Bignoniaceae bignoniaceae Dicotyledon Ju subclass of one course. Trees, shrubs, vines, rare herbs, leaves opposite, thin alternate, simple leaves or 1 to 3 bipinnate. Flowers bisexual, two lips, racemes or panicles, ovary superior, 2 capsule often crack, slender cylindrical or flat, wide oval, seeds are many, and have membranous wings or Silky. About 120 are 560 kinds, are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. China has around 13 genera and 60 species are distributed in the tropical rain forest areas. The Section has many characteristics of tropical plants, such as aerial roots, the old flower stems phenomena, most types of large and beautiful flowers, colorful gardens can be planted for ornamental or as street trees, a few types of fine wood products, a few types of medicine. Section two is divided family: ① Bignoniaceae family, there is a photo of white nights, is a chimney flowers, wood butterflies are and so on. Peak bone ② family, there is a catalpa, wood is a winged leaf, feather pollination, bean tree genus Echinopsis genus Artemisia angle, the tree is a cat's tail, burning for the genus and so on. Bignoniaceae bignoniaceae 1. Bignoniaceae family bignonieae benth. Et hook. F. 01. Firecracker vine is pyrostegia presl 02. According to the white night is nyctocalos teijsm. Et binn. 03. Maozhuacao vines are macfadyena a. dc. 04. Crows chimney genus millingtonia linn. F. 05. Wood Butterfly is oroxylum vent. 2. Peak bone family tecomeae endl. 06. Catalpa catalpa scop. 07. Winged leaf wood is pauldopia van steenis 08. Thick tree is fernandoa welw. Ex seem. 09. Flame trees are spathodea beauv. 10. Bipinnata pollination stereospermum cham. 11. Bean tree is radermachera zoll. Et mor. 12. Campsis campsis lour. 13. Angle Artemisia incarvillea juss. 14. A cat's tail wood is markhamia seem. Ex baill. 15. Fire flower is mayodendron kurz 16. Jacaranda is a jacaranda juss. 17. Tecomaria spach bone Campsis 3. Calabash tree family crescentieae benth. Et hook. F. 18. Calabash tree is crescentia linn. 19. Chandeliers tree is kigelia dc.
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紫葳科 概述
紫葳科 概述
紫葳科 概述
紫葳科 概述
Bignoniaceae (Bignoniaceae) is the angiosperm, Dicotyledon, a Division Ju subclass. Many trees, shrubs, vines, rare herbs. About 120 are 560 kinds, are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions, individual members (eg Artemisia angle) in a small number of species produced in the temperate mountain grassland. But Europe and New Zealand do not produce. About more than 10 genera of tropical Asia, most of them are are located in southern Africa, South America and Oceania. China has around 13 genera and 60 species are distributed in the tropical rain forest areas. The Section has many characteristics of tropical plants, such as aerial roots, the old flower stems phenomena, most types of large and beautiful flowers, colorful gardens can be planted for ornamental or as street trees, a few types of fine wood products, a few types of medicine.
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紫葳科 形态特征
紫葳科 形态特征
紫葳科 形态特征
紫葳科 形态特征
紫葳科 形态特征
Leaves opposite, alternate, thin, single leaves or 1 to 3 bipinnate. Flowers bisexual, two lips, racemes or panicles, ovary superior, 2 capsule often crack, slender cylindrical or flat, wide oval, seeds are many, and have membranous wings or Silky. Without endosperm. Pollen prolate or flat ball, about 29 to 76 microns, about 29 to 74 microns diameter, with (2) 3 (4) hole groove (such as Campsis, etc.); or a 6 to 9 (12) channel (such as the angle of Artemisia); or Tetraena pollen, does not have apertures (such as catalpa genus); outer surface of a glyph with a mesh. Very different anatomical characteristics of wood, soft materials such as wood and white butterfly genus, chimney for the genus, genus Jacaranda, hard materials such as heavy brown bipinnata pollination, the tree is a kidney bean, catalpa genus Catalpa wood has very significant heartwood, slightly flavored with kerosene. A ring porous wood (such as catalpa L.), diffuse porous wood (such as bean tree genera, the tree is a cat tail); wood parenchyma less (such as catalpa genus, chimney for the genus), Ray thin, mostly in the same form (Zi was shaped tree is); catheter with a single perforated bottom wall generally, but the cat's tail is a tree, wood butterfly genus, feathery flower pollination and the chimney is sometimes a porous bottom wall.
