Buddhist glossary : tongue technics : discipline of chemistry : Audition : communication engineering : cord : build > spectrum
xì liè
  Group things a | series | series story.
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xì liè
  Associated with a system of things
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No. 3
  Into the composition of that set of interrelated things or phenomena. Ke Yan "master": "we can take to change course, change speed, reduce the positive wind and delaying a series of technical measures it!" Chen of the original "social linguistics language as a social phenomenon": "Language is a social phenomenon series, mean? "
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English Expression
  1. :  collection,  family,  Hierarchy
  2. n.:  series,  catena,  range,  series,  succession,  radioactive series,  series; sets
  3. v.:  train
French Expression
  1. n.  série, suite
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spectrumspectrumspectrumspectrumserialfilm series