic support. Expression of human consciousness-driven division of labor behavior of social life.
  By: management, strategy. Social awareness drive.
  Economic: economic support, and relief. Life of nature.
  Economic activity is social survival activities. More simply, no matter what profession people, no matter what people do, and ultimately only one purpose, that is, eat, feed their families, is to survive, that is, economic support life.
  Economic significance of the term includes the following:
  Operating things is the social division of all walks of life, is the person's social attributes, is the means of survival. Economic support is the natural property of life is the purpose of survival. Therefore, the world's economic interpretation of economic life, reflecting the interests of human life and survival of the cost of reunification, social attributes and natural attributes of unity, means of survival and the survival of the unity of purpose;
  Business is the social division of labor things are diverse, but no matter what profession people, economic support the purpose of life is unique. Furthermore, the operating life of things economic interpretation of economic support, means of survival reflects the diversity and uniqueness of different goal of life;
  Since the operation is a means of survival things, its evaluation is to minimize the cost of living, reduce all unnecessary social spending, reduce the need for social work time. The purpose of life is the survival of economic support, the evaluation index is the maximum extension of life and prolong the time necessary life activities, such as various wholesome outdoor activities and physical exercise to extend the average life expectancy of society. Therefore, the world's economic interpretation of economic life, reflecting the means of survival and the survival of the different evaluation purposes;
  Things is a means of business survival is diversity, diversity of means decisions must demand that the person's social needs, so the social needs of people with subjectivity, diversity, infinite. The economic support life is unique, is the natural property of the natural needs of the decision, depending on the natural order of life, with objectivity, diversity, limited. Then, the world's economic interpretation of economic life, reflecting the people's means of subsistence and survival needs of the needs of different purposes.
  More precisely.
  Economic value added for the direct purpose is to realize the value of the resources between the various factors of production allocation. Market oriented economy by adjusting and controlling a variety of factors of production (production, labor, and science and technology and other elements) in the direct configuration, in order to achieve the purpose of value added wealth. The wealth of value-added economic sectors usually involved in the production process in accordance with the factors of production are allocated in proportion to the magnitude of value, it is really just a new realization of the first distribution of social wealth.
  Economy is usually the main economic activities (mainly collective and individual) the objective of maximizing their own objective interests, rather than society as a whole, the whole objective of maximizing the interests of national objectives, so the value of economic activity generally have limited effect , short-term, low-value-level and other characteristics. It is the main implementation of the development status of the various factors of production control, ie% 26ldquo; displacement control% 26rdquo;
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Accounting Wikipedia
  (A) of the dictionary, "economic" interpretation of the term.
  1. Economy is the production or life savings, thrift, the former including savings, material resources and labor, etc., the final analysis, saving labor time, that the labor consumption by as little as possible to produce as much as possible the results of community needs. The latter refers to the personal or family consumption in the life of careful planning, with less consumption of consumer goods to meet the greatest need. In short, the economy is to use less manpower, material and financial resources, time and space to achieve greater results or gains;
  2. Economy is the state or business, personal income and expenditure, such as gross national product, social output value, yield and efficiency of enterprises, personal income and expenditures;
  3. Is to save the world economy by the state, the country save the world or the words to Benefit the People of the integrated and simplified. (Such as "Bureau of economic knowledge" ("Book of Jin Zhan Ji"), "Jieyou economy is not every road and bit" (Sui Wang Tong, "Wen said in the neutron," Juan Liu). It means, including national how to manage money, how to management of economic activities, how to deal with political, legal, military, education and other issues, that is governing the country, to save the meaning of the common people;
  4. The economy of the family management (see [ancient Greece] Xenophon's book: "economic theory");
  5. Economy is a living technique is necessary to obtain life and the family and the state has a use value of useful items (see [ancient Greece] Aristotle's book: "Politics").
  1,2 an explanation reflects the daily life of people in the idiom; Section 3 explains the economy of China's ancient use of the term; section 4,5 explain the ancient Greek use of the term on the economy.
  (B) works of traditional political economy of the "economic" interpretation of the term.
  6. Economy refers to the sum of social relations of production. That people in the form of material production process, and with certain social productive forces, relations of production corresponding to the sum or socio-economic system is the political, legal, philosophical, religious, literary, artistic and other superstructure depends on the foundation established by ;
  7. Economy of material means of production and social reproduction. Including the direct production of material and by its decision to the exchange, distribution and consumption process. It covers two aspects of productivity and production relations, but mainly refers to productivity;
  8. Economy is a general term for the national economy. All the material information, including the production of a State department and its activities and some non-material production sector and its activities. We usually talk about the economic situation of different countries, that is, speaking from the perspective of the national economy (for the definition of committing a logical error of circular definition.)
  (C) the definition of the Russian economists on the economy.
  9. Economy is to follow a certain economic principles, in any case strive to minimize the cost to obtain the greatest benefits of all activities;
  10. Economy is the man to external nature as the object, we need to create to meet the physical environment necessary for the pursuit of enjoyment and not the sum of the action taken (see above reference [Russia] M.N. Dugang - Baranovsky with: "Principles of Political Economy").
  (D) the interpretation of Western economics on the economy.
  In Western economics, the economists to under a variety of definitions of economics, but the definition of the economy has been more vague. They think that the natural object of study of economics is the economy, the economy of this basic concept is a clear self-explanatory entities, the definition of economic need, it is so far the word in the western economics economy has not a clear definition. Which led to their definition of economics in disarray. From which we can only speculate on the definition of economics, the economy "definition."
  11. The economy is wealth;
  12. Economic and social choices of human nature and use of scarce resources provided by their predecessors;
  13. Economy refers to the use of scarce resources to produce valuable commodities and assign them to different individuals;
  14. Economy refers to human affairs;
  15. Economy refers to the allocation of scarce resources to a variety of different and competing needs, and make them get the greatest satisfaction;
  16. Economy refers to the effective allocation of scarce resources to competing uses;
  17. Economy refers to individuals, businesses, governments and other organizations within the community choices and these choices determine the social use of scarce resources;
  18. Economic means to manage their scarce social resources;
  19. Economy refers to the individual in our society, firms, governments and other organizations choices that determine social resources are used;
  20. Economy refers to economic activities identified in the labor, capital and land prices, and the use of these price allocation of resources;
  21. Economy refers to the behavior of financial markets, financial markets will be the allocation of capital to other sectors of the economy;
  22. Economy refers to the distribution of income, and without prejudice to the economic operation under the premise of people for help;
  23. Economy refers to government spending, taxation, budget, deficit on economic growth;
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English Expression
  1. :  economics,  recession
  2. n.:  Economy,  recovery,  affidavit of support,  classical school,  conscription of wealth,  marginal utility (theory),  scarcity value,  financial condition,  temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity (
French Expression
  1. n.  économie
recession, dull, stagnate, idleness
Jingji Village
economics Community, Economics Juweihui
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The University of CambridgeThe Nankai University at TianjinChina University of Politics and Law
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