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Main Clan
紫葳科 主要族属
紫葳科 主要族属
紫葳科 主要族属
紫葳科 主要族属
紫葳科 主要族属
紫葳科 主要族属
紫葳科 主要族属
紫葳科 主要族属
Wood is a butterfly 1. Bignoniaceae family Bignonieae Benth. Et Hook. F. 01. Flame vine is Pyrostegia Presl 02. According to the white night is Nyctocalos Teijsm. Et Binn. 03. Maozhuacao vines are Macfadyena A. DC. 04. Chimney genus Millingtonia Linn. F. 05. Wood Butterfly is Oroxylum Vent. 2. Peak bone family Tecomeae Endl. 06. Catalpa genus Catalpa Scop. 07. Winged leaf wood is Pauldopia van Steenis 08. Thick tree is Fernandoa Welw. Ex Seem. 09. Flame trees are Spathodea Beauv. 10. Bipinnata pollination Stereospermum Cham. 11. Bean tree is Radermachera Zoll. Et Mor. Fire Flower is 12. Campsis Campsis Lour. 13. Angle Artemisia Incarvillea Juss. 14. A cat's tail tree is Markhamia Seem. Ex Baill. 15. Fire flower is Mayodendron Kurz 16. Jacaranda is Jacaranda Juss. 17. Tecomaria Spach bone Campsis 3. Calabash tree family Crescentieae Benth. Et Hook. F. 18. Shells results are (gourd tree genus) Crescentia Linn. 19. Chandeliers tree is Kigelia DC. The following is made in China: According to the white nights are: approximately 5 species in West Malaysia, Myanmar to India. Pinna according to the white leaf, specialty, Yunnan, China, was born in the tropical valley, evergreen broad-leaved forest, moist areas. Chimney for the genus: single species, chimney flower production in Yunnan, growing at an elevation of 500 to 1200 meters in evergreen broad-leaved forest. Distributed in Southeast Asia. Bark and leaves of medicinal, treatment of skin allergies. Wood Butterfly is: single species, produced in southern China, was born at 100 ~ 1420 (~ 1800) m valley, in the sunny woodland, located in Southeast Asia. Well-known Chinese wood butterflies, seeds used as medicine, anti-inflammatory analgesic. Wood light color, yellow-white, soft light. Catalpa is: about 11 species in North America and Asia. Made in China 5. Catalpa tree, catalpa produce good timber. Catalpa wood white soft, suitable for furniture, musical instruments; edible leaves, fruit, leaves, white roots are used as medicine, a diuretic effect. Wood is a winged leaf: single species, winged leaf wood production in Yunnan Province, was born in 1350 ~ 1750 meters above sea level slope, evergreen broad-leaved forest, located in Southeast Asia. Yunnan cultivated as an ornamental plant in the southern region. Bipinnata pollination: about 24 species in tropical regions of Asia and Africa. Made in China 3. Catalpa Corner bipinnata good hardwood production. Bean tree is: about 40 species of tropical Asian specialties. 7 made in China, cowpea trees, specialty trees of Yunnan Yunnan beans. Campsis: 2. 1 species production in eastern North America, Campsis production in China and Japan, planted for ornament, flower medicine. Artemisia angle: about 15 species from Central Asia to East Asia. Chinese-made 11. Most species of large and brightly colored flowers, ornamental garden for the cultivation can be introduced, and more grass or dry alpine shrub born Rehe valley, Yunnan and Sichuan angle Artemisia whole plant medicine. Tree is a cat's tail: about 12 species in tropical Asia and Africa, made in China 2. Fire Flower is: single species, distributed in Southeast Asia. Made in China, Taiwan, Guangxi and Yunnan. Fire flower flower stems and old, big and beautiful flowers can be cultivated as a garden ornamental trees and street trees. Brown with gray wood, heartwood and sapwood the difference is not clear, fine structure is more catalpa wood, wood is hard weight.
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紫葳科 亲缘关系
紫葳科 亲缘关系
Purpose of the Section and Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae closer relationship, but the Section seeds without endosperm, fruit, seeds of most of membranous wings with translucent silk or wool-like species, most species are shrubs.
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Wikipedia Daquan
紫葳科 百科大全
紫葳科 百科大全
紫葳科 百科大全
紫葳科 百科大全
紫葳科 百科大全
ziwei ke Bignoniaceae Bignoniaceae Dicotyledon Ju subclass 1 Section. Trees, shrubs, vines, rare herbs, leaves opposite, thin alternate, simple leaves or 1 to 3 bipinnate, Flowers bisexual, two lips, racemes or panicles, ovary superior, usually 2 crack capsule , slender cylindrical or flat, wide oval, seeds are many, and have membranous wings or silky, no endosperm. Pollen prolate or flat ball, about 29 to 76 microns, about 29 to 74 microns diameter, with (2) 3 (4) hole groove (such as Campsis case, etc.); or a 6 to 9 (12) Ditch (such as the angle of Artemisia); or Tetraena pollen, does not have apertures (such as catalpa genus); outer surface of a glyph with a mesh. About 120 are 560 kinds, are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions, individual members (eg Artemisia angle) in a small number of species produced in the temperate mountain grassland. But Europe and New Zealand do not produce. About more than 10 genera of tropical Asia, most of them are are located in southern Asia, South America and Oceania. China has around 13 genera and 60 species are distributed in the tropical rain forest areas. Course has many characteristics of tropical plants, such as aerial roots, the old flower stems phenomena, most types of large and beautiful flowers, colorful gardens can be planted for ornamental or as street trees, a few types of fine wood products, a few types of medicine. Very different anatomical characteristics of wood, soft materials such as wood white butterfly genus, chimney for the genus, genus Jacaranda, hard materials such as heavy brown autumn is bipinnata, is a bean tree, catalpa genus (see color pictures of Dian Catalpa (Catalpa duclouxii), Bignoniaceae), Catalpa wood has a very significant heartwood, slightly flavored with kerosene. A ring porous wood (such as catalpa L.), diffuse porous wood (such as bean tree genera, the tree is a cat tail); wood parenchyma less (such as catalpa genus, chimney for the genus), Ray thin, mostly in the same form (Zi was shaped tree is); catheter with a single perforated bottom wall generally, but the cat's tail is a tree, wood butterfly genus, feathery flower pollination and the chimney is sometimes a porous bottom wall. Section two is divided family: ① Bignoniaceae family, has according to the white night is (Nyctocalos), chimney for the genus, wood butterflies are and so on. Peak bone ② family, there is a catalpa, winged leaf wood is (Pauldopia), feather-pollination, bean tree genus Echinopsis genus (Campsis), angle of Artemisia (Incarvillea), the tree is a cat's tail, _set_ fire to the genus (Mayodendron ) and so on. The purpose of undergraduate and Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae closer relationship, but the undergraduate seeds without endosperm, fruit, seeds of most of membranous wings with translucent silk or wool-like species, most species are shrubs. The following is made in China: According to the white night is about 5 species from West Malaysia, Myanmar to India. Pinna white photo night, specialty Yunnan, China, was born in the tropical valley, evergreen broad-leaved forest, moist areas. Single-species genus chimney, chimney flower production in Yunnan, growing at an elevation of 500 to 1200 meters in evergreen broad-leaved forest. Distributed in Southeast Asia. Bark and leaves of medicinal, treatment of skin allergies. Butterfly is a single species of wood, produced in southern China, was born at 100 ~ 1420 (~ 1800) m valley, in the sunny woodland, located in Southeast Asia. Well-known Chinese wood butterflies, seeds used as medicine, anti-inflammatory analgesic. Wood light color, yellow-white, soft light. Catalpa genus of about 11 species in North America and Asia. Made in China 5. Catalpa tree, catalpa produce good timber. Catalpa wood white soft, suitable for furniture, musical instruments; edible leaves, fruit, leaves, white roots are used as medicine, a diuretic effect. Winged leaf is a single species of wood, wood products winged leaf Yunnan, was born in 1350 ~ 1750 meters above sea level slope, evergreen broad-leaved forest, located in Southeast Asia. Yunnan cultivated as an ornamental plant in the southern region. Bipinnata pollination of about 24 species in tropical regions of Asia and Africa. Made in China 3. Catalpa Corner bipinnata good hardwood production. Beans are about 40 species of trees, specialty tropical Asia. 7 made in China, cowpea trees, specialty trees of Yunnan Yunnan beans. Campsis 2 species. 1 species production in eastern North America, Campsis production in China and Japan, planted for ornament, flower medicine. Artemisia angle of about 15 species, distributed from Central Asia to East Asia. Chinese-made 11. Most species of large and brightly colored flowers, ornamental garden for the cultivation can be introduced, and more grass or dry alpine shrub born Rehe valley, Yunnan and Sichuan angle Artemisia whole plant medicine. Cat's tail is about 12 tree species in tropical Asia and Africa, made in China 2. Fire Flower is a single species, distributed in Southeast Asia. Made in China, Taiwan, Guangxi and Yunnan. Fire flower flower stems and old, big and beautiful flowers can be cultivated as a garden ornamental trees and street trees. Brown with gray wood, heartwood and sapwood the difference is not clear, fine structure is more catalpa wood, wood is hard weight. (Yin Wenqing)